CData Sync App は、Bullhorn CRM データをデータベース、データレイク、またはデータウェアハウスに継続的にパイプライン化する簡単な方法を提供し、分析、レポート、AI、および機械学習で簡単に利用できるようにします。
Bullhorn CRM コネクタはCData Sync アプリケーションから使用可能で、Bullhorn CRM からデータを取得して、サポートされている任意の同期先に移動できます。
Sync App アプリケーションの接続 ページに移動し、接続の追加 パネルで対応するアイコンを選択して、Bullhorn CRM への接続を作成します。Bullhorn CRM アイコンが利用できない場合は、Add More アイコンをクリックしてCData サイトからBullhorn CRM コネクタをダウンロードおよびインストールします。
まず、Bullhorn CRM アカウントの資格情報を入力します。DataCenterCode をデータセンターに応答するデータセンターコードに設定します。リストhere を参照してください。
データセンターコードが不明な場合、CLS2、CLS21 などのコードはクラスタID で、ユーザーがログインするとブラウザのURL(アドレスバー)に含まれます。
例:はログインしたユーザーがCLS21 にいることを示します。
Note:If you specify callback URL value that contains "/" character at the end, e.g., http://localhost:33333/ you must specify exactly the same value. It must match the callback URL you specify in your application settings.
Adding or removing any character of this parameter results in an error.
Bullhorn CRM はOAuth 2.0 認証標準を利用しています。
すべてのシナリオで、OAuth を使用して認証するには、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成して構成する必要があります。詳しくは、カスタムOAuth アプリの作成 を参照してください。
Web アプリケーション経由で接続する場合は、Bullhorn CRM にカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを登録する必要があります。カスタムOAuth アプリの作成 を参照してください。それからSync App を使用してOAuth トークンの値を取得および管理します。 OAuth アクセストークンの取得
次の接続プロパティを設定し、OAuthAccessToken を取得します。
続いてストアドプロシージャを呼び出し、OAuth 交換を完了します。
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL ストアドプロシージャを呼び出します。AuthMode インプットをWEB に、CallbackURL をリダイレクトURI に設定します。ストアドプロシージャがOAuth エンドポイントのURL を返します。
OAuth アクセストークンのリフレッシュ
InitiateOAuth をREFRESH に設定してOAuth アクセストークンの期限が切れたときに自動的にリフレッシュするか、RefreshOAuthAccessToken ストアドプロシージャを呼び出してトークンを手動でリフレッシュできます。
InitiateOAuth でトークンをリフレッシュするには、最初のデータ接続で次のように設定します。
RefreshOAuthAccessToken ストアドプロシージャを使用してOAuthAccessToken を手動でリフレッシュできます。GetOAuthAccessToken によって返されたExpiresIn パラメータ値が経過した後にストアドプロシージャを呼び出します。以下の接続プロパティが設定されている必要があります。
You can then call RefreshOAuthAccessToken with the OAuthRefreshToken paraemter set to the OAuthRefreshToken returned by GetOAuthAccessToken.
次のプロパティを使って、Bullhorn CRM API 機能およびSync App のストラテジーをさらに制御できます。
このセクションでは、Bullhorn CRM Sync App の高度な機能を厳選して説明します。
Sync App を使用すると、事前設定されたクエリによって内容が決定されるユーザー定義ビューと呼ばれる仮想テーブルを定義できます。 このビューは、ドライバーに発行されるクエリを直接制御できない場合に有効です。 カスタムビューの作成と設定の概要については、ユーザー定義ビュー を参照してください。
SSL の設定 を使用して、Sync App が証明書のネゴシエーションをどのように扱うかを調整します。さまざまな証明書形式を選択できます。 詳しくは、接続文字列オプションにあるSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows プロキシとHTTP プロキシを含むファイアウォールとプロキシ に合致するようSync App を設定します。トンネル接続を設定することもできます。
Sync App は、Bullhorn CRM にできるだけ多くのSELECT ステートメント処理をオフロードし、残りのクエリをクライアント側のインメモリで処理します。
詳しくはクエリ処理 を参照してください。
CData ログを調整するために使用可能な設定の概要については、ログ を参照してください。基本的なロギングでは、 次の2つの接続プロパティを設定するだけです。LogModules 接続プロパティを使用してログに記録する情報のサブセットを選択できる、 より洗練されたロギングをサポートする多数の機能があります。
デフォルトでは、Sync App はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
このセクションでは、利用可能なAPI オブジェクトを示し、Bullhorn CRM API へのSQL の実行について詳しく説明します。
The Sync App exposes saved searches as separate views. These views will be named like 'SavedSearch_{Saved search name}'.
