JDBC Driver for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9111


List WorkItems

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • WorkItemId supports the '=' operator.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the 本製品.

For example:

    SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE WorkItemId = 1
	SELECT * FROM WorkItems WHERE WorkItemId IN (1, 2, 3)


Name Type References Description
ParentReference String
WorkItemId [KEY] Integer
ActivatedByUserSK String
ActivatedDate Datetime
ActivatedDateSK Integer
Activity String
AnalyticsUpdatedDate Datetime
AreaSK String
AssignedToUserSK String
AutomatedTestId String
AutomatedTestName String
AutomatedTestStorage String
AutomatedTestType String
AutomationStatus String
BusinessValue Integer
ChangedByUserSK String
ChangedDate Datetime
ChangedDateSK Integer
ClosedByUserSK String
ClosedDate Datetime
ClosedDateSK Integer
CommentCount Integer
CompletedDate Datetime
CompletedDateSK Integer
CompletedWork Double
Count Double
CreatedByUserSK String
CreatedDate Datetime
CreatedDateSK Integer
CycleTimeDays Double
DueDate Datetime
Effort Double
FinishDate Datetime
FoundIn String
InProgressDate Datetime
InProgressDateSK Integer
IntegrationBuild String
Issue String
IterationSK String
LeadTimeDays Double
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_AcceptedBySK String
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_AcceptedDate Datetime
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_ClosedStatus String
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_ClosedStatusCode Double
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_ClosingComment String
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_Context String
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_ContextCode Double
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_ContextOwner String
Microsoft_VSTS_CodeReview_ContextType String
Microsoft_VSTS_Common_ReviewedBySK String
Microsoft_VSTS_Common_StateCode Double
Microsoft_VSTS_Feedback_ApplicationType String
Microsoft_VSTS_TCM_TestSuiteType String
Microsoft_VSTS_TCM_TestSuiteTypeId Double
OriginalEstimate Double
ParentWorkItemId Integer
Priority Integer
ProjectSK String
Rating String
Reason String
RemainingWork Double
ResolvedByUserSK String
ResolvedDate Datetime
ResolvedDateSK Integer
ResolvedReason String
Revision Integer
Risk String
Severity String
StackRank Double
StartDate Datetime
State String
StateCategory String
StateChangeDate Datetime
StateChangeDateSK Integer
StoryPoints Double
TagNames String
TargetDate Datetime
TimeCriticality Double
Title String
ValueArea String
Watermark Integer
WorkItemRevisionSK Integer
WorkItemType String

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111