The type of authentication to use when connecting to Certinia.
Possible Values
ADFS, OAuthPKCE, Basic, AzureAD, OneLogin, OAuth, PingFederate, OAuthPassword, OKTA, OAuthJWTデータ型
- Auto: Lets the driver decide automatically based on the other connection properties you have set.
- Basic: Set this to use Basic user / password authentication.
- OAuth: Set this to perform OAuth with the code grant type.
- OAuthPassword: Set this to perform OAuth with the password grant type.
- OAuthJWT: Set this to perform OAuth authentication with a JWT certificate. Requires the following additional connection properties. [OAuthJWTCert,/OAuthJWTCertType/OAuthJWTCertPassword/OAuthJWTCertSubject/OAuthJWTIssuer/OAuthJWTSubject]
- OAuthPKCE: Set this to use Proof Key of Code Exchange(PKCE) extension of the standard OAuth2 flow. Either set your own PKCEVerifier or the driver will automatically generate one for you.
- OneLogin: Set this to perform SSO authentication through OneLogin. All identity providers require the following common connection properties. [SSOLoginURL/SSOExchangeUrl]
- PingFederate: Set this to perform SSO authentication through PingFederate. All identity providers require the following common connection properties. [SSOLoginURL/SSOExchangeUrl]
- OKTA: Set this to perform SSO authentication through OKTA. All identity providers require the following common connection properties. [SSOLoginURL/SSOExchangeUrl]
- ADFS: Set this to perform SSO authentication through ADFS. All identity providers require the following common connection properties. [SSOLoginURL/SSOExchangeUrl]
- AzureAD: Set this to perform SSO authentication through AzureAD. Please see the connection property SSOProperties for more information.