JDBC Driver for ShipStation

Build 23.0.8839


List all the fulfillments.


The driver will use the ShipStation API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

  • Id, CreateDate, OrderId, OrderNumber, ShipDate, TrackingNumber and RecipientName support the following operator: =.
  • CreateDate and ShipDate support the following operators: =, <=, >=.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Fulfillments WHERE Id = 122224


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Fulfillment Id of the order.
CarrierCode String Carrier Code for the order.
CreateDate Datetime Fulfillment create Date date.
CustomerEmail String Email Id of the customer.
DeliveryDate Date Delivery date of the product.
FulfillmentFee Integer Fulfillment date of the product.
FulfillmentProviderCod String Provider code of the fulfillment.
FulfillmentServiceCode String Service code of the fulfillment.
MarketplaceNotified Boolean Marketplace is notified or not.
NotifyErrorMessage String Error message of the notification.
OrderId Integer


Order Id of the product.
OrderNumber String Order number of the product.
ShipDate Datetime Shipping date of the product.
ShipToAddressVerified String Shipping address verification status.
ShipToCity String Shipping to city.
ShipToCompany String Shipping to company.
ShipToCountry String Shipping to country.
ShipToName String Shipping to name.
ShipToPhone String Shipping to phone number.
ShipToPostalCode String Shipping to postal code.
ShipToResidential Boolean Shipping to residential.
ShipToState String Shipping to State.
ShipToStreet1 String Shipping to street1.
ShipToStreet2 String Shipping to street2.
ShipToStreet3 String Shipping to street3.
TrackingNumber String Tracking number of the product.
UserId String


UserId of order.
VoidDate Datetime Void date of order.
Voided Boolean Whether or not the order is voided.
VoidRequested Boolean Void.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
RecipientName String Name of the recipient.

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Build 23.0.8839