The Sync App uses the ListLayouts property to determine what layouts to expose as separate views. This property is recommended because it will boost the performance on tables with too many columns, like Candidate. So you can use the desired layout view, instead of the original table, for a better performance.
The naming of these views is like '{original entity}{layout name}Layout'. For example, CandidateListRowLayout, is the view that corresponds to the ListRow layout of candidate entity.
Bullhorn CRM can have custom entities and custom fields. If you want them to be listed as tables and columns respectively use the IncludeCustomTables and IncludeCustomFields properties. IncludeCustomTables is set to false by default while IncludeCustomFields is set to true.
Note that setting these properties to true may result on a slower performance.
By default, the Sync App does not expose the Many-To-Many associations between different entities. In order to expose the Associations Tables, you will need to set the ExpandAssociations connection property to 'True'. This way, the Sync App exposes one associations table for every discovered 'To-Many' associations field on a Bullhorn CRM entity (ex. CandidateToPrimarySkillsAssociations, JobOrderTocategoriesAssociations, WorkersCompensationToRatesAssociations, etc.).
For a guide on how to Read, Create and Delete Associations check PrimaryEntityToAssociatedEntityAssociations.
Note: On enabling ExpandAssociations, the Sync App will send several additional Metadata API calls to discover and list all Associations tables for each detected 'To-Many' associations field.
The Sync App offloads as much of the filtering as possible to Bullhorn CRM API, in order to have a better performance. The Bullhorn CRM supports two query languages, Lucene and JPQL.
Only Candidate and Note entities support the Lucene filtering for now. The supported operators on these tables are: 'AND', 'OR', '=', 'IN', '>', '>=', '<', '<='. Note that '>', '>=', '<', '<=' are only supported for datetime columns.
Some query examples that are handled server side are:
SELECT * FROM Candidate WHERE Id = '109989' SELECT * FROM Candidate WHERE Id IN (109989, 110011) SELECT * FROM Candidate WHERE Id IN (109989, 110011) AND DateAdded > '2018-06-11 11:40:17.577' SELECT * FROM Candidate WHERE DateAdded < '2019-12-15 14:31:01' SELECT * FROM Candidate WHERE DateAdded >= '2019-12-16 14:31:01' AND (AddressCity = 'southfield' OR AddressState = 'indiana')JPQL
SELECT * FROM Appointment WHERE Id IN ('83409', '83404', '83398') SELECT * FROM Appointment WHERE Id IN ('83409', '83404', '83398') AND communicationMethod = 'phone' SELECT * FROM Appointment WHERE CandidateId IS NOT NULL AND StartDate > '2019-12-17 12:01:00.000' ORDER BY Id, CandidateId SELECT * FROM Appointment WHERE (CandidateId IS NOT NULL AND StartDate >= '2019-12-17 12:01:00.000') OR Description IS NOT NULL SELECT * FROM Appointment WHERE (CandidateId NOT IN (19624,19622,19621,19620,19618) AND StartDate > '2019-12-17 12:01:00.000') OR Location != 'Louisville, KY'
INSERT INTO Task(Subject, Description) VALUES ('Follow up - Billy Joel', 'Follow up the candidate Billy Joel.') UPDATE Task SET Description = 'An updated description here.' WHERE Id = 84905 DELETE FROM Task WHERE Id = 84905
Sync App はBullhorn CRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるテーブルのリストにモデル化します。
一般的には、Bullhorn CRM テーブルのクエリは、リレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのクエリと同じです。時には特別なケースもあります。例えば、テーブルの特定のカラムデータを取得するために特定のカラムをWHERE 句に含める必要がある場合などです。これは通常、特定のカラムを取得するために行ごとに個別のリクエストを行う必要がある場合に必要です。これらの特別な状況は、以下にリンクされているテーブルページの上部に明確に文書化されています。
Name | Description |
ActivityGoal | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ActivityGoal' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ActivityGoalConfiguration | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ActivityGoalConfiguration' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ActivityGoalTarget | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ActivityGoalTarget' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Appointment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Appointment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
AppointmentAttendee | Create, update, delete and query data of 'AppointmentAttendee' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
AppointmentEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'AppointmentEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
BillableChargeEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'BillableChargeEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Branch | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Branch' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
BusinessSector | Create, update, delete and query data of 'BusinessSector' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Candidate | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateCertification | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertification' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateCertificationEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateCertificationRequirement | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationRequirement' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateEducation | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateEducation' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateFileAttachment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateReference | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateReference' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateReferenceQuestion | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateReferenceQuestion' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateReferenceResponse | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateReferenceResponse' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateSource | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateSource' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateWorkHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateWorkHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Category | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Category' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Certification | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Certification' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CertificationGroup | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CertificationGroup' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CertificationRequirement | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CertificationRequirement' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContact | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContact1 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact1' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContact2 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact2' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContact3 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact3' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContact4 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact4' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContact5 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact5' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContactFileAttachment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContactFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientContactHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContactHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporation | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporation1 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation1' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporation2 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation2' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporation3 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation3' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporation4 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation4' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporation5 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation5' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationAppointment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationAppointment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationCertification | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationCertification' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationFileAttachment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationNote | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationNote' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ClientCorporationTask | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationTask' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CorporateUser | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CorporateUser' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CorporationDepartment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'CorporationDepartment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Country | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Country' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Department | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Department' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
EntityFieldTypeLookup | Create, update, delete and query data of 'EntityFieldTypeLookup' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
GoalTarget | Create, update, delete and query data of 'GoalTarget' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
HousingComplex | Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplex' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
HousingComplexAmenity | Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexAmenity' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery | Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
HousingComplexUnit | Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexUnit' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
HousingComplexUtilityAccount | Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexUtilityAccount' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobBoardPost | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobBoardPost' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrder | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrder1 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder1' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrder2 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder2' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrder3 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder3' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrder4 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder4' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrder5 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder5' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderFileAttachment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderTemplate | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderTemplate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmission | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmission' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmissionEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobSubmissionHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Location | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Location' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
LocationEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
LocationEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
LocationEffectiveDateChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationEffectiveDateChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
LocationVersion | Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationVersion' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Note | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Note' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
NoteEntity | Create, update, delete and query data of 'NoteEntity' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
OpportunityEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'OpportunityEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
