ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Azure DevOps の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらず本製品 の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにAzure DevOps から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
CData JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps ストアドプロシージャ
Name | Description |
AddBuildTag | Add tag to a build. |
CreatePullRequest | Create a pull request. |
CreatePullRequestAttachment | Create Pull Request Attachment. |
CreateSchema | Creates a schema file for the specified table or view. |
CreateWorkItem | Create a work item. |
DeleteBuildTag | Delete tag from a build. |
DeletePullRequestAttachment | Delete Pull Request Attachment. |
DeleteTestCase | Deletes the test case |
DownloadBuildLogs | Download log for the specific build. |
DownloadBuildReport | Download report for the specific build. |
DownloadPullRequestAttachment | Download Pull Request attachment. |
DownloadReleaseLogs | Download logs for the specific release. |
DownloadTestAttachment | Download test result/run attachment. |
GetOAuthAccessToken | Gets an authentication token from Azure DevOps. |
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL | Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. The user requests the OAuthAccessToken from this URL. Only needed when developing Web apps. |
GetPullRequestCommits | Get the commits for the specified pull request. |
PushChanges | Pushes changes to a repository in your Azure DevOps instance. |
RefreshOAuthAccessToken | Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with Azure DevOps. |
RunPipeline | Runs a pipeline with the specified configuration. |
SetProjectProperties | Create, update, and delete team project properties. |
UpdatePullRequest | Update a pull request. |
UpdateWorkItem | Update a work item. |