CData Python Connector for Azure Data Lake Storage

Build 22.0.8462


The type of authentication to use when connecting to Azure Data Lake Storage.

Possible Values

AccessKey, Auto, SAS, AzureAD, AzureServicePrincipal, AzureMSI

Data Type


Default Value



  • Auto: Lets the CData Python Connector for Azure Data Lake Storage determine what to do based on other connection properties.
  • AzureAD: Set this to perform Azure Active Directory OAuth authentication.
  • AzureServicePrincipal: Set this to authenticate as an Azure Service Principal.
  • AzureMSI: Set this to automatically obtain Managed Service Identity credentials when running on an Azure VM.
  • AccessKey: Set this to authenticate the calls to the API by setting the AccessKey to your Access Key. This is applicable only for the ADLSGen2 Schema.
  • SAS: Set this to authenticate the calls to the API by setting the SharedAccessSignature to your Shared Access Signature (SAS). This is applicable only for the ADLSGen2 Schema.

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Build 22.0.8462