OpportunityFileAttachment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'OpportunityFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PayableChargeEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PayableChargeEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Person | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Person' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Placement | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Placement1 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement1' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Placement2 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement2' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Placement3 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement3' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Placement4 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement4' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Placement5 | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement5' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementCertification | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCertification' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementCertificationEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCertificationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementChangeRequest | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementChangeRequest' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementCommission | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCommission' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementCommissionEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCommissionEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementFileAttachment | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementRateCard | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementRateCard' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementRateCardLine | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementRateCardLine' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PlacementRateCardLineGroup | Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementRateCardLineGroup' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
PrimaryEntityToAssociatedEntityAssociations | Create, delete and query the Id-s of associated records between a PrimaryEntity and an AssociatedEntity entities in BullhornCRM system. |
Report | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Report' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
SalesQuota | Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesQuota' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
SalesTaxRateEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesTaxRateEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Sendout | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Sendout' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Shift | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Shift' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Skill | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Skill' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Specialty | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Specialty' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
State | Create, update, delete and query data of 'State' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Task | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Task' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
TaskEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'TaskEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
TaskEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'TaskEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Tearsheet | Create, update, delete and query data of 'Tearsheet' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
TearsheetMember | Create, update, delete and query data of 'TearsheetMember' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
TearsheetRecipient | Create, update, delete and query data of 'TearsheetRecipient' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
TimeUnit | Create, update, delete and query data of 'TimeUnit' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
UserEditHistory | Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
UserEditHistoryFieldChange | Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
UserHousingComplexUnit | Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserHousingComplexUnit' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
UserPulseCallLog | Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserPulseCallLog' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
UserPulseCallLogContact | Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserPulseCallLogContact' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
UserType | Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserType' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
WorkersCompensation | Create, update, delete and query data of 'WorkersCompensation' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
WorkersCompensationRate | Create, update, delete and query data of 'WorkersCompensationRate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
ZipCodeGis | Create, update, delete and query data of 'ZipCodeGis' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ActivityGoal' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ActivityGoal. |
ActivityType | String | False |
The ActivityType of the ActivityGoal. |
Actual | Int | False |
The Actual of the ActivityGoal. |
DepartmentId | Int | False |
The DepartmentId of the ActivityGoal. |
EndDate | Date | False |
The EndDate of the ActivityGoal. |
Goal | Int | False |
The Goal of the ActivityGoal. |
PercentAttained | Int | False |
The PercentAttained of the ActivityGoal. |
PeriodName | String | False |
The PeriodName of the ActivityGoal. |
StartDate | Date | False |
The StartDate of the ActivityGoal. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the ActivityGoal. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ActivityGoalConfiguration' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
CodeIdentifier | String | False |
The CodeIdentifier of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
GoalPeriodId | Int | False |
The GoalPeriodId of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
GoalTypeId | Int | False |
The GoalTypeId of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ActivityGoalConfiguration. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ActivityGoalTarget' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ActivityGoalTarget. |
ActivityGoalConfigurationId | Int | False |
The ActivityGoalConfigurationId of the ActivityGoalTarget. |
Goal | Int | False |
The Goal of the ActivityGoalTarget. |
PeriodName | String | False |
The PeriodName of the ActivityGoalTarget. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the ActivityGoalTarget. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Appointment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Appointment. |
AppointmentUUID | String | False |
The AppointmentUUID of the Appointment. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Appointment. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the Appointment. |
CommunicationMethod | String | False |
The CommunicationMethod of the Appointment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Appointment. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Appointment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Appointment. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate of the Appointment. |
