Query an Ad Report. Accessing Ad Report information requires the ads_read permission.
Name | Type | Description |
Target | String | The Id of the Account, Campaign, Ad Group, or Ad to get insights for. |
DatePreset | String | An alternative to specifying the DateStart and DateEnd. A date range will automatically be calculated based on the specified preset value.
The allowed values are maximum, today, yesterday, this_week_sun_today, this_week_mon_today, last_week_sun_sat, last_week_mon_sun, last_3d, last_7d, last_14d, last_28d, last_30d, last_90d, this_month, last_month. |
DateStart | Date | The starting date to retrieve insights for. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report Start field. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report Start field. |
DateEnd | Date | The ending date to retrieve insights for. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report End field. In the Facebook UI, this is the Report End field. |
TimeIncrement | String | The number of days of data aggregation. An int (1-90) or one of monthly or all_days. This value splits the range or preset date into smaller increments. |
Level | String | The level to represent the results at.
The allowed values are ad, adset, campaign, account. |
AccountCurrency | String | The currency that is being used by the ad account. |
ActionAttributionWindows | String | A comma separated list which determines what is the attribution window for the actions. For example, 28d_click means the API returns all actions that happened 28 days after someone clicked on the ad. The default option means [1d_view,28d_click]. Possible values include 1d_view, 7d_view, 28d_view, 1d_click, 7d_click, 28d_click, default. |
AdAccountId | String | The Id of the Ad Account associated with the report row. |
AdAccountName | String | The name of the Ad Account associated with the report row. |
CampaignId | String | The Id of the Campaign associated with the report row. |
CampaignName | String | The name of the Campaign associated with the report row. |
AdSetId | String | The Id of the Ad Set associated with the report row. |
AdSetName | String | The name of the Ad Set associated with the report row. |
AdId | String | The Id of the Ad associated with the report row. |
AdName | String | The name of the Ad associated with the report row. |
BuyingType | String | The method by which target ads are paid for in your campaigns. |
Clicks | Long | The total number of clicks on your ad. Depending on what you're promoting, this can include Page likes, event responses or app installs. In the Facebook UI, this is the Clicks (All) field. |
ConversionRateRanking | String | The conversion rate ranking. |
CostPerEstimatedAdRecallers | Decimal | The average cost per additional person we estimate will recall seeing your ad if asked within 2 days. |
CostPerInlineLinkClick | Decimal | The average cost per click on links in the ad. |
CostPerInlinePostEngagement | Decimal | The average cost per engagement on the post. |
CostPerUniqueClick | Decimal | The average cost per unique click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of unique clicks received. |
CostPerUniqueInlineLinkClick | Decimal | The average you paid for each unique inline link click. |
CPC | Decimal | The average cost per click for these ads, calculated as the amount spent divided by the number of clicks received. |
CPM | Decimal | The average cost you've paid to have 1,000 impressions on your ad. |
CPP | Decimal | The average cost you've paid to have your ad served to 1,000 unique people. |
CTR | Double | The number of clicks you received divided by the number of impressions. In the Facebook UI, this is the CTR (All) % field. |
EstimatedAdRecallRate | Double | The estimated number of people who recall your ad divided by the number of people your ad reached. |
EstimatedAdRecallers | Double | The additional number of people we estimate will remember seeing your ads if asked within 2 days. |
Frequency | Double | The average number of times your ad was served to each person. |
Impressions | Long | The number of times your ad was served. On our mobile apps an ad is counted as served the first time it's viewed. On all other Facebook interfaces, an ad is served the first time it's placed in a person's News Feed or each time it's placed in the right column. |
InlineLinkClicks | Long | Total number of clicks on links in the ad. |
InlineLinkClicksCounter | Double | Click-through rate for inline clicks to link. |
InlinePostEngagement | Long | Total number of engagements on the post. |
InstantExperienceClicksToOpen | Long | instant_experience_clicks_to_open |
InstantExperienceClicksToStart | Long | instant_experience_clicks_to_start |
InstantExperienceOutboundClicks | Long | instant_experience_outbound_clicks |
Objective | String | The objective you selected for your campaign. Your objective reflects the goal you want to achieve with your advertising. |
QualityRanking | String | The quality ranking. |
Reach | Long | The number of people your ad was served to. |
Spend | Decimal | The total amount you've spent so far. |
UniqueClicks | Long | The total number of unique people who have clicked on your ad. For example, if 3 people click on the same ad 5 times, it will count as 3 unique clicks. |
UniqueCTR | Double | The number of people who clicked on your ad divided by the number of people you reached. For example, if you received 20 unique clicks and your ad was served to 1,000 unique people, your unique click-through rate would be 2%. |
UniqueInlineLinkClicks | Long | The number of unique inline link clicks that your ad got. In the Facebook UI, this is the Unique Clicks to Link field. |
UniqueInlineLinkClickCounter | Double | Click-through rate for unique inline clicks to link. |
