ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Google Cloud Storage の単純なSELECT 処理にとどまらず本製品 の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにGoogle Cloud Storage から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
CData JDBC Driver for Google Cloud Storage ストアドプロシージャ
Name | Description |
CopyObject | Copies an object from one bucket to another. |
CreateBucket | Creates a bucket. The authenticated user must have the storage.buckets.create IAM permission to use this StoredProcedure. |
DeleteObject | Deletes an object from a bucket. |
DownloadObject | Passes the name of a bucket and object to download. |
EnableVersioning | Enables object versioning in a specific bucket. |
GetOAuthAccessToken | Obtains the OAuth access token to be used for authentication with various Google services. |
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL | Obtains the OAuth authorization URL used for authentication with various Google services. |
MoveObject | Moves an object from one bucket to another. |
RefreshOAuthAccessToken | Obtains the OAuth access token to be used for authentication with various Google services. |
SignURL | Uploads objects in a single operation. Use the SimpleUploadLimit connection property to adjust the threshold in bytes in order to perform a multipart upload. |
UploadObject | Uploads objects in a single operation. Use the SimpleUploadLimit connection property to adjust the threshold in bytes in order to perform a multipart upload. |