IsAllDay | Bool | False |
The IsAllDay of the Appointment. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Appointment. |
JobSubmissionId | Int | False |
The JobSubmissionId of the Appointment. |
Location | String | False |
The Location of the Appointment. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Appointment. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Appointment. |
ParentAppointmentId | Int | False |
The ParentAppointmentId of the Appointment. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the Appointment. |
RecurrenceDayBits | Int | False |
The RecurrenceDayBits of the Appointment. |
RecurrenceFrequency | Int | False |
The RecurrenceFrequency of the Appointment. |
RecurrenceMax | Int | False |
The RecurrenceMax of the Appointment. |
RecurrenceMonthBits | Int | False |
The RecurrenceMonthBits of the Appointment. |
RecurrenceStyle | String | False |
The RecurrenceStyle of the Appointment. |
RecurrenceType | String | False |
The RecurrenceType of the Appointment. |
Reminder | Int | False |
The Reminder of the Appointment. |
ShowTimeAs | String | False |
The ShowTimeAs of the Appointment. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Appointment. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject of the Appointment. |
TimeZoneID | String | False |
The TimeZoneID of the Appointment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Appointment. |
Visibility | Bool | False |
The Visibility of the Appointment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Appointment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'AppointmentAttendee' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the AppointmentAttendee. |
AcceptanceStatus | Int | False |
The AcceptanceStatus of the AppointmentAttendee. |
AppointmentId | Int | False |
The AppointmentId of the AppointmentAttendee. |
AttendeeId | Int | False |
The AttendeeId of the AppointmentAttendee. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the AppointmentAttendee. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'AppointmentEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the AppointmentEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the AppointmentEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'BillableChargeEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the BillableChargeEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the BillableChargeEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the BillableChargeEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the BillableChargeEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the BillableChargeEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the BillableChargeEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the BillableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Branch' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Branch. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Branch. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the Branch. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Branch. |
ParentBranchId | Int | False |
The ParentBranchId of the Branch. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Branch. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'BusinessSector' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the BusinessSector. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the BusinessSector. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the BusinessSector. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Candidate. |
AdditonalskillsResumeparser | String | False |
The AdditonalskillsResumeparser of the Candidate. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the Candidate. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the Candidate. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the Candidate. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the Candidate. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the Candidate. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the Candidate. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the Candidate. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the Candidate. |
Allowcandidatetoeditprofile | Bool | False |
The Allowcandidatetoeditprofile of the Candidate. |
AuthorizedtoworkintheUS | Bool | False |
The AuthorizedtoworkintheUS of the Candidate. |
AvailableUntil | Datetime | False |
The AvailableUntil of the Candidate. |
Birthday | Datetime | False |
The Birthday of the Candidate. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Candidate. |
CandidateName | String | False |
The CandidateName of the Candidate. |
CandidateName2 | String | False |
The CandidateName2 of the Candidate. |
CandidateName3 | String | False |
The CandidateName3 of the Candidate. |
CandidateName4 | String | False |
The CandidateName4 of the Candidate. |
CandidateName5 | String | False |
The CandidateName5 of the Candidate. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Candidate. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the Candidate. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the Candidate. |
CurrentCompany | String | False |
The CurrentCompany of the Candidate. |
CurrentPayRate | String | False |
The CurrentPayRate of the Candidate. |
CurrentSalary | String | False |
The CurrentSalary of the Candidate. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Candidate. |
DateAvailable | Datetime | False |
The DateAvailable of the Candidate. |
DateI9Expiration | Datetime | False |
The DateI9Expiration of the Candidate. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Candidate. |
DateNextCall | Datetime | False |
The DateNextCall of the Candidate. |
DayRate | String | False |
The DayRate of the Candidate. |
DayRateLow | String | False |
The DayRateLow of the Candidate. |
Degrees | String | False |
The Degrees of the Candidate. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the Candidate. |
DesiredPayRate | String | False |
The DesiredPayRate of the Candidate. |
DesiredSalary | String | False |
The DesiredSalary of the Candidate. |
Disability | String | False |
The Disability of the Candidate. |
DistancewillingtotravelMiles | Int | False |
The DistancewillingtotravelMiles of the Candidate. |
EducationLevel | String | False |
The EducationLevel of the Candidate. |
Email1 | String | False |
The Email1 of the Candidate. |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the Candidate. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the Candidate. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Candidate. |
EmploymentPreference | String | False |
The EmploymentPreference of the Candidate. |
Ethnicity | String | False |
