本製品 はQuickBooks Time のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData JDBC Driver for QuickBooks Time テーブル
Name | Description |
CustomFieldItemFilters | Create, Update and Query the Custom Field Item Filters in TSheets. |
CustomFieldItems | Create, Update and Query the Custom Field Items in TSheets. |
CustomFields | Create, Update and Query the Custom Fields in TSheets. |
EstimateItems | Create, Update and Query the Estimate Item in TSheets. |
Estimates | Create, Update and Query the Estimates in TSheets. |
Files | This table contains a list of file objects. |
GeoLocations | Retrieves a list of all geofence configs. |
Groups | This table contains a list of all groups associated with your company. |
JobcodeAssignments | Returns a list of all jobcode assignments associated with users. |
JobCodes | This table contains a list of jobcodes associated with your company |
Locations | Retrieves a list of all locations associated with your company. |
Notifications | Retrieves a list of notifications associated with your company. |
ProjectActivityReplies | Create, Update and Query the Project Activity Replies in TSheets. |
ProjectNotes | Create, Update and Query the Project Notes in TSheets. |
Projects | Create, Update and Query the Projects in TSheets. |
Reminders | Retrieves a list of reminders associated with your employees or company. |
ScheduleEvents | Retrieves a list of schedule events associated with your employees or company. |
TimeOffRequestEntries | Create, Update and Query the Time off Request Entries in TSheets. |
TimeOffRequests | Create, Update and Query the Time off Requests in TSheets. |
Timesheets | This table contains a list of file objects. |
Users | Retrieves a list of all users associated with your company. |