The CData Sync App provides a straightforward way to continuously pipeline your Twitter Ads data to any database, data lake, or data warehouse, making it easily available for Analytics, Reporting, AI, and Machine Learning.
The Twitter Ads connector can be used from the CData Sync application to pull data from Twitter Ads and move it to any of the supported destinations.
The Sync App models the behavior of version 7 of the Twitter Ads API as views. A developer account is required to connect to Twitter Ads APIs.
For required properties, see the Settings tab.
For connection properties that are not typically required, see the Advanced tab.
To connect, set the following variables:
Click Connect to Twitter Ads to open the OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application.
The driver then completes the OAuth process as follows:
This section details a selection of advanced features of the Twitter Ads Sync App.
The Sync App supports the use of user defined views, virtual tables whose contents are decided by a pre-configured user defined query. These views are useful when you cannot directly control queries being issued to the drivers. For an overview of creating and configuring custom views, see User Defined Views .
Use SSL Configuration to adjust how Sync App handles TLS/SSL certificate negotiations. You can choose from various certificate formats;. For further information, see the SSLServerCert property under "Connection String Options" .
Configure the Sync App for compliance with Firewall and Proxy, including Windows proxies and HTTP proxies. You can also set up tunnel connections.
For further information, see Query Processing.
By default, the Sync App attempts to negotiate TLS with the server. The server certificate is validated against the default system trusted certificate store. You can override how the certificate gets validated using the SSLServerCert connection property.
To specify another certificate, see the SSLServerCert connection property.
To authenticate to an HTTP proxy, set the following:
Set the following properties:
The CData Sync App models Twitter Ads entities in relational Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures.
API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations.
Views are tables that cannot be modified. Typically, data that are read-only and cannot be updated are shown as views.
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
The Sync App models the data in Twitter Ads as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.
Name | Description |
AdAudiencePermissions | Retrieve details for some or all permissions associated with the specified tailored audience. |
AdAudiences | Retrieve details for some or all Tailored Audiences associated with the current account. |
Retrieve details for some or all permissions associated with the specified tailored audience.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the ad audience permission. |
AudienceId [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the ad custom audience. |
AccountId | String | False |
Id of the advertising account to work with. |
GrantedAccountId | String | False |
The unique identifier of the ad account who has been granted this permission. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The time of the creation of this audience permission. |
Deleted | Boolean | True |
Whether the audience permission is deleted. |
PermissionLevel | String | False |
The level of the audience permission. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The time of the last change of the properties of this audience permission. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String |
Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts. The default value is false. |
Retrieve details for some or all Tailored Audiences associated with the current account.
Only the Id filter is supported.
SELECT * FROM AdAudiences WHERE Id = 'TXR1'
This table supports simple Insert and batch Insert operations.
Simple Insert:
INSERT INTO [AdAudiences] (name) VALUES ('test')
Batch Insert:
Batch inserts are used to generate a new audience based on existing audiences and by setting a couple of conditions on them.
For example: To create a new audience based on the most active users of X1 AND (X2 or X3) audience the structure would be like this:
INSERT INTO a#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, frequency, frequencyComparator, lookbackWindow, negate) VALUES ('TYIF', 1, 'NUM_GT', 30, true)
INSERT INTO b#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, lookbackWindow) VALUES ('TXR1', 30)
INSERT INTO c#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, frequency, frequencyComparator, lookbackWindow, negate) VALUES ('TYFO', 1, 'NUM_GT', 30, true)
INSERT INTO AdAudiences#TEMP (audienceType, name, segments) VALUES ('FLEXIBLE', 'Test1', 'a#TEMP AND (b#TEMP OR c#TEMP)')
INSERT INTO [AdAudiences] (audienceType, name, segments) SELECT audienceType, name, segments FROM [AdAudiences#TEMP]
Make sure to set the required columns on initial temp tables, for example a#TEMP, which are: CustomAudienceId and LookbackWindow.
Values that are set in these temp table will be used by AdAudiences#TEMP in the Segments column, which will be used as a criteria, combined with AND/OR logical operators.
Simple Update:
UPDATE [AdAudiences] SET Name = 'testModified' WHERE Name = 'test'
Batch Update:
Batch updates are used to modify an existing audience by setting a couple of new conditions on it.
