Create, update, delete and query data of 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Candidate. |
AdditonalskillsResumeparser | String | False |
The AdditonalskillsResumeparser of the Candidate. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the Candidate. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the Candidate. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the Candidate. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the Candidate. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the Candidate. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the Candidate. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the Candidate. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the Candidate. |
Allowcandidatetoeditprofile | Bool | False |
The Allowcandidatetoeditprofile of the Candidate. |
AuthorizedtoworkintheUS | Bool | False |
The AuthorizedtoworkintheUS of the Candidate. |
AvailableUntil | Datetime | False |
The AvailableUntil of the Candidate. |
Birthday | Datetime | False |
The Birthday of the Candidate. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Candidate. |
CandidateName | String | False |
The CandidateName of the Candidate. |
CandidateName2 | String | False |
The CandidateName2 of the Candidate. |
CandidateName3 | String | False |
The CandidateName3 of the Candidate. |
CandidateName4 | String | False |
The CandidateName4 of the Candidate. |
CandidateName5 | String | False |
The CandidateName5 of the Candidate. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Candidate. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the Candidate. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the Candidate. |
CurrentCompany | String | False |
The CurrentCompany of the Candidate. |
CurrentPayRate | String | False |
The CurrentPayRate of the Candidate. |
CurrentSalary | String | False |
The CurrentSalary of the Candidate. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Candidate. |
DateAvailable | Datetime | False |
The DateAvailable of the Candidate. |
DateI9Expiration | Datetime | False |
The DateI9Expiration of the Candidate. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Candidate. |
DateNextCall | Datetime | False |
The DateNextCall of the Candidate. |
DayRate | String | False |
The DayRate of the Candidate. |
DayRateLow | String | False |
The DayRateLow of the Candidate. |
Degrees | String | False |
The Degrees of the Candidate. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the Candidate. |
DesiredPayRate | String | False |
The DesiredPayRate of the Candidate. |
DesiredSalary | String | False |
The DesiredSalary of the Candidate. |
Disability | String | False |
The Disability of the Candidate. |
DistancewillingtotravelMiles | Int | False |
The DistancewillingtotravelMiles of the Candidate. |
EducationLevel | String | False |
The EducationLevel of the Candidate. |
Email1 | String | False |
The Email1 of the Candidate. |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the Candidate. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the Candidate. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Candidate. |
EmploymentPreference | String | False |
The EmploymentPreference of the Candidate. |
Ethnicity | String | False |
The Ethnicity of the Candidate. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the Candidate. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the Candidate. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the Candidate. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the Candidate. |
FederalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount | String | False |
The FederalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate. |
FederalExemptions | Int | False |
The FederalExemptions of the Candidate. |
FederalextrawithholdingamountForeachpayperiod | String | False |
The FederalextrawithholdingamountForeachpayperiod of the Candidate. |
FederalFilingStatus | String | False |
The FederalFilingStatus of the Candidate. |
Gender | String | False |
The Gender of the Candidate. |
GeneralCandidateComments | String | False |
The GeneralCandidateComments of the Candidate. |
HomePhone | String | False |
The HomePhone of the Candidate. |
I9OnFile | Int | False |
The I9OnFile of the Candidate. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the Candidate. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the Candidate. |
IsExempt | Bool | False |
The IsExempt of the Candidate. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the Candidate. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the Candidate. |
LeadTypeId | Int | False |
The LeadTypeId of the Candidate. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the Candidate. |
LocalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount | String | False |
The LocalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate. |
LocalExemptions | Int | False |
The LocalExemptions of the Candidate. |
LocalFilingStatus | String | False |
The LocalFilingStatus of the Candidate. |
LocalTaxCode | String | False |
The LocalTaxCode of the Candidate. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the Candidate. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Candidate. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The MobilePhone of the Candidate. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Candidate. |
Nickname | String | False |
The Nickname of the Candidate. |
NumberofCategories | Int | False |
The NumberofCategories of the Candidate. |
NumberofOwners | Int | False |
The NumberofOwners of the Candidate. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the Candidate. |
OtherDeductionsAmount | String | False |
The OtherDeductionsAmount of the Candidate. |
OtherIncomeAmount | String | False |
The OtherIncomeAmount of the Candidate. |
OtherPhone | String | False |
The OtherPhone of the Candidate. |
OwnershipId | Int | False |
The OwnershipId of the Candidate. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the Candidate. |
PaperWorkOnFile | String | False |
The PaperWorkOnFile of the Candidate. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the Candidate. |
PersonalURL | String | False |
The PersonalURL of the Candidate. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the Candidate. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the Candidate. |
PreferredContact | String | False |
The PreferredContact of the Candidate. |
RecentEmployers | String | False |
The RecentEmployers of the Candidate. |
ReferredbyOther | String | False |
The ReferredbyOther of the Candidate. |
ReferredById | Int | False |
The ReferredById of the Candidate. |
Resume | String | False |
The Resume of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the Candidate. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the Candidate. |
SSN | String | False |
The SSN of the Candidate. |
StateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount | String | False |
The StateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate. |
StateExemptions | Int | False |
The StateExemptions of the Candidate. |
StateFilingStatus | String | False |
The StateFilingStatus of the Candidate. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Candidate. |
TaxID | String | False |
The TaxID of the Candidate. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Candidate. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the Candidate. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the Candidate. |
TotalDependentClaimAmount | String | False |
The TotalDependentClaimAmount of the Candidate. |
TravelMethod | String | False |
The TravelMethod of the Candidate. |
Twojobs | Bool | False |
The Twojobs of the Candidate. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Candidate. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the Candidate. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the Candidate. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the Candidate. |
Veteran | String | False |
The Veteran of the Candidate. |
WillingtoRelocate | Bool | False |
The WillingtoRelocate of the Candidate. |
WorkPhone | String | False |
The WorkPhone of the Candidate. |
YearsExperience | Int | False |
The YearsExperience of the Candidate. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Candidate. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String |
Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |