Excel Add-In for Bullhorn CRM

Build 22.0.8322

Custom Credentials

When to Use a Custom OAuth App

You must create a custom OAuth app to connect to the Bullhorn CRM.

Desktop Authentication with a Custom OAuth App

Follow the steps below to authenticate with the credentials for a custom OAuth app. See Creating a Custom OAuth App.

Scenario 1: Authenticate with a Verifier Code

Making any changes to your OAuth app (such as the CallbackURL) requires reaching out to Bullhorn CRM directly, which can be a time-consuming process.

As such, it's highly recommended that you instead use an OAuthVerifier to connect. To obtain a verifier, you will need an OAuth Authorization URL.

Retrieving an OAuth Verifier Code

Construct your authorization URL as follows:
https://<authurl for your data center>/oauth/authorize?client_id=<your OAuth client id>&response_type=code

For example, if you had data center "CLS5", the authentication URL would be "https://auth.bullhornstaffing.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=your_client_id&response_type=code".

Please refer to the list here to determine the authentication URL for your data center.

Next, retrieve the OAuth verifier code as follows:

  1. Open your authorization URL in a browser. Log in and grant permissions to the add-in. You are then redirected to the callback URL, which contains the verifier code.
  2. Save the value of the verifier code.

Get and Refresh the OAuth Access Token

After setting the following, you are ready to connect:

  • OAuthVerifier: Set this to the OAuth Verifier code obtained previously.
  • DataCenterCode: Set this to the respective data center your account is connected with. Find the list of the data centers here. For example, CLS33.
  • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your app.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your app.

Scenario 2: Authenticate with a Custom CallbackURL

You also have the option of requesting a custom callback URL (for example, http://localhost:33333) from Bullhorn CRM. If you have been provided with a custom CallbackURL, you can set the following to connect to data:

  • CallbackURL: Set this to the custom callback URL provided by Bullhorn CRM.
  • DataCenterCode: Set this to the respective data center your account is connected with. Find the list of the data centers here. For example, CLS33.
  • OAuthClientId: Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your app.
  • OAuthClientSecret: Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your app.

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Build 22.0.8322