For example: To modify an audience based on the most active users of X1 AND (X2 or X3) audience the structure would be like this:
INSERT INTO a#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, frequency, frequencyComparator, lookbackWindow, negate) VALUES ('TYIF', 1, 'NUM_GT', 30, true)
INSERT INTO b#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, lookbackWindow) VALUES ('TXR1', 30)
INSERT INTO c#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, frequency, frequencyComparator, lookbackWindow, negate) VALUES ('TYFO', 1, 'NUM_GT', 30, true)
INSERT INTO AdAudiences#TEMP (audienceType, name, segments) VALUES ('FLEXIBLE', 'Test1', 'a#TEMP AND (b#TEMP OR c#TEMP)')
UPDATE [AdAudiences] (audienceType, name, segments) SELECT audienceType, name, segments FROM [AdAudiences#TEMP]
Simple Delete:
DELETE FROM [AdAudiences] WHERE Name = 'test'
Batch Delete:
INSERT INTO a#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, frequency, frequencyComparator, lookbackWindow, negate) VALUES ('TYIF', 1, 'NUM_GT', 30, true)
INSERT INTO b#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, lookbackWindow) VALUES ('TXR1', 30)
INSERT INTO c#TEMP (CustomAudienceId, frequency, frequencyComparator, lookbackWindow, negate) VALUES ('TYFO', 1, 'NUM_GT', 30, true)
INSERT INTO AdAudiences#TEMP (audienceType, name, segments) VALUES ('FLEXIBLE', 'Test1', 'a#TEMP AND (b#TEMP OR c#TEMP)')
DELETE FROM [AdAudiences] WHERE EXISTS SELECT audienceType, name, segments FROM [AdAudiences#TEMP]
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The unique identifier of the ad tailored audience. |
AccountId | String | False |
Id of the advertising account to work with. |
OwnerAccountId | String | True |
The unique identifier of the owner account. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the tailored audience. |
AudienceSize | Integer | True |
The size of the tailored audience. |
AudienceType | String | True |
The type of the tailored audience. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True |
The time of the creation of this audience. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True |
The time of the last change of the properties of this audience. |
PartnerSource | String | True |
The partner source of this tailored audience. |
PermissionLevel | String | True |
The permission level of this tailored audience. |
ReasonsNotTargetable | String | True |
The reasons why this audience is not targetable, if it is not targetable. |
TargetableTypes | String | True |
Targetable types of the audience. |
Targetable | Boolean | True |
Shows if the audience is targetable or not. |
Deleted | Boolean | True |
Whether the audience is deleted. |
Segments | String | True |
Useful only in Batch Insert, Update and Delete operations. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String |
Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts. The default value is false. |
Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
Name | Description |
AdAccounts | Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled accounts the authenticating user has access to. |
AdActiveEntities | Retrieve details about which entities' analytics metrics have changed in a given time period. |
AdCampaignAudienceReach | Retrieve reach and average frequency analytics for specified campaigns. |
AdCampaigns | Retrieve details for some or all campaigns associated with the current account. |
AdCards | Retrieve details for some or all cards associated with the current account. |
AdFundingInstruments | Retrieve some or all funding instruments associated with the account specified in the path. |
AdFundingInstrumentsAudienceReach | Retrieve reach and average frequency analytics for specified funding instruments. |
AdLineItems | Retrieve some or all funding instruments associated with the account specified. |
AdPromotedTweets | Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled Tweets the authenticating user has access to. |
AdStats | Query information about all available metrics for a certain entity. |
AdTweets | Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled Tweets the authenticating user has access to. |
Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled accounts the authenticating user has access to.
There are no available filters for this view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the ad account. |
Name | String | The name of the account. |
ApprovalStatus | String | Indicates if this account is eligible for promoting. One of the following values: ACCEPTED, UNDER_REVIEW, or REJECTED. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time when the account was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The time of the last change of the properties of this account. |
Timezone | String | Time zone selected on account setup. Each campaign will run in this timezone. |
TimezoneSwitchAt | Datetime | The time of the last timezone switch. |
Deleted | Boolean | Whether the account is deleted. |
Salt | String | Random string used to uniquely identify an account. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String | Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts.
The default value is false. |
Retrieve details about which entities' analytics metrics have changed in a given time period.
Name | Type | Description |
EntityID | String | The identifier for the leveraged account. Appears within the resource's path and is generally a required parameter for all Advertiser API requests excluding GET accounts. The specified account must be associated with the authenticated user. |
AccountId | String | Id of the advertising account to work with. |
ActivityStartTime | Datetime | Start time of the activity |
ActivityEndTime | Datetime | The end time of the activity |
Placements | String |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
Entity | String | The entity type to retrieve data for. |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to the specified start time, expressed in ISO 8601. |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to the specified end time, expressed in ISO 8601. |
CampaignIds | String | Scope the response to just entities associated with desired campaigns by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided. |
FundingInstrumentIds | String | Scope the response to just entities associated with desired funding instruments by specifying a comma-separated list of identifiers. Up to 200 IDs may be provided. |
Retrieve reach and average frequency analytics for specified campaigns.
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId | String | The unique identifier of the ad account. |
CampaignIds [KEY] | String | |
TotalAudienceReach | String | |
AverageFrequency | String | |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to the specified start time, expressed in ISO 8601. |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to the specified end time, expressed in ISO 8601. |
Retrieve details for some or all campaigns associated with the current account.
Only the AccountId filter is supported. This is a common required filter for all views related to analytics. If specified, it will override the value of the AccountId connection property. Otherwise, if no value is specified, the Sync App will try to get the first account from the list returned by the AdAccount view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the campaign. Used to identify a specific campaign. |
AccountId | String | Id of the advertising account to work with. |
Name | String | The name of the campaign. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time when campaign was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The time of the last change of the properties of this campaign. |
EntityStatus | String | The status for this entity: ACTIVE, DRAFT, and PAUSED. |
TotalBudget | Long | The total budget the user has set for this campaign. |
DailyBudget | Long | Daily budget limit to spend on this campaign. |
Currency | String | Default currency. |
FundingInstrumentId | String | The Id which identifies the funding instrument used to get the budget for this campaign. |
StandardDelivery | String | If true, this field specifies an even spend rate throughout the day. Otherwise impressions will be served and engagements will be generated as quickly as possible until your daily budget is exhausted, which may be quite early on in the day, depending on targeting and competition. This is called accelerated delivery. |
Deleted | Boolean | Indicates if this campaign is deleted and not serving anymore. |
BudgetOptimization | String | Indicates the type of budget optimization being applied |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String | Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts.
The default value is false. |
Retrieve details for some or all cards associated with the current account.
Name | Type | Description |
id [KEY] | String | The id identifier for a card. |
AccountId | String | Id of the advertising account to work with. |
Name | String | The name for the card. Maximum length: 80 characters. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The date the card was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date the card was last updated. |
Deleted | Boolean | Whether the card is deleted or not |
CardType | String | The type of the card. |
ComponentType | String | The type of the component. |
MediaKeys | String | Media Keys |
LabelType | String | Labels define the text shown on buttons |
LabelValue | String | The value of the label |
DestinationType | String | The destination type, which determines its schema. |
DestinationURL | String | The URL of the website to redirect a user to. |
DestinationCountryCode | String | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 two-letter code for the country where the app is sold. |
DestinationGooglePlayAppId | String | The Google Play application package name. |
DestinationIOSAppStoreId | String | The iOS app store identifier. |
DestinationGooglePlayDeepLink | String | A deep link into the Android app you're promoting. |
DestinationIOSDeepLink | String | A deep link into the iOS app you're promoting. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String | Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts.
