Report for the current totals (shift and day) along with additional information provided for those who are currently on the clock.
Table Specific Information
Query the CurrentTotalsReport table. The add-in will use the QuickBooks Time API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the add-in.
- GroupId, UserId and OnTheClock fields support the '=' and IN operators.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CurrentTotalsReport SELECT * FROM CurrentTotalsReport WHERE GroupId IN ('29474', '29474') AND OnTheClock IN (true, false) SELECT * FROM CurrentTotalsReport WHERE UserId IN (1751136, 1738864) AND OnTheClock = false
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Int | Id of the users these totals are calculated for. |
GroupId | String | Unique group id for this user,value of zero represents those without a group. |
OnTheClock | Boolean | Whether this user is currently on the clock. |
ShiftGeolocationsAvailable | Boolean | Whether geolocations are available for the current timesheet. |
ShiftSeconds | Int | Total time for the current shift, in seconds. |
DaySeconds | Int | Total time for the day, in seconds. |