Executing Statements
After Connecting from Code, you can execute SQL statements with the Statement class. See Using Prepared Statements to execute parameterized statements.
To execute SQL statements that return data, use the Statement class' generic execute method or the executeQuery method. To return the results of a query, call the getResultSet method of the Statement.
The following example calls the execute method and iterates over the results returned:
Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); boolean ret = stat.execute("SELECT ShipName, ShipCity FROM \"defaultdb\".\"public\".Orders"); if (ret) { ResultSet rs=stat.getResultSet(); while(rs.next()) { for(int i=1;i<=rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();i++) { System.out.println(rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(i) +"="+rs.getString(i)); } } }
To execute an INSERT, use the generic execute method or the executeUpdate method of the Statement class. For example:
Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); int count = stat.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO \"defaultdb\".\"public\".Orders (ShipName, ShipCity) VALUES ('ShipName','ShipCity')");
To execute an update, use the generic execute method or the executeUpdate method of the Statement class. You can call the getUpdateCount method to obtain the count of affected rows. Or, call the executeUpdate method; this method returns the row count. For example:
Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("UPDATE \"defaultdb\".\"public\".Orders SET ShipName = 'XXX' , ShipCity = 'YYY' WHERE Id = '10261'"); int count = stat.getUpdateCount();
To execute a delete, use the generic execute method or the executeUpdate method of the Statement class. You can call the getUpdateCount method to obtain the count of affected rows. Or, call the executeUpdate method; this method returns the row count. For example:
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
stat.execute("DELETE FROM \"defaultdb\".\"public\".Orders WHERE Id = '10261'");
int count = stat.getUpdateCount();