The default value is false. |
Retrieve some or all funding instruments associated with the account specified in the path.
Only the AccountId filter is supported. This is a common required filter for all views related to analytics. If specified, it will override the value of the AccountId connection property. Otherwise, if no value is specified, the Sync App will try to get the first account from the list returned by the AdAccount view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Identifier for a funding instrument. |
AccountId | String | Id of the advertising account to work with. |
Type | String | A funding instrument can be one of the following types: Credit Cards, Credit Lines, Multi-Handle Credit Lines. |
Description | String | Exdended info for the funding instrument. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time when this record was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The time of the last charge related to the properties of this item. |
CreditLimit | Long | The credit limit in local micro. |
FundedAmount | Long | The funded amount in local micro. |
CreditRemaining | Long | The credit remaining in local micro. |
Currency | String | Default currency. |
StartTime | Datetime | The time when this instrument became available to use. |
EndTime | Datetime | The time when this instrument stoped being available to use. |
Cancelled | Boolean | Indicates if an instrument is canceled. |
Deleted | Boolean | Indicates if this item is deleted and cannot be used anymore. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String | Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts.
The default value is false. |
Retrieve reach and average frequency analytics for specified funding instruments.
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId | String | Id of the advertising account to work with. |
FundingInstrumentIds [KEY] | String | The unique identifier of the ad account. |
TotalAudienceReach | String | |
AverageFrequency | String | |
StartTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to the specified start time, expressed in ISO 8601. |
EndTime | Datetime | Scopes the retrieved data to the specified end time, expressed in ISO 8601. |
Retrieve some or all funding instruments associated with the account specified.
Only the AccountId filter is supported. This is a common required filter for all views related to analytics. If specified, it will override the value of the AccountId connection property. Otherwise, if no value is specified, the Sync App will try to get the first account from the list returned by the AdAccount view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique line item Id. Used to identify a specific line item. |
AccountId | String | The identifier for the leveraged account. |
CampaignId | String | The Id of the campaign to work with. |
Name | String | A name assigned to the line item. If left blank, the name will default to Untitled. |
TotalBudget | Long | An number representing the bid amount associated with this line item. The currency associated with the specified funding instrument will be used. For USD, $1.50 is encoded as 1.50*1e6, or 1,500,000. |
BidType | String | The bidding mechanism. |
AutomaticallySelectBid | Boolean | [DEPRECATED] This boolean parameter, when set to true, will automatically optimize bidding based on daily budget and campaign flight dates. |
ProductType | String | The type of promoted product that this line item will contain. |
Placements | String | The comma-separated list of placement locations for this line item to display in. |
Objective | String | The campaign objective for this line item. |
EntityStatus | String | The status for this entity: ACTIVE, DRAFT, and PAUSED. |
IncludeSentiment | String | Whether this line item is targeted to tweets with both positive or negative sentiment. A tweet is said to have positive or negative sentiment if the tone of the tweet is positive. This is only valid for the ProductType of PROMOTED_TWEETS and with either placements of ALL_ON_TWITTER or TWITTER_TIMELINES. Possible values: POSITIVE_ONLY (default) targets only tweets with positive sentiment; ALL targets all tweets, including those with negative sentiment. |
TotalBudgetAmountLocalMicro | Long | An number representing the total budget amount to be allocated to the line item. The currency associated with the specified funding instrument and campaign will be used. For USD, $37.50 is encoded as 37.50*1e6, or 37,500,000. |
StartTime | Datetime | The UTC time that the line item will begin serving. Must be more recent than the current time. |
EndTime | Datetime | The UTC time that the line item will stop serving. If specified, must be more recent than the StartTime of the line item. |
PrimaryWebEventTag | String | The identifier of the primary Web event tag. Allows more accurate tracking of engagements for the campaign pertaining to this line item. |
ChargeBy | String | This field is returned for line items using the APP_INSTALLS objective. Defaults to charging by bid unit except for line items with bid unit APP_INSTALLS, where it defaults to charging by app clicks. |
AdvertiserDomain | String | The website domain for this advertiser, without protocol specification. This field is available for line items using the Twitter Audience Platform (TAP). |
Categories | String | The relevant IAB categories for this advertiser. This setting is available for line items using the Twitter Audience Platform (TAP). |
TargetCPALocalMicro | Integer | An integer representing the target CPA amount to be allocated to the line item. The currency associated with the specified funding instrument and campaign will be used. For USD, $5.50 is encoded as 5.50*1e6, or 5,500,000. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time when the campaign was created. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The time of the last change of the properties of this campaign. |
Goal | String | The optimization setting used with this line item. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String | Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts.
The default value is false. |
Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled Tweets the authenticating user has access to.
Only the AccountId filter is supported. This is a common required filter for all views related to analytics. If specified, it will override the value of the AccountId connection property. Otherwise, if no value is specified, the Sync App will try to get the first account from the list returned by the AdAccount view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The identifier corresponding to the specific promotion. |
TweetId | String | The Id of the status update or tweet that is promoted. |
LineItemId | String | The Id of the line item this tweet is part of. |
AccountId | String | The Id of the advertising account to work with. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | The time when the tweet was promoted. |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The time when the tweet was updated. |
Deleted | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this item is deleted. |
EntityStatus | String | The status for this entity: ACTIVE, DRAFT, and PAUSED. |
ApprovalStatus | String | Indicates if this promotion is approved. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
IncludeDeleted | String | Boolean used for including or not the deleted accounts.
The default value is false. |
Query information about all available metrics for a certain entity.
