Report for the current totals (shift and day) along with additional information provided for those who are currently on the clock.
Table Specific Information
Query the CurrentTotalsReport table. The provider will use the QuickBooks Time API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the provider.
- GroupId, UserId and OnTheClock fields support the '=' and IN operators.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM CurrentTotalsReport SELECT * FROM CurrentTotalsReport WHERE GroupId IN ('29474', '29474') AND OnTheClock IN (true, false) SELECT * FROM CurrentTotalsReport WHERE UserId IN (1751136, 1738864) AND OnTheClock = false
Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Int | Id of the users these totals are calculated for. |
GroupId | String | Unique group id for this user,value of zero represents those without a group. |
OnTheClock | Boolean | Whether this user is currently on the clock. |
ShiftGeolocationsAvailable | Boolean | Whether geolocations are available for the current timesheet. |
ShiftSeconds | Int | Total time for the current shift, in seconds. |
DaySeconds | Int | Total time for the day, in seconds. |