Excel Add-In for Twitter Ads

Build 24.0.8963


Query information about all available metrics for a certain entity.

View Specific Information

AdStats contain all available analytic metrics for all types of entities. When querying this view only the metrics supported by the specified entity will be populated with values.

Support for Twitter Ads Asynchronous API

This view supports the Twitter Ad Async API. Setting the UseAsyncAPI property to TRUE enables the API. The default is FALSE.


Below are the fields that can be specified to filter the results.

AccountId This is a common required filter for all views related to Twitter analytics. If specified, it will override the value of the AccountId connection property. Otherwise, if no value is specified, the add-in will try to get the first account from the list returned by the AdAccount view.
StartTime and EndTime Used to specify the time window. It should not exceed the interval of 7 days. If a window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days will be returned.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE StartTime = '12/02/2016' AND EndTime = '12/09/2016'
Entity and EntityId There are 5 entity types:

Each entity has its own view that can be used to list available items and get their respective Id. By default, if none of those filters are specified, the add-in tries to get stats for the account whose Id is specified in the AccountId connection property.

Note: When the Entity field is set to "ORGANIC_TWEET", the EntityId must be set in the WHERE clause.

SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE EntityId = '807000624822882304' AND Entity = 'ORGANIC_TWEET'

GranularityThis value determines how granular the data points will be returned. Available values for granularity are TOTAL, DAY, and HOUR. If set to a value other than TOTAL, the stats will be returned broken down for each unit of the interval specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance if set to DAY, there will be returned stats for each day of the specified interval. By default this is set to DAY.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE Granularity = 'HOUR'
Placement Used to return preaggregated metrics for all placements across Twitter or on the Twitter Audience Platform. Available values are ALL_ON_TWITTER and PUBLISHER_NETWORK. Do note that placement takes in a single value, so separate queries are required to fetch analytics data for placement on Twitter and placement on the Twitter Audience Platform. By default this is set to ALL_ON_TWITTER.

The listed filters are optional, but it is recommended to specify at least the Entity, EntityId, and the time window.

SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE EntityId = '807000624822882304' AND Entity = 'ORGANIC_TWEET' AND StartTime = '12/02/2016' AND EndTime = '12/09/2016' 


Name Type Description
AccountId String The Id of the advertising account to work with.
Entity String The entity to query.
EntityId String The Id of the entity to query.
StartTime Date Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours.
EndTime Date Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours.
IntervalStartTime String Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR.
IntervalEndTime String End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR.
Placement String The placement. Possible values: ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK.


Granularity String Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime.

The allowed values are TOTAL, DAY, HOUR.

Engagements Integer Total number of engagements.
Impressions Integer Total number of impressions.
Retweets Integer Total number of retweets.
Replies Integer Total number of replies.
Likes Integer Total number of likes.
Follows Integer Total number of follows.
CardEngagements Integer Total number of card engagements.
Clicks Integer Total number of clicks.
AppClicks Integer Number of app install or app open attempts.
UrlClicks Integer Number of clicks on linked URLs.
QualifiedImpressions Integer Total number of qualified impressions.
BilledEngagements Integer Total number of billed engagements.
BilledCharge Long Total spent in micros.
VideoTotalViews Integer Total number of video views.
VideoViews25 Integer Total number of views where at least 25% of the video was viewed.
VideoViews50 Integer Total number of views where at least 50% of the video was viewed.
VideoViews75 Integer Total number of views where at least 75% of the video was viewed.
VideoViews100 Integer Total number of views where 100% of the video was viewed.
VideoCTAClicks Integer Total clicks on the call to action.
VideoContentStarts Integer Total number of video playback starts.
VideoMrcViews Integer Total number of views according to Media Rating Council guidelines.
Video3s100pctViews Integer Total number of views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view.
MediaViews Integer Total number of views (autoplay and click) of media across videos, vines, GIFs, and images.
MediaEngagements Integer Total number of clicks of media across videos, vines, GIFs, and images.
Purchases Integer Number of conversions of type PURCHASE.
SignUps Integer Number of conversions of type SIGN_UP.
SiteVisits Integer Number of conversions of type SITE_VISIT.
Downloads Integer Number of conversions of type DOWNLOAD.
ConversionCustom Integer Number of conversions of type CUSTOM.
MobileConversionSpentCredits Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionInstalls Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionContentViews Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionAddToWishlists Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionCheckoutsInitiated Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionReservations Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionTutorialsCompleted Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionAchievementsUnlocked Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionSearches Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionAddToCarts Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionPaymentInfoAdditions Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionReEngages Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionShares Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionRates Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RATE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionLogins Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionUpdates Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionLevelsAchieved Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionInvites Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount.
MobileConversionKeyPageViews Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type KEY_PAGE_VIEW by post view and post engagement.
LifetimeValuePurchases Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PURCHASE.
LifetimeValueSignUps Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP.
LifetimeValueUpdates Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE.
LifetimeValueTutorialsCompleted Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED.
LifetimeValueReservations Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION.
LifetimeValueAddToCarts Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART.
LifetimeValueAddToWishlists Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST.
LifetimeValueCheckoutsInitiated Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED.
LifetimeValueLevelsAchieved Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED.
LifetimeValueAchievementsUnlocked Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED.
LifetimeValueShares Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE.
LifetimeValueInvites Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE.
LifetimeValuePaymentInfoAdditions Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION.
LifetimeValueSpentCredits Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT.
LifetimeValueRates Integer Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RATE.

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Build 24.0.8963