JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the 本製品.

NOTE: RepositoryId is required in order to query Pushes.

  • PushId supports the '=' operator.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • RepositoryId supports the '=' operator.
  • PushedById supports the '=' operator.
  • Date supports the '>=,<' operators.
  • BranchName supports the '=' operator.
For example:
	SELECT * FROM Pushes WHERE RepositoryId = '229ec1a1-609f-4545-af5a-85f00ce7428b'
	SELECT * FROM Pushes WHERE RepositoryId = '229ec1a1-609f-4545-af5a-85f00ce7428b' AND PushId = 16 AND Date >= '2000-01-01'


The following are examples of inserting into a Pushes table. For example:

INSERT INTO RefUpdates#TEMP (NewObjectId, Name) VALUES ('b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937', 'abcd')
INSERT INTO Commits#TEMP (Comment, AuthorName) VALUES ('b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937', 'xyz')
INSERT INTO Pushes (ProjectId, RepositoryId, Commits, RefUpdates) VALUES ('b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937', '84609754-3aa8-4b91-8a56-8ccb48f6d017', Commits#TEMP, RefUpdates#TEMP)


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
PushId [KEY] Integer True

Id of the push.

ProjectId String True

Id of the project.

Date Datetime True

The date of the push.

PushedByDisplayName String False

The display name of the user.

PushedById String False

The Id of the user.

PushedByUrl String False

The URL of the user.

RepositoryDefaultBranch String False

The default of the repository.

RepositoryId String True

The Id of the repository.

RepositoryName String False

Name of the repository.

RepositoryProjectId String False

The Project Id.

RepositoryProjectName String False

The Project name.

RepositoryProjectState String False

The Project state.

RepositoryProjectUrl String False

The Project URL.

RepositoryRemoteUrl String False

The Remote URL of the repository.

RepositoryUrl String False

The URL of the repository.

Url String False

The URL of the push.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。 特に指定がない限り、擬似カラムでフィルタリングを行う場合は = 演算子のみ使用できます。

Name Type Description
BranchName String

Branch name.

RefUpdates String

Branch name.

Commits String

List of inputs for the specific task group.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111