AdStats contain all available analytic metrics for all types of entities. When querying this view only the metrics supported by the specified entity will be populated with values.
Below are the fields that can be specified to filter the results.
AccountId | This is a common required filter for all views related to Twitter analytics. If specified, it will override the value of the AccountId connection property. Otherwise, if no value is specified, the Sync App will try to get the first account from the list returned by the AdAccount view. |
StartTime and EndTime | Used to specify the time window. It should not exceed the interval of 7 days. If a window is not specified, the stats for the last seven days will be returned.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE StartTime = '12/02/2016' AND EndTime = '12/09/2016' |
Entity and EntityId | There are 5 entity types:
Each entity has its own view that can be used to list available items and get their respective Id. By default, if none of those filters are specified, the Sync App tries to get stats for the account whose Id is specified in the AccountId connection property. Note: When the Entity field is set to "ORGANIC_TWEET", the EntityId must be set in the WHERE clause.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE EntityId = '807000624822882304' AND Entity = 'ORGANIC_TWEET' |
Granularity | This value determines how granular the data points will be returned. Available values for granularity are TOTAL, DAY, and HOUR. If set to a value other than TOTAL, the stats will be returned broken down for each unit of the interval specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance if set to DAY, there will be returned stats for each day of the specified interval. By default this is set to DAY.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE Granularity = 'HOUR' |
Placement | Used to return preaggregated metrics for all placements across Twitter or on the Twitter Audience Platform. Available values are ALL_ON_TWITTER and PUBLISHER_NETWORK. Do note that placement takes in a single value, so separate queries are required to fetch analytics data for placement on Twitter and placement on the Twitter Audience Platform. By default this is set to ALL_ON_TWITTER.
The listed filters are optional, but it is recommended to specify at least the Entity, EntityId, and the time window.
SELECT * FROM AdStats WHERE EntityId = '807000624822882304' AND Entity = 'ORGANIC_TWEET' AND StartTime = '12/02/2016' AND EndTime = '12/09/2016'
Name | Type | Description |
AccountId | String | The Id of the advertising account to work with. |
Entity | String | The entity to query. |
EntityId | String | The Id of the entity to query. |
StartTime | Date | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. |
EndTime | Date | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. |
IntervalStartTime | String | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. |
IntervalEndTime | String | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. |
Placement | String | The placement. Possible values: ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK.
The allowed values are ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK. |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime.
The allowed values are TOTAL, DAY, HOUR. |
Engagements | Integer | Total number of engagements. |
Impressions | Integer | Total number of impressions. |
Retweets | Integer | Total number of retweets. |
Replies | Integer | Total number of replies. |
Likes | Integer | Total number of likes. |
Follows | Integer | Total number of follows. |
CardEngagements | Integer | Total number of card engagements. |
Clicks | Integer | Total number of clicks. |
AppClicks | Integer | Number of app install or app open attempts. |
UrlClicks | Integer | Number of clicks on linked URLs. |
QualifiedImpressions | Integer | Total number of qualified impressions. |
BilledEngagements | Integer | Total number of billed engagements. |
BilledCharge | Long | Total spent in micros. |
VideoTotalViews | Integer | Total number of video views. |
VideoViews25 | Integer | Total number of views where at least 25% of the video was viewed. |
VideoViews50 | Integer | Total number of views where at least 50% of the video was viewed. |
VideoViews75 | Integer | Total number of views where at least 75% of the video was viewed. |
VideoViews100 | Integer | Total number of views where 100% of the video was viewed. |
VideoCTAClicks | Integer | Total clicks on the call to action. |
VideoContentStarts | Integer | Total number of video playback starts. |
VideoMrcViews | Integer | Total number of views according to Media Rating Council guidelines. |
Video3s100pctViews | Integer | Total number of views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view. |
MediaViews | Integer | Total number of views (autoplay and click) of media across videos, vines, GIFs, and images. |
MediaEngagements | Integer | Total number of clicks of media across videos, vines, GIFs, and images. |
Purchases | Integer | Number of conversions of type PURCHASE. |
SignUps | Integer | Number of conversions of type SIGN_UP. |
SiteVisits | Integer | Number of conversions of type SITE_VISIT. |
Downloads | Integer | Number of conversions of type DOWNLOAD. |
ConversionCustom | Integer | Number of conversions of type CUSTOM. |
MobileConversionSpentCredits | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionInstalls | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionContentViews | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionAddToWishlists | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionCheckoutsInitiated | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionReservations | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionTutorialsCompleted | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionAchievementsUnlocked | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionSearches | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionAddToCarts | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionPaymentInfoAdditions | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionReEngages | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionShares | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionRates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RATE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionLogins | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionUpdates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionLevelsAchieved | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionInvites | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionKeyPageViews | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type KEY_PAGE_VIEW by post view and post engagement. |
LifetimeValuePurchases | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PURCHASE. |
LifetimeValueSignUps | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP. |
LifetimeValueUpdates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE. |
LifetimeValueTutorialsCompleted | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED. |
LifetimeValueReservations | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION. |
LifetimeValueAddToCarts | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART. |
LifetimeValueAddToWishlists | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST. |
LifetimeValueCheckoutsInitiated | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED. |
LifetimeValueLevelsAchieved | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED. |
LifetimeValueAchievementsUnlocked | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED. |
LifetimeValueShares | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE. |
LifetimeValueInvites | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE. |
LifetimeValuePaymentInfoAdditions | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION. |
LifetimeValueSpentCredits | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT. |
LifetimeValueRates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RATE. |
Retrieve all of the advertising-enabled Tweets the authenticating user has access to.
The AccountId field is filterable server-side.
SELECT * FROM AdTweets WHERE AccountId = '1234'
SELECT * FROM AdTweets WHERE AccountId IN (SELECT Id FROM AdAccounts)
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The Id of the status update or tweet. Set this value when inserting to retweet an existing tweet. |
IDLong | String | The long type Id of the status update or tweet. |
SearchTerms | String | The SearchTerms to search against. This cannot be used with the Screen_Name or User_Id inputs. For more information on using the advanced query operators, see the Twitter API documentation here: Roughly 1500 results can be returned using the SearchTerms. |
Created_At | Datetime | When the tweet was made. |
Text | String | The text of the tweet. |
Lang | String | Language code the tweet was made in. |
Source | String | Source of the tweet. |
Favorited | Boolean | Boolean indicating if this tweet has been favorited. |
Favorite_Count | Integer | The approximate number of times this tweet has been favorited. |
Retweeted | Boolean | Boolean indicating if this tweet has been retweeted. |
Retweet_Count | Integer | The number of times the tweet has been retweeted. |
Retweeted_Status_Id | String | Id of the tweet which was retweeted by this one. Empty if the current tweet is not a retweet. |
Truncated | Boolean | Boolean indicating if this tweet has been truncated. |
Filter_Level | String | Indicates the maximum value of the Filter_Level parameter that can be used and still stream this tweet. |
Possibly_Sensitive | String | This field is available only when a tweet contains a link. The meaning of the field does not pertain to the tweet content itself, but instead it is an indicator that the URL contained in the tweet may contain content or media identified as sensitive content. |
Withheld_Copyright | Boolean | When present and set to true, indicates that this piece of content has been withheld due to a DMCA complaint. |
Withheld_Scope | String | When present, indicates whether the content being withheld is the status or a user. |
Withheld_In_Countries | String | A list of uppercase, two-letter country codes this content is withheld from. |
Contributors | String | An XML collection of user objects (usually only one) indicating users who contributed to the authorship of the tweet, on behalf of the official tweet author. |
Coordinates_Coordinates | String | The geographic coordinates of this tweet (longitude first, then latitude). |
Coordinates_Type | String | The type of coordinate, if applicable. |
Place_Full_Name | String | The full name of the location of this tweet (city and state). |
Place_Country | String | The country of origin of this tweet. |
Current_User_Retweet_Id | String | Details the tweet Id of the authenticated user's own retweet (if it exists) of this tweet. |
Scopes | String | A set of key-value pairs indicating the intended contextual delivery of the containing tweet. Currently used by Twitter's promoted products. |
In_Reply_To_Status_Id | String | Represents the Id of the original status if this tweet is in reply to another. |
From_User_Id | String | Id of the user who made the tweet. Use this in the WHERE clause to get tweets for the specified user. |
From_User_Screen_Name | String | Screen name of the user who made the tweet. Use this in the WHERE clause to get tweets for the specified user. |
From_User_Name | String | Name of the user who made the tweet. |
From_User_Location | String | Location of the user who made the tweet. |
From_User_Profile_URL | String | URL to the user who made the tweet. This is not returned when a SearchTerms is specified. |
From_User_Profile_Image_Url | String | URL to the profile image for the from user. |
To_User_Id | String | Id of the user who made the tweet. Use this in the WHERE clause to get tweets for the specified user. |
To_User_Screen_Name | String | Screen name of the user who made the tweet. |
User_Mentions | String | Mentions of other users in the tweet, returned as an XML aggregate. |
URLs | String | URLs in the tweet, returned as an XML aggregate. |
Hashtags | String | Hashtags in the tweet, returned as an XML aggregate. |
Media | String | Media in the tweet, returned as an XML aggregate. |
Name | String | The name of the Tweet, also known as the Ad name in the Twitter Ads UI. This field might be returned as null if no input name is provided when creating tweets using the Tweet composer. The name that is displayed in the UI for these cases is the Card name. |
AccountId | String | The Id of the advertising account this AdTweet is associated with. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
TimelineType | String | Whether to return nullcasted (a.k.a. 'Promoted-only') Tweets, organic Tweets, or both. Possible values: ALL, NULLCAST, ORGANIC |
TweetType | String | The Tweet type of the tweets. Possible values: DRAFT, PUBLISHED, SCHEDULED |
The connection string properties are the various options that can be used to establish a connection. This section provides a complete list of the options you can configure in the connection string for this provider. Click the links for further details.
For more information on establishing a connection, see Establishing a Connection.
Property | Description |
AccountId | Identifier of the advertising account. This Id is used to get analytic stats for the account that is identified by this Id. The AddAccounts view can be used to list available accounts with their specific Ids. |
AdsAPIVersion | The current version of Twitter API. |
UseAppOnlyAuthentication | A boolean that indicates whether or not you would like to use app-only authentication. |
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | Specifies the client Id that was assigned the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer key.) This ID registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | Specifies the client secret that was assigned when the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer secret ). This secret registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
AuthToken | The authentication token used to request and obtain the OAuth Access Token. |
AuthKey | The authentication key used to request and obtain the OAuth Access Token. |
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Property | Description |
FirewallType | Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources. |
FirewallPort | Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client. |
ProxyAuthScheme | Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property. |
Property | Description |
LogModules | Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged. |
Property | Description |
Location | Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path. |
BrowsableSchemas | Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC . |
Tables | Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC . |
Views | Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC . |
Property | Description |
IsPremiumTwitter | Specifies if is Twitter Premium account. This is false by default. |
MaxRateLimitDelay | The maximum amount of time to delay (in seconds) before submitting a request if it would be rate limited. |
MaxRows | Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY. |
Other | Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties. |
PseudoColumns | Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property. |
SearchTerms | Default SearchTerms if none are specified. Used for some tables such as Tweets where SearchTerms may be specified. |
StreamPageSize | The number of results to return per page of data retrieved from the Twitter stream. |
StreamReadDuration | This property represents the maximum time to read streaming data, in seconds. |
StreamTimeout | The maximum number of seconds to continue waiting for results while streaming. When this value is reached and no tweets are returned, then the connection will be closed. |
Timeout | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. |
UseAsyncAPI | This field sets whether the Twitter Ads Asynchronous API is enabled. |
UserDefinedViews | Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file. |
This section provides a complete list of the Authentication properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
AccountId | Identifier of the advertising account. This Id is used to get analytic stats for the account that is identified by this Id. The AddAccounts view can be used to list available accounts with their specific Ids. |
AdsAPIVersion | The current version of Twitter API. |
UseAppOnlyAuthentication | A boolean that indicates whether or not you would like to use app-only authentication. |
Identifier of the advertising account. This Id is used to get analytic stats for the account that is identified by this Id. The AddAccounts view can be used to list available accounts with their specific Ids.
