ADO.NET Provider for Parquet

Build 24.0.8963


This section provides a complete list of the Connection properties you can configure in the connection string for this provider.

ConnectionTypeSpecifies the file storage service, server, or file access protocol through which your Parquet files are stored and retreived.
URIThe Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the Parquet resource location.
DataModelSpecifies the data model to use when parsing Parquet documents and generating the database metadata.
RegionThe hosting region for your S3-like Web Services.
ProjectIdThe Id of the project where your Google Cloud Storage instance resides.
OracleNamespaceThe Oracle Cloud Object Storage namespace to use.
StorageBaseURLThe URL of a cloud storage service provider.
UseVirtualHostingIf true (default), buckets will be referenced in the request using the hosted-style request: If set to false, the bean will use the path-style request: Note that this property will be set to false, in case of an S3 based custom service when the CustomURL is specified.
UseLakeFormationWhen this property is set to true, AWSLakeFormation service will be used to retrieve temporary credentials, which enforce access policies against the user based on the configured IAM role. The service can be used when authenticating through OKTA, ADFS, AzureAD, PingFederate, while providing a SAML assertion.

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Build 24.0.8963