ADO.NET Provider for Azure DevOps

Build 24.0.9060


This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.

AuthSchemeThe type of authentication to use when connecting to Azure DevOps. Azure DevOps OnPremise connections support only Basic authentication.
OrganizationThe name of the Organization or Collection, depending upon the value of AzureDevOpsEdition .
PersonalAccessTokenThe personal access token used for accessing the data in your organization.
AzureDevOpsEditionThe edition of AzureDevOps being used. Set either [AzureDevOps Online] or [AzureDevOps OnPremise].
URLThe Public URL of the Azure DevOps OnPremise Instance; for example, http://localhost/defaultcollection.
UserThe Azure DevOps user account used to authenticate.
AzureDevOpsServiceAPIThe REST API version of AzureDevOps being used. Set either [7.1], [6.0], or [5.1].

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Build 24.0.9060