Tableau Connector for QuickBooks Time

Build 24.0.9062


connector はQuickBooks Time のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。

CData Tableau Connector for QuickBooks Time テーブル

Name Description
CustomFieldItemFilters Create, Update and Query the Custom Field Item Filters in TSheets.
CustomFieldItems Create, Update and Query the Custom Field Items in TSheets.
CustomFields Create, Update and Query the Custom Fields in TSheets.
EstimateItems Create, Update and Query the Estimate Item in TSheets.
Estimates Create, Update and Query the Estimates in TSheets.
Files This table contains a list of file objects.
GeoLocations Retrieves a list of all geofence configs.
Groups This table contains a list of all groups associated with your company.
JobcodeAssignments Returns a list of all jobcode assignments associated with users.
JobCodes This table contains a list of jobcodes associated with your company
Locations Retrieves a list of all locations associated with your company.
Notifications Retrieves a list of notifications associated with your company.
ProjectActivityReplies Create, Update and Query the Project Activity Replies in TSheets.
ProjectNotes Create, Update and Query the Project Notes in TSheets.
Projects Create, Update and Query the Projects in TSheets.
Reminders Retrieves a list of reminders associated with your employees or company.
ScheduleEvents Retrieves a list of schedule events associated with your employees or company.
TimeOffRequestEntries Create, Update and Query the Time off Request Entries in TSheets.
TimeOffRequests Create, Update and Query the Time off Requests in TSheets.
Timesheets This table contains a list of file objects.
Users Retrieves a list of all users associated with your company.

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Build 24.0.9062