UniqueLinkClicksCounter | Double | Unique click-through rate for clicks to link. The number of people who clicked on the link in your ad that directs people off Facebook divided by the number of people you reached. Example: if you received 20 unique clicks to link and your ad was shown to 1,000 unique people, your unique click-through rate would be 2%. |
ActionType | String | The kind of actions taken on your ad, Page, app or event after your ad was served to someone, even if they didn't click on it. |
ActionValue | String | Metric value of default attribution window. |
Action1dClick | String | Metric value of attribution window 1 day after clicking the ad. |
Action1dView | String | Metric value of attribution window 1 day after viewing the ad. |
Action7dClick | String | Metric value of attribution window 7 days after clicking the ad. |
Action7dView | String | Metric value of attribution window 7 days after viewing the ad. |
Action28dClick | String | Metric value of attribution window 28 days after clicking the ad. |
Action28dView | String | Metric value of attribution window 28 days after viewing the ad. |
ActionDDA | String | Metric value of attribution window which is powered by data driven model. |
ActionCollection | String | The action collection to retrieve. The available values are: ActionValues, Actions, AdClickActions, AdImpressionActions, CatalogSegmentActions, CatalogSegmentValue, CatalogSegmentValueMobilePurchaseRoas, CatalogSegmentValueOmniPurchaseRoas, CatalogSegmentValueWebsitePurchaseRoas, ConversionValues, Conversions, ConvertedProductQuantity, ConvertedProductValue, CostPer15_secVideoView, CostPer2SecContinuousVideoView, CostPerActionType, CostPerAdClick, CostPerConversion, CostPerOneThousandAdImpression, CostPerOutboundClick, CostPerStoreVisitAction, CostPerThruplay, CostPerUniqueActionType, CostPerUniqueConversion, CostPerUniqueOutboundClick, InteractiveComponentTap, MobileAppPurchaseRoas, OutboundClicks, OutboundClicksCtr, PurchaseRoas, StoreVisitActions, UniqueActions, UniqueConversions, UniqueOutboundClicks, UniqueOutboundClicksCtr, UniqueVideoView15_sec, Video15_secWatchedActions, Video30_secWatchedActions, VideoAvgTimeWatchedActions, VideoContinuous2SecWatchedActions, VideoP100_watchedActions, VideoP25WatchedActions, VideoP50WatchedActions, VideoP75WatchedActions, VideoP95WatchedActions, VideoPlayActions, VideoPlayCurveActions, VideoPlayRetention0To15SActions, VideoPlayRetention20_to60SActions, VideoPlayRetentionGraphActions, VideoTimeWatchedActions, WebsiteCtr, WebsitePurchaseRoas
The default value is Actions. |
ActionCanvasComponentName | String | Name of a component within a Canvas ad. |
ActionCarouselCardId | String | The ID of the specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad. |
ActionCarouselCardName | String | The specific carousel card that people engaged with when they saw your ad. The cards are identified by their headlines. |
ActionConvertedProductId | String | Converted product ids - for Collaborative Ads. |
ActionDestination | String | The destination where people go after clicking on your ad. |
ActionDevice | String | The device on which the conversion event you are tracking occurred. |
ActionReaction | String | The number of reactions on your ads or boosted posts. |
ActionTargetId | String | The id of destination where people go after clicking on your ad. |
ActionVideoSound | String | The sound status (on/off) when user watches your video ad. |
ActionVideoType | String | Video metrics breakdown. |
Age | String | The age range for the metrics in this row. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
Country | String | The country for the metrics in this row. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
DevicePlatform | String | The device or platform used for viewing the ad. This is a breakdown column that may not be selected with other breakdown columns. |
DMA | String | The designated marketing area. This is a breakdown column that may not be selected with other breakdown columns. |
FrequencyValue | String | The number of times an ad in your Reach and Frequency campaign was served to each person. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
Gender | String | The gender for the metrics in this row. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
HStatsByAdvertiserTZ | String | Time period over which the stats were taken for the advertiser. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
HStatsByAudienceTZ | String | Time period over which the stats were taken for the audience. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
ImpressionDevice | String | The devices used to view the Ad. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
PlacePageId | String | The place page used if applicable. This is a breakdown column that may not be selected with other breakdown columns. |
PlatformPosition | String | The position on the platform. |
ProductId | String | The product Id advertised in the Ad. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
PublisherPlatform | String | The platforms the ads were published on. |
Region | String | The region someone viewed the Ad from. This is a breakdown column and selecting this column will cause results to be further broken down by this metric. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. For more information, see the WHERE clause section.
Name | Type | Description |
AdEffectiveStatus | String | An input only list of supported statuses when retrieving insights at a level lower than the Ad Account. See the values listed on AdStatus for an example of valid values. |
UseAsync | Boolean | A boolean indicating if an asynchronous call should be used for retrieving the insights. |
DefaultSummary | Boolean | A boolean indicating if we should get the default summary. |