Identifier of the advertising account. This Id is used to get analytic stats for the account that is identified by this Id. The AddAccounts view can be used to list available accounts with their specific Ids.
The current version of Twitter API.
The current version of Twitter API.
A boolean that indicates whether or not you would like to use app-only authentication.
Set this to true to have your Twitter app log in to Twitter instead of a user.
This section provides a complete list of the OAuth properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
OAuthClientId | Specifies the client Id that was assigned the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer key.) This ID registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
OAuthClientSecret | Specifies the client secret that was assigned when the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer secret ). This secret registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server. |
AuthToken | The authentication token used to request and obtain the OAuth Access Token. |
AuthKey | The authentication key used to request and obtain the OAuth Access Token. |
Specifies the client Id that was assigned the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer key.) This ID registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientId is one of a handful of connection parameters that need to be set before users can authenticate via OAuth. For details, see Establishing a Connection.
Specifies the client secret that was assigned when the custom OAuth application was created. (Also known as the consumer secret ). This secret registers the custom application with the OAuth authorization server.
OAuthClientSecret is one of a handful of connection parameters that need to be set before users can authenticate via OAuth. For details, see Establishing a Connection.
The authentication token used to request and obtain the OAuth Access Token.
This property is required only when performing headless authentication in OAuth 1.0. It can be obtained from the GetOAuthAuthorizationUrl stored procedure.
It can be supplied alongside the AuthKey in the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure to obtain the OAuthAccessToken.
The authentication key used to request and obtain the OAuth Access Token.
This property is required only when performing headless authentication in OAuth 1.0. It can be obtained from the GetOAuthAuthorizationUrl stored procedure.
It can be supplied alongside the AuthToken in the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure to obtain the OAuthAccessToken.
This section provides a complete list of the SSL properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
SSLServerCert | Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL. |
Specifies the certificate to be accepted from the server when connecting using TLS/SSL.
If using a TLS/SSL connection, this property can be used to specify the TLS/SSL certificate to be accepted from the server. Any other certificate that is not trusted by the machine is rejected.
This property can take the following forms:
Description | Example |
A full PEM Certificate (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
A path to a local file containing the certificate | C:\cert.cer |
The public key (example shortened for brevity) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
The MD5 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
The SHA1 Thumbprint (hex values can also be either space or colon separated) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
If not specified, any certificate trusted by the machine is accepted.
Use '*' to signify to accept all certificates. Note that this is not recommended due to security concerns.
This section provides a complete list of the Firewall properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
FirewallType | Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallServer | Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources. |
FirewallPort | Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallUser | Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
FirewallPassword | Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall. |
Specifies the protocol the provider uses to tunnel traffic through a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Note: By default, the Sync App connects to the system proxy. To disable this behavior and connect to one of the following proxy types, set ProxyAutoDetect to false.
The following table provides port number information for each of the supported protocols.
Protocol | Default Port | Description |
TUNNEL | 80 | The port where the Sync App opens a connection to Twitter Ads. Traffic flows back and forth via the proxy at this location. |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | The port where the Sync App opens a connection to Twitter Ads. SOCKS 4 then passes theFirewallUser value to the proxy, which determines whether the connection request should be granted. |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | The port where the Sync App sends data to Twitter Ads. If the SOCKS 5 proxy requires authentication, set FirewallUser and FirewallPassword to credentials the proxy recognizes. |
To connect to HTTP proxies, use ProxyServer and ProxyPort. To authenticate to HTTP proxies, use ProxyAuthScheme, ProxyUser, and ProxyPassword.
Identifies the IP address, DNS name, or host name of a proxy used to traverse a firewall and relay user queries to network resources.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Specifies the TCP port to be used for a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Identifies the user ID of the account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
Specifies the password of the user account authenticating to a proxy-based firewall.
A proxy-based firewall (or proxy firewall) is a network security device that acts as an intermediary between user requests and the resources they access. The proxy accepts the request of an authenticated user, tunnels through the firewall, and transmits the request to the appropriate server.
Because the proxy evaluates and transfers data backets on behalf of the requesting users, the users never connect directly with the servers, only with the proxy.
This section provides a complete list of the Proxy properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
ProxyAutoDetect | Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server. |
ProxyServer | The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through. |
ProxyPort | The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client. |
ProxyAuthScheme | Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyUser | The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyPassword | The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property. |
ProxySSLType | The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property. |
ProxyExceptions | A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property. |
Specifies whether the provider checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations, rather than using a manually specified proxy server.
When this connection property is set to True, the Sync App checks your system proxy settings for existing proxy server configurations (no need to manually supply proxy server details).
This connection property takes precedence over other proxy settings. Set to False if you want to manually configure the Sync App to connect to a specific proxy server.
To connect to an HTTP proxy, see ProxyServer. For other proxies, such as SOCKS or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The hostname or IP address of the proxy server that you want to route HTTP traffic through.
The Sync App only routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server specified in this connection property when ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server specified in your system proxy settings.
