Power BI Connector for Bullhorn CRM

Build 24.0.9062


Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement2' entity in BullhornCRM system.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

The Id of the Placement2.

Changesapproved Int False

The Changesapproved of the Placement2.

Changeswaitingapproval Int False

The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement2.

Expiringcredentials Int False

The Expiringcredentials of the Placement2.

Incompleterequirements Int False

The Incompleterequirements of the Placement2.

ApprovingClientContactId Int False

The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement2.

BackupApprovingClientContactId Int False

The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement2.

BillingContactId Int False

The BillingContactId of the Placement2.

BillingFrequency String False

The BillingFrequency of the Placement2.

BillRate Double False

The BillRate of the Placement2.

BonusPackage String False

The BonusPackage of the Placement2.

BranchID Int False

The BranchID of the Placement2.

CandidateId Int False

The CandidateId of the Placement2.

CanEnterTime Bool False

The CanEnterTime of the Placement2.

ClientCompanyId Int False

The ClientCompanyId of the Placement2.

Comments String False

The Comments of the Placement2.

ContactId Int False

The ContactId of the Placement2.

CostCenter String False

The CostCenter of the Placement2.

DateAdded Datetime False

The DateAdded of the Placement2.

DateLastModified Datetime False

The DateLastModified of the Placement2.

DaysGuaranteed Int False

The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement2.

DaysproRated Int False

The DaysproRated of the Placement2.

EffectiveDate Datetime False

The EffectiveDate of the Placement2.

EffectivedateClient Datetime False

The EffectivedateClient of the Placement2.

EmployeeType String False

The EmployeeType of the Placement2.

Employment String False

The Employment of the Placement2.

HoursofOperation String False

The HoursofOperation of the Placement2.

HoursPerDay Double False

The HoursPerDay of the Placement2.

HousingManager Int False

The HousingManager of the Placement2.

HousingStatus String False

The HousingStatus of the Placement2.

InvoiceGrouping String False

The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement2.

JobId Int False

The JobId of the Placement2.

JobDuration Double False

The JobDuration of the Placement2.

LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId Int False

The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement2.

LocationId Int False

The LocationId of the Placement2.

MarkUp Double False

The MarkUp of the Placement2.

MigrateGUID String False

The MigrateGUID of the Placement2.

OptionsPackage String False

The OptionsPackage of the Placement2.

OtherHourlyFee Double False

The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement2.

OtherHourlyFeeComments String False

The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement2.

OtmarkUp Double False

The OtmarkUp of the Placement2.

OverTimebillrate Double False

The OverTimebillrate of the Placement2.

OverTimepayrate Double False

The OverTimepayrate of the Placement2.

OvertimeExemption Int False

The OvertimeExemption of the Placement2.

OwnerId Int False

The OwnerId of the Placement2.

PayRate String False

The PayRate of the Placement2.

PayUnit String False

The PayUnit of the Placement2.

Placementfee Double False

The Placementfee of the Placement2.

PlacementfeeFlat Double False

The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement2.

ProjectCodeList String False

The ProjectCodeList of the Placement2.

QuitJob Bool False

The QuitJob of the Placement2.

RateEntryType Bool False

The RateEntryType of the Placement2.

RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide Double False

The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement2.

ReferralFee String False

The ReferralFee of the Placement2.

ReferralFeeType String False

The ReferralFeeType of the Placement2.

ReportedMargin Double False

The ReportedMargin of the Placement2.

Reportingto String False

The Reportingto of the Placement2.

Salary String False

The Salary of the Placement2.

SalesmanagercommissionoverRide Double False

The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement2.

ScheduledEnd Datetime False

The ScheduledEnd of the Placement2.

ShiftId Int False

The ShiftId of the Placement2.

StartDate Datetime False

The StartDate of the Placement2.

StatementContactId Int False

The StatementContactId of the Placement2.

Status String False

The Status of the Placement2.

SubmissionId Int False

The SubmissionId of the Placement2.

TaxRate Double False

The TaxRate of the Placement2.

TaxState String False

The TaxState of the Placement2.

TerminationReason String False

The TerminationReason of the Placement2.

UmbrellaCompanyId Int False

The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement2.

WorkersCompCodeId Int False

The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement2.

WorkWeekBegin Int False

The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement2.

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Build 24.0.9062