Tableau Connector for Azure DevOps

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieves a list of build definitions.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the Azure DevOps API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • Id supports the '=,in' operators.
  • ProjectId supports the '=' operator.
  • Name supports the '=' operator.
  • Path supports the '=' operator.
  • ProcessType supports the '=' operator.
  • ProcessYamlFileName supports the '=' operator.
  • Properties supports the '=,in' operators.
  • RepositoryId supports the '=' operator.
  • RepositoryType supports the '=' operator.
  • Revision supports the '=' operator.
  • BuildDate supports the '<,<=,>,>=' operators.
  • MinMetricsTime supports the '=' operator.
  • IncludeLatestBuilds supports the '=' operator.
  • TaskId supports the '=' operator.
  • IncludeAllProperties supports the '=' operator.
The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

    SELECT * FROM BuildDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '837ccd31-8159-4db3-b8ce-de0c36d2a0bf'
	SELECT * FROM BuildDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '837ccd31-8159-4db3-b8ce-de0c36d2a0bf' AND Id IN (3, 4, 5)
	SELECT * FROM BuildDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = '837ccd31-8159-4db3-b8ce-de0c36d2a0bf' AND Path = '\"'


The following is an example of inserting into BuildDefinitions table:

INSERT INTO BuildDefinitions (Id, Name, ProjectId, RepositoryType, ProcessYamlFilename, RepositoryId, Tags) VALUES (1, cdata, 'b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937', TfsGit, 'data.txt', 'e50698d4-bb6e-400f-a1a0-5f4d17517d9e', '1, 2, 3')


The following is an example of updating a BuildDefinitions table:

UPDATE BuildDefinitions SET Name = 'Shubham1id', Revision = 1, RepositoryId = 'e50698d4-bb6e-400f-a1a0-5f4d17517d9e', RepositoryType = 'TfsGit', ProcessYamlFilename = 'data.txt' WHERE ProjectId = 'b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937' AND Id = 4


The following is an example of deleting data in a BuildDefinitions table:

DELETE FROM BuildDefinitions WHERE ProjectId = 'b154d8f3-bfd9-4bfb-90ae-2e6c8cda8937' AND Id = 4


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

Id of the build definition.

LinksBadgeHref String True

Badge reference link.

LinksEditorHref String True

Editor reference link.

LinksSelfHref String True

Self reference link.

LinksWebHref String True

Web reference link.

AuthoredByDisplayName String False

This is the non-unique display name of the user.

AuthoredById String False

Id of the user.

AuthoredByImageUrl String False

The image Url of the user.

AuthoredByUniqueName String False

The unique name of the user.

AuthoredByUrl String False

The URL Of the user.

BadgeEnabled Boolean False

Indicates whether the badge is enabled.

CreatedDate Datetime False

The date this version of the definition was created.

DraftOfCreatedDate Integer False

The date this version of the definition was created.

DraftOfId Integer False

The Id of the referenced definition.

DraftOfName String False

The name of the referenced definition.

DraftOfPath String False

The folder path of the definition.

DraftOfProjectId String False

Id of the Project of the referenced Definition.

DraftOfQueueStatus String False

A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition.

DraftOfRevision Integer False

The definition revision number.

DraftOfType String False

The type of the definition.

DraftOfUri String False

The Definition's URI.

DraftOfUrl String False

The REST URL of the definition.

JobAuthorizationScope String False

The job authorization scope for builds queued against this definition.

JobCancelTimeoutInMinutes Integer False

The job cancel timeout (in minutes) for builds cancelled by user for this definition.

JobTimeoutInMinutes Integer False

The job execution timeout (in minutes) for builds queued against this definition.

LatestBuildId String False


Id of the latest build.

LatestCompletedBuildId String False

Id of the latest completed build.

Name String False

The name of the referenced definition.

Path String False

The folder path of the definition.

ProcessType Integer False

The process type.

ProcessYamlFilename String False

The process YAML file name.

ProjectId String False


Project identifier.

Properties String False

Properties of the build definition.

Quality String False

The quality of the definition document (draft, etc.).

QueueLinksSelfHref String True

Queue self reference link.

QueueId Integer False

The ID of the queue.

QueueName String False

The name of the queue.

QueuePoolId Integer False

The pool Id.

QueuePoolIsHosted Boolean False

A value indicating whether or not this pool is managed by the service.

QueuePoolName String False

The pool name.

QueueUrl String False

The full http link to the resource.

QueueStatus String False

A value that indicates whether builds can be queued against this definition.

RepositoryCheckoutSubmodules Boolean False

Indicates whether to checkout submodules.

RepositoryClean String False

Indicates whether to clean the target folder when getting code from the repository.

RepositoryId String False


The ID of the repository.

RepositoryType String False

The type of the repository.

Revision Integer False

The definition revision number.

Tags String False

The tags associated with this definition.

Triggers String False

The build triggers.

Type String False

The type of the definition.

Uri String False

The definition's URI.

Url String False

The REST URL of the definition.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
BuildDate Datetime

If specified, filters to definitions that have builds before or after this date.

MinMetricsTime Datetime

If specified, indicates the date from which metrics should be included.

IncludeLatestBuilds Boolean

Indicates whether latest builds should be included.

TaskId String

If specified, filters to definitions that use the specified task.

IncludeAllProperties Boolean

Indicates whether the full definitions should be returned.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839