The TCP port on your specified proxy server (set in the ProxyServer connection property) that has been reserved for routing HTTP traffic to and from the client.
The Sync App only routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server port specified in this connection property when ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead routes HTTP traffic through the proxy server port specified in your system proxy settings.
For other proxy types, see FirewallType.
Specifies the authentication method the provider uses when authenticating to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
The authentication type can be one of the following:
For all values other than "NONE", you must also set the ProxyUser and ProxyPassword connection properties.
If you need to use another authentication type, such as SOCKS 5 authentication, see FirewallType.
The username of a user account registered with the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword connection properties are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
After selecting one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme, set this property as follows:
ProxyAuthScheme Value | Value to set for ProxyUser |
BASIC | The user name of a user registered with the proxy server. |
DIGEST | The user name of a user registered with the proxy server. |
NEGOTIATE | The username of a Windows user who is a valid user in the domain or trusted domain that the proxy server is part of, in the format user@domain or domain\user. |
NTLM | The username of a Windows user who is a valid user in the domain or trusted domain that the proxy server is part of, in the format user@domain or domain\user. |
NONE | Do not set the ProxyPassword connection property. |
The Sync App only uses this username if ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead uses the username specified in your system proxy settings.
The password associated with the user specified in the ProxyUser connection property.
The ProxyUser and ProxyPassword connection properties are used to connect and authenticate against the HTTP proxy specified in ProxyServer.
After selecting one of the available authentication types in ProxyAuthScheme, set this property as follows:
ProxyAuthScheme Value | Value to set for ProxyPassword |
BASIC | The password associated with the proxy server user specified in ProxyUser. |
DIGEST | The password associated with the proxy server user specified in ProxyUser. |
NEGOTIATE | The password associated with the Windows user account specified in ProxyUser. |
NTLM | The password associated with the Windows user account specified in ProxyUser. |
NONE | Do not set the ProxyPassword connection property. |
For SOCKS 5 authentication or tunneling, see FirewallType.
The Sync App only uses this password if ProxyAutoDetect is set to False. If ProxyAutoDetect is set to True, which is the default, the Sync App instead uses the password specified in your system proxy settings.
The SSL type to use when connecting to the proxy server specified in the ProxyServer connection property.
This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to the HTTP proxy specified by ProxyServer. You can set this connection property to the following values :
AUTO | Default setting. If ProxyServer is set to an HTTPS URL, the Sync App uses the TUNNEL option. If ProxyServer is set to an HTTP URL, the component uses the NEVER option. |
ALWAYS | The connection is always SSL enabled. |
NEVER | The connection is not SSL enabled. |
TUNNEL | The connection is made through a tunneling proxy. The proxy server opens a connection to the remote host and traffic flows back and forth through the proxy. |
A semicolon separated list of destination hostnames or IPs that are exempt from connecting through the proxy server set in the ProxyServer connection property.
The ProxyServer is used for all addresses, except for addresses defined in this property. Use semicolons to separate entries.
Note that the Sync App uses the system proxy settings by default, without further configuration needed. If you want to explicitly configure proxy exceptions for this connection, set ProxyAutoDetect to False.
This section provides a complete list of the Logging properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
LogModules | Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged. |
Specifies the core modules to include in the log file. Use a semicolon-separated list of module names. By default, all modules are logged.
This property lets you customize the log file content by specifying the logging modules to include. Logging modules categorize logged information into distinct areas, such as query execution, metadata, or SSL communication. Each module is represented by a four-character code, with some requiring a trailing space for three-letter names.
For example, EXEC logs query execution, and INFO logs general provider messages. To include multiple modules, separate their names with semicolons as follows: INFO;EXEC;SSL.
The Verbosity connection property takes precedence over the module-based filtering specified by this property. Only log entries that meet the verbosity level and belong to the specified modules are logged. Leave this property blank to include all available modules in the log file.
For a complete list of available modules and detailed guidance on configuring logging, refer to the Advanced Logging section in Logging.
This section provides a complete list of the Schema properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
Location | Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path. |
BrowsableSchemas | Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC . |
Tables | Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC . |
Views | Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC . |
Specifies the location of a directory containing schema files that define tables, views, and stored procedures. Depending on your service's requirements, this may be expressed as either an absolute path or a relative path.
The Location property is only needed if you want to either customize definitions (for example, change a column name, ignore a column, etc.) or extend the data model with new tables, views, or stored procedures.
If left unspecified, the default location is %APPDATA%\\CData\\TwitterAds Data Provider\\Schema, where %APPDATA% is set to the user's configuration directory:
Platform | %APPDATA% |
Windows | The value of the APPDATA environment variable |
Linux | ~/.config |
Optional setting that restricts the schemas reported to a subset of all available schemas. For example, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC .
Listing all available database schemas can take extra time, thus degrading performance. Providing a list of schemas in the connection string saves time and improves performance.
Optional setting that restricts the tables reported to a subset of all available tables. For example, Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC .
Listing all available tables from some databases can take extra time, thus degrading performance. Providing a list of tables in the connection string saves time and improves performance.
If there are lots of tables available and you already know which ones you want to work with, you can use this property to restrict your viewing to only those tables. To do this, specify the tables you want in a comma-separated list. Each table should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.
Note: If you are connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you must specify each table you want to view by its fully qualified name. This avoids ambiguity between tables that may exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
Optional setting that restricts the views reported to a subset of the available tables. For example, Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC .
Listing all available views from some databases can take extra time, thus degrading performance. Providing a list of views in the connection string saves time and improves performance.
If there are lots of views available and you already know which ones you want to work with, you can use this property to restrict your viewing to only those views. To do this, specify the views you want in a comma-separated list. Each view should be a valid SQL identifier with any special characters escaped using square brackets, double-quotes or backticks. For example, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.
