Power BI Connector for Bullhorn CRM

Build 24.0.9062


Create, update, delete and query data of 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

The Id of the Candidate.

AdditonalskillsResumeparser String False

The AdditonalskillsResumeparser of the Candidate.

AddressAddress String False

The AddressAddress of the Candidate.

AddressAddress2 String False

The AddressAddress2 of the Candidate.

AddressCity String False

The AddressCity of the Candidate.

AddressCountry Int False

The AddressCountry of the Candidate.

AddresscountryCode String False

The AddresscountryCode of the Candidate.

AddresscountryName String False

The AddresscountryName of the Candidate.

AddressState String False

The AddressState of the Candidate.

AddressZip String False

The AddressZip of the Candidate.

Allowcandidatetoeditprofile Bool False

The Allowcandidatetoeditprofile of the Candidate.

AuthorizedtoworkintheUS Bool False

The AuthorizedtoworkintheUS of the Candidate.

AvailableUntil Datetime False

The AvailableUntil of the Candidate.

Birthday Datetime False

The Birthday of the Candidate.

BranchID Int False

The BranchID of the Candidate.

CandidateName String False

The CandidateName of the Candidate.

CandidateName2 String False

The CandidateName2 of the Candidate.

CandidateName3 String False

The CandidateName3 of the Candidate.

CandidateName4 String False

The CandidateName4 of the Candidate.

CandidateName5 String False

The CandidateName5 of the Candidate.

CanEnterTime Bool False

The CanEnterTime of the Candidate.

CategoryId Int False

The CategoryId of the Candidate.

Certifications String False

The Certifications of the Candidate.

CurrentCompany String False

The CurrentCompany of the Candidate.

CurrentPayRate String False

The CurrentPayRate of the Candidate.

CurrentSalary String False

The CurrentSalary of the Candidate.

DateAdded Datetime False

The DateAdded of the Candidate.

DateAvailable Datetime False

The DateAvailable of the Candidate.

DateI9Expiration Datetime False

The DateI9Expiration of the Candidate.

DateLastModified Datetime False

The DateLastModified of the Candidate.

DateNextCall Datetime False

The DateNextCall of the Candidate.

DayRate String False

The DayRate of the Candidate.

DayRateLow String False

The DayRateLow of the Candidate.

Degrees String False

The Degrees of the Candidate.

DesiredLocations String False

The DesiredLocations of the Candidate.

DesiredPayRate String False

The DesiredPayRate of the Candidate.

DesiredSalary String False

The DesiredSalary of the Candidate.

Disability String False

The Disability of the Candidate.

DistancewillingtotravelMiles Int False

The DistancewillingtotravelMiles of the Candidate.

EducationLevel String False

The EducationLevel of the Candidate.

Email1 String False

The Email1 of the Candidate.

Email2 String False

The Email2 of the Candidate.

Email3 String False

The Email3 of the Candidate.

EmployeeType String False

The EmployeeType of the Candidate.

EmploymentPreference String False

The EmploymentPreference of the Candidate.

Ethnicity String False

The Ethnicity of the Candidate.

ExternalID String False

The ExternalID of the Candidate.

Fax String False

The Fax of the Candidate.

Fax2 String False

The Fax2 of the Candidate.

Fax3 String False

The Fax3 of the Candidate.

FederalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount String False

The FederalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate.

FederalExemptions Int False

The FederalExemptions of the Candidate.

FederalextrawithholdingamountForeachpayperiod String False

The FederalextrawithholdingamountForeachpayperiod of the Candidate.

FederalFilingStatus String False

The FederalFilingStatus of the Candidate.

Gender String False

The Gender of the Candidate.

GeneralCandidateComments String False

The GeneralCandidateComments of the Candidate.

HomePhone String False

The HomePhone of the Candidate.

I9OnFile Int False

The I9OnFile of the Candidate.

IsAnonymized Bool False

The IsAnonymized of the Candidate.

IsDaylightSavings Bool False

The IsDaylightSavings of the Candidate.

IsExempt Bool False

The IsExempt of the Candidate.

IsLockedOut Bool False

The IsLockedOut of the Candidate.

LastNote Datetime False

The LastNote of the Candidate.

LeadTypeId Int False

The LeadTypeId of the Candidate.

LinkedPersonId Int False

The LinkedPersonId of the Candidate.

LocalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount String False

The LocalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate.

LocalExemptions Int False

The LocalExemptions of the Candidate.

LocalFilingStatus String False

The LocalFilingStatus of the Candidate.

LocalTaxCode String False

The LocalTaxCode of the Candidate.

MasterUserID Int False

The MasterUserID of the Candidate.

MigrateGUID String False

The MigrateGUID of the Candidate.

MobilePhone String False

The MobilePhone of the Candidate.

Name String False

The Name of the Candidate.

Nickname String False

The Nickname of the Candidate.

NumberofCategories Int False

The NumberofCategories of the Candidate.

NumberofOwners Int False

The NumberofOwners of the Candidate.

OptedOut Bool False

The OptedOut of the Candidate.

OtherDeductionsAmount String False

The OtherDeductionsAmount of the Candidate.

OtherIncomeAmount String False

The OtherIncomeAmount of the Candidate.

OtherPhone String False

The OtherPhone of the Candidate.

OwnershipId Int False

The OwnershipId of the Candidate.

Pager String False

The Pager of the Candidate.

PaperWorkOnFile String False

The PaperWorkOnFile of the Candidate.

Password String False

The Password of the Candidate.

PersonalURL String False

The PersonalURL of the Candidate.

PersonSubtype String False

The PersonSubtype of the Candidate.

Phone3 String False

The Phone3 of the Candidate.

PreferredContact String False

The PreferredContact of the Candidate.

RecentEmployers String False

The RecentEmployers of the Candidate.

ReferredbyOther String False

The ReferredbyOther of the Candidate.

ReferredById Int False

The ReferredById of the Candidate.

Resume String False

The Resume of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddressAddress String False

The SecondaryAddressAddress of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddressAddress2 String False

The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddressCity String False

The SecondaryAddressCity of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddressCountry Int False

The SecondaryAddressCountry of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddresscountryCode String False

The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddresscountryName String False

The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddressState String False

The SecondaryAddressState of the Candidate.

SecondaryAddressZip String False

The SecondaryAddressZip of the Candidate.

Source String False

The Source of the Candidate.

SSN String False

The SSN of the Candidate.

StateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount String False

The StateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate.

StateExemptions Int False

The StateExemptions of the Candidate.

StateFilingStatus String False

The StateFilingStatus of the Candidate.

Status String False

The Status of the Candidate.

TaxID String False

The TaxID of the Candidate.

TaxState String False

The TaxState of the Candidate.

TimeZoneOffsetEST Int False

The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the Candidate.

Title String False

The Title of the Candidate.

TotalDependentClaimAmount String False

The TotalDependentClaimAmount of the Candidate.

TravelMethod String False

The TravelMethod of the Candidate.

Twojobs Bool False

The Twojobs of the Candidate.

Type String False

The Type of the Candidate.

UserDateAdded Datetime False

The UserDateAdded of the Candidate.

Username String False

The Username of the Candidate.

UserTypeId Int False

The UserTypeId of the Candidate.

Veteran String False

The Veteran of the Candidate.

WillingtoRelocate Bool False

The WillingtoRelocate of the Candidate.

WorkPhone String False

The WorkPhone of the Candidate.

YearsExperience Int False

The YearsExperience of the Candidate.

IsDeleted Bool False

The IsDeleted of the Candidate.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
LuceneQuery String

Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062