Tableau Connector for Azure DevOps

Build 23.0.8839




CData Tableau Connector for Azure DevOps ビュー

Name Description
AuditLogEntries Retrieves all audit log entries. This table includes custom fields which are automatically discovered when 'IncludeCustomFields' is enabled.
BacklogColumnFields Retrieves column fields for the specific backlog level..
BacklogPanelFields Retrieves panel fields for the specific backlog level.
Backlogs Retrieves all backlog levels and details of the specific backlog level.
BacklogWorkItems Retrieves a list of work items within a backlog level.
BoardColumns Retrieve columns on a board.
BoardRows Retrieve rows on a board.
Boards Retrieve boards for the specific project and details of the specified board.
BuildChanges Retrieves the changes associated with the build.
BuildDefinitionMetrics Retrieves metadata for the specific build.
BuildDemands Retrieves a list of demands that represents the agent capabilities required by the build.
BuildLogs Retrieve the logs for a build.
BuildPlans Retrieves the list of orchestration plans associated with the build.
BuildValidationResults Retrieves the list of results of validating the build request.
BuildWorkItems Retrieves a list of work items associated with a build.
CommitChanges Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
CommitGitStatus Retrieve git status for the specific commit.
Commits Retrieve git commits for a project.
CommitWorkItems Retrieve work items for the specific commit.
DeploymentGroupMachines Retrieves all machines for the specific deployment group.
FeedPermissions Retrieves the permissions for the specific feed.
FeedUpstreamSources Retrieves a list of upstream sources for the specific feed.
GitStats Retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository.
IterationWorkItems Retrieve work items for the specific iteration.
ProjectProperties Retrieves a collection of project properties.
PullRequestAttachments Retrieves a list of attachments for the specific pull request.
PullRequests Retrieves a list of pull requests.
PullRequestWorkItems Retrieves a list of work items associated with a pull request.
PushRefUpdates Retrieve Ref Updates for the specific push.
QueryClauses Retrieves clauses for the specific query.
QueryColumns Retrieves all columns for the specific query.
ReleaseArtifacts Retrieves a list of release artifacts.
ReleaseDeployments Retrieves a list of deployments.
TaskGroupInputs Retrieves a list of inputs for the specific task group.
TaskGroupSourceDefinitions Retrieves a list of source definitions for the specific task group.
Tasks Retrieves tasks in a task group.
TeamMembers Retrieves a list of members for a specific team.
TestAttachments Retrieves a list of test result or run Attachments.
TestCasePointAssignments Retrieves point assignments for the specific test case.
TestPoints Retrieves a list of test points.
TestResultIterationDetails Retrieves iteration details for the test result.
TestRunStatistics Retrieves test run statistics, used when we want to get summary of a run by outcome.
TestSubResults Retrieves sub results for the test result.
TfvcBranches Retrieves a collection of branch roots -- first-level children, branches with no parents.
TfvcChangesets Retrieves Tfvc Changesets.
WikiVersions Retrieves all wiki versions for the specific wiki.
WorkItemIds Retrieves a list of work items.
WorkItemRelations Retrieves relationships between work items.
WorkItemRevisionFields Retrieves a list of work item revision fields
WorkItemRevisions Retrieves a list of work item revisions. This table includes custom fields which are automatically discovered when 'IncludeCustomFields' is enabled.
WorkItemsFields Retrieves a list of work items fields
WorkItemsHistory Retrieves a list of work items history
WorkItemUpdatesHistory Retrieves a list of work items updates history. WorkItemId is a required column in order to retrieve results.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839