CData Python Connector for Facebook Ads

Build 22.0.8462

From Pandas

When combined with the connector, Pandas can be used to generate data frames which contains your Facebook Ads data. Once created, a data frame can be passed to various other python packages.


Pandas will need to be imported before it can be used. Pandas will also rely on a SQLAlchemy engine when executing queries, as below:

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine("facebookads:///?InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH;")

Querying Data

SELECT queries are provided in a call to the "read_sql()" method in pandas, alongside a relevant connection object. Pandas will execute the query on that connection, and return the results in the form of a data frame, which are used for a variety of purposes.

df = pd.read_sql("""
	FROM AdAccounts;""", engine)

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Build 22.0.8462