CData Python Connector for Facebook Ads

Build 23.0.8839


Query the Pages based on the supplied Id.

Table Specific Information

Pages in Facebook are pages that are created by a user and may be maintained by one or multiple users. Pages, like users, may be referred to by Id or by screen name.


When querying pages, if nothing is specified then the pages you administrate will be displayed by default. Otherwise, the Id of the page can be specified. For example:

SELECT * FROM Pages WHERE Id = 'facebook'


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] String The Id of the page.
Username String The username for the page, if any.
Name String The name of the page.
Category String The category of the page.
Categories String An aggregate of categories associated with the page if multiple categories are available.
Link String A link to the page.
Picture String A link to the profile picture of the page for the page.
CoverId String Id of the cover image for the page.
CoverSource String The URL to the cover image for the page.
CoverOffsetY String The y-axis offset of the cover image for the page.
CoverOffsetX String The x-axis offset of the cover image for the page.
About String Basic information about the page.
Description String A description of the page, if available.
GeneralInfo String General information provided by the page.
LocationStreet String The street address of the page.
LocationCity String The city for the page.
LocationState String The state for the page.
LocationCountry String The country for the page.
LocationZip String The ZIP code of the page.
LocationLatitude String The latitude of the page.
LocationLongitude String The longitude of the page.
StoreNumber Integer Unique store number for this location page, if applicable.
Phone String The phone number of the page, if available.
Website String A link to the website for the page.
Likes Integer The number of people who like the page.
Checkins Integer The total number of users who have checked in to the place associated with the page.
TalkingAboutCount Integer The number of users talking about the page.
WereHereCount Integer The number of users who were at the location the page is for, if applicable.
CanPost Boolean Boolean indicating if the authenticated user can post of the page for the page.
IsPublished Boolean Boolean indicating if the page for the page has been published.
IsCommunityPage Boolean Boolean indicating if this is a community page.
PublicTransit String The public transit available for the page, if any.
ParkingStreet Boolean Boolean indicating if street parking is available.
ParkingLot Boolean Boolean indicating if a parking lot is available.
ParkingValet Boolean Boolean indicating if valet parking is available.
PromotionEligible Boolean Boosted posts eligibility status. Requires the manage_pages permission and you must be an administrator of the page.
PromotionIneligibleReason String Reason boosted posts are not eligible. Requires the manage_pages permission and you must be an administrator of the page.
Founded String When the company is founded. Applicable to companies.
Mission String The company mission. Applicable to companies.
Products String The products of this company. Applicable to companies.
Hours String An aggregate for the hours of operation. Applicable to businesses and places.
Attire String Dress code of the business. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife. Valid values are Casual, Dressy or Unspecified.
AcceptsCashOnly Boolean Whether the business accepts only cash as a payment option. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife.
AcceptsVisa Boolean Whether the business accepts Visa as a payment option. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife.
AcceptsAmericanExpress Boolean Whether the business accepts American Express as a payment option. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife.
AcceptsMasterCard Boolean Whether the business accepts MasterCard as a payment option. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife.
AcceptsDiscover Boolean Whether the business accepts Discover as a payment option. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife.
PriceRange String Price range of the business. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife. Valid values are \$ (0-10), \$\$ (10-30), \$\$\$ (30-50), \$\$\$\$ (50+), or Unspecified.
TakesReservations Boolean Whether the restaurant takes reservations. Only applicable to restaurants.
AllowsWalkins Boolean Whether the restaurant allows walk-ins. Only applicable to restaurants.
AllowsGroups Boolean Whether the restaurant accommodates groups. Only applicable to restaurants.
AllowsKids Boolean Whether the restaurant allows kids. Only applicable to restaurants.
ProvidesTakeout Boolean Whether the restaurant provides a takeout service. Only applicable to restaurants.
ProvidesDelivery Boolean Whether the restaurant provides a delivery service. Only applicable to restaurants.
ProvidesCatering Boolean Whether the restaurant provides a catering service. Only applicable to restaurants.
HasWaiters Boolean Whether the restaurant has waiters. Only applicable to restaurants.
HasOutdoorSeating Boolean Whether the restaurant has outdoor seating. Only applicable to restaurants.
ServesBreakfast Boolean Whether the restaurant serves breakfast. Only applicable to restaurants.
ServesLunch Boolean Whether the restaurant serves lunch. Only applicable to restaurants.
ServesDinner Boolean Whether the restaurant serves dinner. Only applicable to restaurants.
ServesCoffee Boolean Whether the restaurant serves coffee. Only applicable to restaurants.
ServesDrinks Boolean Whether the restaurant serves drinks. Only applicable to restaurants.
CulinaryTeam String Culinary team of the business. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife.
PharmaSafetyInfo String Pharmacy safety information. Applicable to pharmaceutical companies.
Affiliation String Affiliation of this person. Applicable to pages representing people.
Birthday String Birthday of this person. Applicable to pages representing people.
PersonalInfo String Personal information. Applicable to pages representing people.
PersonalInterests String Personal interests. Applicable to pages representing people.
ArtistsWeLike String Artists the band likes. Applicable to bands.
BandInterests String Band interests. Applicable to bands.
BandMembers String Members of the band. Applicable to bands.
Bio String Biography of the band. Applicable to bands.
BookingAgent String Booking agent of the band. Applicable to bands.
GeneralManager String General manager of the business. Applicable to restaurants or nightlife. Applicable to bands.
Hometown String Hometown of the band. Applicable to bands.
PressContact String Press contact information of the band. Applicable to bands.
RecordLabel String Record label of the band. Applicable to bands.
Awards String Awards information for the film or TV show. Applicable to films and TV shows.
DirectedBy String The director of the film or TV show. Applicable to films and TV shows.
Genre String The genre of the film or TV show. Applicable to films and TV shows.
Influences String Influences on the band. Applicable to bands.
PlotOutline String The plot outline of the film or TV show. Applicable to films and TV shows.
ProducedBy String The productor of the film. Applicable to films.
ReleaseData String The film's release data. Applicable to films and TV shows.
ScreenplayBy String The screenwriter of the film. Applicable to films and TV shows.
Starring String The cast of the film or TV show. Applicable to films and TV shows.
Studio String The studio for the film production. Applicable to films.
Network String The network the TV show airs on. Applicable to TV shows.
Schedule String The air schedule of the TV show. Applicable to TV shows.
Season String The current season of the TV show. Applicable to TV shows.
WrittenBy String The writer of the TV show. Applicable to TV shows.
Built String The information about when the vehicle was built. Applicable to vehicles.
Features String Features of the vehicle. Applicable to vehicles.
MPG String Miles per gallon for the vehicle. Applicable to vehicles.
Members String Members of this org. Applicable to pages representing team orgs.
InstagramBusinessAccountId String The business instagram account id associated with this page.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. For more information, see the WHERE clause section.

Name Type Description
offset String Which result to begin returning results from. Used for manual paging of results.

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Build 23.0.8839