ODBC Driver for QuickBooks Time

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves a project estimate report.

Table Specific Information


Query the ProjectEstimateReport table. The driver will use the QuickBooks Time API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

  • JobcodeId supports the '=,IN'
  • ProjectId supports the '=,IN'
  • ParentJobcodeId supports the '='
  • Status supports the '='
  • Active supports the '='
  • SupplementalData supports the '='
  • ResultsAsArray supports the '='
  • HasTimeTracked supports the '='
  • TimeTrackedStartDate supports the '='
  • TimeTrackedEndDate supports the '='

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ProjectEstimateReport
SELECT * FROM ProjectEstimateReport WHERE ProjectId = 8375474


Name Type Description
Id Int Id of the Project estimate report.
JobcodeId Int The JobCode Id.
ParentJobcodeId Int A JobCode Id. Only time for projects under this jobcode will be included.
Name String Name.
Status String Status.
Description String Description.
StartDate Datetime Start date.
DueDate Datetime Due date.
CompletedDate Datetime Completed date.
Active Boolean Boolean value which represents the active status.
LastModified Datetime Last modified date.
Created Datetime Created date.
EstimateId Int Estimate id.
EstimateBy String Estimate by.
EstimateById Int Estimate by id.
TotalClockedInSeconds Int Total clocked in seconds.
TotalClockedOutSeconds Int Total clocked out seconds.
TotalTrackedSeconds Int Total tracked seconds.
TotalEstimatedSeconds Int Total estimated seconds.
TotalNoteCount Int Total note count.
UnreadPostsCount Int Unread posts count.
UnreadRepliesCount Int Unread replies count.
BudgetProgress String Budget progress.
ClockedInUserIds String Clocked in User Ids.
QboMapped Boolean Boolean value.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
ProjectId Integer Array of one or more project ids. Only time for these projects will be included.
SupplementalData Boolean Default value is 'yes'. Indicates whether supplemental data should be specified.
ResultsAsArray Boolean Default value is 'yes'. Indicates whether results should be returned as an array instead of an object.
HasTimeTracked Boolean Default value is 'no'. Indicates whether to filter results on time tracked dates.

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Build 24.0.8963