Note: If you are connecting to a data source with multiple schemas or catalogs, you must specify each view you want to examine by its fully qualified name. This avoids ambiguity between views that may exist in multiple catalogs or schemas.
This section provides a complete list of the Miscellaneous properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.
Property | Description |
IsPremiumTwitter | Specifies if is Twitter Premium account. This is false by default. |
MaxRateLimitDelay | The maximum amount of time to delay (in seconds) before submitting a request if it would be rate limited. |
MaxRows | Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY. |
Other | Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties. |
PseudoColumns | Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property. |
SearchTerms | Default SearchTerms if none are specified. Used for some tables such as Tweets where SearchTerms may be specified. |
StreamPageSize | The number of results to return per page of data retrieved from the Twitter stream. |
StreamReadDuration | This property represents the maximum time to read streaming data, in seconds. |
StreamTimeout | The maximum number of seconds to continue waiting for results while streaming. When this value is reached and no tweets are returned, then the connection will be closed. |
Timeout | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout. |
UseAsyncAPI | This field sets whether the Twitter Ads Asynchronous API is enabled. |
UserDefinedViews | Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file. |
Specifies if is Twitter Premium account. This is false by default.
Specifies if is Twitter Premium account. This is false by default.
The maximum amount of time to delay (in seconds) before submitting a request if it would be rate limited.
Twitter uses different rate limits for total number of requests for different endpoints. These can range from as few as 15 per 15 minute window, up to 900 for a 15 minute window. Internally the CData Sync App keeps track of if a given request would result in a rate limit exception. If a rate limit would occur, the CData Sync App can internally delay submitting a request until the limit is up. However, this could also result in waiting for several minutes before requesting data, which is also not a good behavior.
The MaxRateLimitDelay gives control over the maximum amount of time the CData Sync App will wait once it detects a rate limit would occur. Since the amount of time the CData Sync App needs to wait can be calculated, if it would have to wait longer than the MaxRateLimitDelay, it will simply error immediately when it sees the time would take too long.
Specifies the maximum rows returned for queries without aggregation or GROUP BY.
This property sets an upper limit on the number of rows the Sync App returns for queries that do not include aggregation or GROUP BY clauses. This limit ensures that queries do not return excessively large result sets by default.
When a query includes a LIMIT clause, the value specified in the query takes precedence over the MaxRows setting. If MaxRows is set to "-1", no row limit is enforced unless a LIMIT clause is explicitly included in the query.
This property is useful for optimizing performance and preventing excessive resource consumption when executing queries that could otherwise return very large datasets.
Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties.
This property allows advanced users to configure hidden properties for specialized scenarios. These settings are not required for normal use cases but can address unique requirements or provide additional functionality. Multiple properties can be defined in a semicolon-separated list.
Note: It is strongly recommended to set these properties only when advised by the support team to address specific scenarios or issues.
Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.
DefaultColumnSize | Sets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000. |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | Determines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine. |
RecordToFile=filename | Records the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file. |
Specifies the pseudocolumns to expose as table columns. Use the format 'TableName=ColumnName;TableName=ColumnName'. The default is an empty string, which disables this property.
This property allows you to define which pseudocolumns the Sync App exposes as table columns.
To specify individual pseudocolumns, use the following format: "Table1=Column1;Table1=Column2;Table2=Column3"
To include all pseudocolumns for all tables use: "*=*"
Default SearchTerms if none are specified. Used for some tables such as Tweets where SearchTerms may be specified.
Default SearchTerms if none are specified. Used for some tables such as Tweets where SearchTerms may be specified.
The number of results to return per page of data retrieved from the Twitter stream.
The number of results to return per page of data retrieved from the Twitter stream.
This property represents the maximum time to read streaming data, in seconds.
Set StreamReadDuration property to consume streaming data for a specific time period. When StreamReadDuration is reached and StreamTimeout is 0, then the connection will be closed.
The maximum number of seconds to continue waiting for results while streaming. When this value is reached and no tweets are returned, then the connection will be closed.
Set the value of StreamTimeout to 0 in order to keep the connection open indefinitely. Note that, if the value of this property is greater than zero, the value of the StreamPageSize property, will be overwriten and will be set to one(1).
Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the provider waits for a server response before throwing a timeout error. The default is 60 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the timeout.
This property controls the maximum time, in seconds, that the Sync App waits for an operation to complete before canceling it. If the timeout period expires before the operation finishes, the Sync App cancels the operation and throws an exception.
The timeout applies to each individual communication with the server rather than the entire query or operation. For example, a query could continue running beyond 60 seconds if each paging call completes within the timeout limit.
Setting this property to 0 disables the timeout, allowing operations to run indefinitely until they succeed or fail due to other conditions such as server-side timeouts, network interruptions, or resource limits on the server. Use this property cautiously to avoid long-running operations that could degrade performance or result in unresponsive behavior.
This field sets whether the Twitter Ads Asynchronous API is enabled.
AdStats is the only table impacted.
Note that when you use the Async API, the Twitter Ads driver polls for a response. How long it waits before timing out is governed by the Timeout connection property. The default is timeout value is 60 seconds, so if you receive a timeout error, increase the value.
Specifies a filepath to a JSON configuration file defining custom views. The provider automatically detects and uses the views specified in this file.
This property allows you to define and manage custom views through a JSON-formatted configuration file called UserDefinedViews.json. These views are automatically recognized by the Sync App and enable you to execute custom SQL queries as if they were standard database views. The JSON file defines each view as a root element with a child element called "query", which contains the SQL query for the view. For example:
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM AdAudiences WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }
You can define multiple views in a single file and specify the filepath using this property. For example: UserDefinedViews=C:\Path\To\UserDefinedViews.json. When you use this property, only the specified views are seen by the Sync App.
Refer to User Defined Views for more information.