Tableau Connector for Certinia

Build 23.0.8839


Whether to wait for bulk results when using the asynchronous API. Only active when UseBulkAPI is true.






This property determines whether the connector will wait for bulk requests to report their status. By default this property is false and any INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE queries will complete as soon as they are submitted to Certinia. When this property is true, the connector will wait for INSERT, UPDATE and DETETE queries to finish.

When this property is false, data modification queries will be faster but less detailed status information will be available. The LastResultInfo#TEMP table will list the creates batches and not the status of individual rows. Information about individual rows will only be availble if you execute the GetBatchResults stored procedure for each batch.

When this property is true, data modification queries will be slower but more status information will be available. The LastResultInfo#TEMP table will list the ID of each updated row, its status and any associated error messages.

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Build 23.0.8839