CData Python Connector for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9060


Retrieves a list of test points.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

NOTE: TestPlanId and TestSuiteId is required in order to query TestPoints.

  • Id supports the '=,in' operators.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • TestRunId supports the '=' operator.
  • TestCaseId supports the '=' operator.
  • ConfigurationId supports the '=' operator.
  • IncludePointDetails supports the '=' operator.
For example:
	SELECT * FROM TestPoints WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4' AND TestPlanId = 296 AND TestSuiteId = 298
	SELECT * FROM TestPoints WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4' AND TestPlanId = 296 AND TestSuiteId = 298 AND Id = 1
	SELECT * FROM TestPoints WHERE ProjectId = '1e313382-5f07-43be-b5ae-1dcfa51ffaf4' AND TestPlanId = 296 AND TestSuiteId = 298 AND IncludePointDetails = false


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of the Test Point.
ProjectId String Id of the Project.
AssignedToDisplayName String The non-unique name of the user to whom its assigned.
AssignedToId String The Id of the user.
Automated Boolean Is the Test Point for Automated Test Case or Manual.
Comment String Comment associated to the Test Point.
ConfigurationId String Id of the Configuration associated to the Test Point.
ConfigurationName String Name of the Configuration associated to the Test Point.
FailureType String Failure type of test point.
LastResetToActive String Last Reset to Active Time Stamp for the Test Point.
LastResolutionStateId Integer Last resolution state id of test point.
LastResultId String Id of the last result of the test point.
LastResultName String Name of the last result of the test point.
LastResultUrl String Url of the last result of the test point.
LastResultDetailsDateCompleted String Completed date of last result.
LastResultDetailsDuration Integer Duration of last result.
LastResultDetailsRunById String Id of the user who run this last result.
LastResultState String Last result state of test point.
LastRunBuildNumber String Last run build number of test point.
LastTestRunId String Id of the Last test run of test point.
LastTestRunName String Name of the last test run of test point.
LastTestRunUrl String Url of the last test run of test point.
LastUpdatedByDisplayName String The non-unique display name of the user who last updated this test point.
LastUpdatedById String Id of the user who last updated this test point.
LastUpdatedByUrl String The full REST API Resource Url.
LastUpdatedDate Datetime Last updated date of test point.
Outcome String Outcome of Test Point.
Revision Integer Revision Number.
State String State of test point.
TestCaseId String


Id of the test case associated to test point.
TestCaseUrl String Url of the test case associated to test point.
TestCaseWebUrl String WebUrl of the test case associated to test point.
TestPlanId String


Id of the test plan of test point.
TestPlanName String Name of the Test Plan of test point.
TestPlanUrl String Url of the Test Plan of test point.
TestSuiteId String


Id of the Suite of test point.
TestSuiteName String Name of the Suite of test point.
TestSuiteUrl String Url of the Suite of test point.
Url String Test Point URL.
WorkItemProperties String Work item properties of test point.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. Unless otherwise specified, only the = operator is permitted when filtering on pseudocolumns.

Name Type Description
IncludePointDetails String If set to false, returns only necessary information.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9060