Creates a Salesforce batch.
Table-Specific Information
To create a batch, specify the Id of the Job you are adding it to and the XML aggregate of the batch itself. For example, the XML aggregate may resemble the following: <Contact><Row><FirstName>Bill</FirstName><LastName>White</LastName></Row><Row><FirstName>Bob</FirstName><LastName>Black</LastName></Row></Contact>
Note: The objects contained in the XML aggregate must all correspond to the object associated with the Job being used.
Name | Type | Description |
JobId | String | Id of the job the batch is being added to. |
Aggregate | String | The aggregate of objects being added. Specifies the query to use if performing a batch query. |
ContentType | String | The content type for the job. The valid values are: CSV, XML, ZIP_CSV, and ZIP_XML. Set the value to CSV if performing a batch query
The default value is XML. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
ID | String | The Id of the batch. |
JobID | String | The Id of the job. |
ApexProcessingTime | String | The number of milliseconds taken to process triggers and other processes related to the batch data. If there are no triggers, the value is 0. This does not include the time used for processing asynchronous and batch Apex operations. See also ApiActiveProcessingTime and TotalProcessingTime. This field is available in API version 19.0 and later. |
ApiActiveProcessingTime | String | The number of milliseconds taken to actively process the batch. This value includes ApexProcessingTime, but not the time the batch waited in the queue to be processed or the time required for serialization and deserialization. See also TotalProcessingTime. This field is available in API version 19.0 and later. |
CreatedDate | String | The date and time in the UTC time zone when the batch was created. This is not the time processing began, but the time the batch was added to the job. |
NumberRecordsFailed | String | The unique, 18 character Id for the job associated with this batch. |
NumberRecordsProcessed | String | The number of records processed in this batch at the time the request was sent. This number increases as more batches are processed. |
State | String | The current state of processing for the batch. For instance, Queued, InProgress, Completed, Failed, or Not Processed. |
StateMessage | String | Contains details about the state. For example, if the state value is Failed, this field contains the reasons for failure. If there are multiple failures, the message may be truncated. If so, fix the known errors and resubmit the batch: Even if the batch failed, some records could have been completed successfully. |
SystemModstamp | String | The date and time in the UTC time zone that processing ended. This is only valid when the state is Completed. |
TotalProcessingTime | String | The number of milliseconds taken to process the batch. This excludes the time the batch waited in the queue to be processed. See also ApexProcessingTime and ApiActiveProcessingTime. This field is available in API version 19.0 and later. |