ADO.NET Provider for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9060


Retrieves a list of deployments.

Table Specific Information


The provider uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the provider.

  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • DefinitionEnvironmentId supports the '=' operator.
  • DeploymentStatus supports the '=' operator.
  • LastModifiedOn supports the '<,<=,>,>=' operators.
  • OperationStatus supports the '=' operator.
  • RequestedById supports the '=' operator.
  • ReleaseDefinitionId supports the '=' operator.
  • RequestedForId supports the '=' operator.
  • StartedOn supports the '>,>=,<,<=' operators.
  • LastestAttemptsOnly supports the '=' operator.
  • SourceBranch supports the '=' operator.

For example:

	SELECT * FROM ReleaseDeployments WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073'
	SELECT * FROM ReleaseDeployments WHERE ProjectId = '66eb7414-f622-4eff-88da-3ad681f19073' AND StartedOn > '2020-04-01 12:18:51'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Id of the deployment.
Attempt Integer Attempt number.
CompletedOn String The date on which deployment is complete.
Conditions String The list of condition associated with deployment.
DefinitionEnvironmentId Integer Release definition environment Id.
DeploymentStatus String Status of the deployment.

The allowed values are all, failed, inProgress, notDeployed, partiallySucceeded, succeeded, undefined.

LastModifiedByDisplayName String The display name of the user who last modified this deployment.
LastModifiedById String The Id of the user who last modified this deployment.
LastModifiedByUrl String The URL of the user who last modified this deployment.
LastModifiedOn Datetime The date on which deployment is last modified.
OperationStatus String Operation status of deployment.

The allowed values are all, approved, canceled, cancelling, deferred, evaluatingGates, gateFailed, manualInterventionPending, pending, phaseCanceled, phaseFailed, phaseInProgress, phasePartiallySucceeded, phaseSucceeded, queued, queuedForAgent, queuedForPipeline, rejected, scheduled, undefined.

PostDeployApprovals String List of PostDeployApprovals.
PreDeployApprovals String List of PreDeployApprovals.
ProjectId String Id of the project.
ProjectName String Name of the project.
QueuedOn Date The date on which deployment is queued.
Reason String Reason of deployment.
ReleaseId Integer The Id of the release.
ReleaseDefinitionId Integer The Id of the release definition.
ReleaseDefinitionName String The Name of the release definition.
ReleaseDefinitionPath String The Path of the release definition.
ReleaseEnvironmentId Integer The Id of the release environment.
ReleaseEnvironmentName String The Name of the release environment.
ReleaseEnvironmentUrl String The URL of the release environment.
RequestedByDisplayName String The Display name of the user who requested.
RequestedById String The Id of the user who requested.
RequestedByUrl String The URL of the user who requested.
RequestedForDisplayName String The display name of the user for whom deployment is requested.
RequestedForId String The Id of the user for whom deployment is requested.
RequestedForUrl String The URL of the user for whom deployment is requested.
ScheduledDeploymentTime Date The date on which deployment is scheduled.
StartedOn Datetime The date on which deployment is started.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. Unless otherwise specified, only the = operator is permitted when filtering on pseudocolumns.

Name Type Description
LatestAttemptsOnly Boolean Includes latest attempts only.
SourceBranch String Source branch.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9060