ADO.NET Provider for Bullhorn CRM

Build 24.0.9062


Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact' entity in BullhornCRM system.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Int False

The Id of the ClientContact.

AdditionalSkills String False

The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact.

AddressAddress String False

The AddressAddress of the ClientContact.

AddressAddress2 String False

The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact.

AddressCity String False

The AddressCity of the ClientContact.

AddressCountry Int False

The AddressCountry of the ClientContact.

AddresscountryCode String False

The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact.

AddresscountryName String False

The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact.

AddressState String False

The AddressState of the ClientContact.

AddressZip String False

The AddressZip of the ClientContact.

BranchID Int False

The BranchID of the ClientContact.

CategoryId Int False

The CategoryId of the ClientContact.

Certifications String False

The Certifications of the ClientContact.

ClientContactID Int False

The ClientContactID of the ClientContact.

CompanyId Int False

The CompanyId of the ClientContact.

CompanyName String False

The CompanyName of the ClientContact.

ContactName String False

The ContactName of the ClientContact.

ContactName2 String False

The ContactName2 of the ClientContact.

ContactName3 String False

The ContactName3 of the ClientContact.

ContactName4 String False

The ContactName4 of the ClientContact.

ContactName5 String False

The ContactName5 of the ClientContact.

DateAdded Datetime False

The DateAdded of the ClientContact.

DateLastModified Datetime False

The DateLastModified of the ClientContact.

DeleteMe String False

The DeleteMe of the ClientContact.

Department String False

The Department of the ClientContact.

DesiredCategories String False

The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact.

DesiredLocations String False

The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact.

DesiredSkills String False

The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact.

DesiredspecialtiessubCategory String False

The DesiredspecialtiessubCategory of the ClientContact.

DirectPhone String False

The DirectPhone of the ClientContact.

Email1 String False

The Email1 of the ClientContact.

Email2 String False

The Email2 of the ClientContact.

Email3 String False

The Email3 of the ClientContact.

ExternalID String False

The ExternalID of the ClientContact.

Fax String False

The Fax of the ClientContact.

Fax2 String False

The Fax2 of the ClientContact.

Fax3 String False

The Fax3 of the ClientContact.

GeneralContactComments String False

The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact.

IsAnonymized Bool False

The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact.

IsDaylightSavings Bool False

The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact.

IsDefaultContact Bool False

The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact.

IsLockedOut Bool False

The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact.

LastNote Datetime False

The LastNote of the ClientContact.

LastVisit Datetime False

The LastVisit of the ClientContact.

LinkedPersonId Int False

The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact.

MasterUserID Int False

The MasterUserID of the ClientContact.

MigrateGUID String False

The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact.

MobilePhone String False

The MobilePhone of the ClientContact.

Name String False

The Name of the ClientContact.

Nickname String False

The Nickname of the ClientContact.

NumberofEmployees Int False

The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact.

Office String False

The Office of the ClientContact.

OptedOut Bool False

The OptedOut of the ClientContact.

OtherPhone String False

The OtherPhone of the ClientContact.

OwnerId Int False

The OwnerId of the ClientContact.

Pager String False

The Pager of the ClientContact.

Password String False

The Password of the ClientContact.

PersonSubtype String False

The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact.

Phone3 String False

The Phone3 of the ClientContact.

PreferredContactMethod String False

The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact.

ProfessionaloverviewResume String False

The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact.

ReferredbyId Int False

The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact.

ReportstoId Int False

The ReportstoId of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddressAddress String False

The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddressAddress2 String False

The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddressCity String False

The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddressCountry Int False

The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddresscountryCode String False

The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddresscountryName String False

The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddressState String False

The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact.

SecondaryAddressZip String False

The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact.

Source String False

The Source of the ClientContact.

Status String False

The Status of the ClientContact.

TimeZoneOffsetEST Int False

The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact.

Title String False

The Title of the ClientContact.

TrackTitle String False

The TrackTitle of the ClientContact.

Type String False

The Type of the ClientContact.

UserDateAdded Datetime False

The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact.

Username String False

The Username of the ClientContact.

UserTypeId Int False

The UserTypeId of the ClientContact.

IsDeleted Bool False

The IsDeleted of the ClientContact.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062