The Ethnicity of the Candidate. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the Candidate. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the Candidate. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the Candidate. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the Candidate. |
FederalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount | String | False |
The FederalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate. |
FederalExemptions | Int | False |
The FederalExemptions of the Candidate. |
FederalextrawithholdingamountForeachpayperiod | String | False |
The FederalextrawithholdingamountForeachpayperiod of the Candidate. |
FederalFilingStatus | String | False |
The FederalFilingStatus of the Candidate. |
Gender | String | False |
The Gender of the Candidate. |
GeneralCandidateComments | String | False |
The GeneralCandidateComments of the Candidate. |
HomePhone | String | False |
The HomePhone of the Candidate. |
I9OnFile | Int | False |
The I9OnFile of the Candidate. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the Candidate. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the Candidate. |
IsExempt | Bool | False |
The IsExempt of the Candidate. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the Candidate. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the Candidate. |
LeadTypeId | Int | False |
The LeadTypeId of the Candidate. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the Candidate. |
LocalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount | String | False |
The LocalAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate. |
LocalExemptions | Int | False |
The LocalExemptions of the Candidate. |
LocalFilingStatus | String | False |
The LocalFilingStatus of the Candidate. |
LocalTaxCode | String | False |
The LocalTaxCode of the Candidate. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the Candidate. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Candidate. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The MobilePhone of the Candidate. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Candidate. |
Nickname | String | False |
The Nickname of the Candidate. |
NumberofCategories | Int | False |
The NumberofCategories of the Candidate. |
NumberofOwners | Int | False |
The NumberofOwners of the Candidate. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the Candidate. |
OtherDeductionsAmount | String | False |
The OtherDeductionsAmount of the Candidate. |
OtherIncomeAmount | String | False |
The OtherIncomeAmount of the Candidate. |
OtherPhone | String | False |
The OtherPhone of the Candidate. |
OwnershipId | Int | False |
The OwnershipId of the Candidate. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the Candidate. |
PaperWorkOnFile | String | False |
The PaperWorkOnFile of the Candidate. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the Candidate. |
PersonalURL | String | False |
The PersonalURL of the Candidate. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the Candidate. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the Candidate. |
PreferredContact | String | False |
The PreferredContact of the Candidate. |
RecentEmployers | String | False |
The RecentEmployers of the Candidate. |
ReferredbyOther | String | False |
The ReferredbyOther of the Candidate. |
ReferredById | Int | False |
The ReferredById of the Candidate. |
Resume | String | False |
The Resume of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the Candidate. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the Candidate. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the Candidate. |
SSN | String | False |
The SSN of the Candidate. |
StateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount | String | False |
The StateAddtionalWitholdingsAmount of the Candidate. |
StateExemptions | Int | False |
The StateExemptions of the Candidate. |
StateFilingStatus | String | False |
The StateFilingStatus of the Candidate. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Candidate. |
TaxID | String | False |
The TaxID of the Candidate. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Candidate. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the Candidate. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the Candidate. |
TotalDependentClaimAmount | String | False |
The TotalDependentClaimAmount of the Candidate. |
TravelMethod | String | False |
The TravelMethod of the Candidate. |
Twojobs | Bool | False |
The Twojobs of the Candidate. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Candidate. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the Candidate. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the Candidate. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the Candidate. |
Veteran | String | False |
The Veteran of the Candidate. |
WillingtoRelocate | Bool | False |
The WillingtoRelocate of the Candidate. |
WorkPhone | String | False |
The WorkPhone of the Candidate. |
YearsExperience | Int | False |
The YearsExperience of the Candidate. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Candidate. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String |
Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertification' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateCertification. |
BoardCertification | String | False |
The BoardCertification of the CandidateCertification. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateCertification. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the CandidateCertification. |
Compact | Int | False |
The Compact of the CandidateCertification. |
Credential | String | False |
The Credential of the CandidateCertification. |
DateCertified | Datetime | False |
The DateCertified of the CandidateCertification. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the CandidateCertification. |
DisplayStatus | String | False |
The DisplayStatus of the CandidateCertification. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False |
The ExpirationDate of the CandidateCertification. |
IsComplete | Bool | False |
The IsComplete of the CandidateCertification. |
IssuingAuthority | String | False |
The IssuingAuthority of the CandidateCertification. |
LicenseNumber | String | False |
The LicenseNumber of the CandidateCertification. |
LicenseType | String | False |
The LicenseType of the CandidateCertification. |
Locations | String | False |
The Locations of the CandidateCertification. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the CandidateCertification. |
OnFile | Int | False |
The OnFile of the CandidateCertification. |
RequirementTypeId | Int | False |
The RequirementTypeId of the CandidateCertification. |
Results | String | False |
The Results of the CandidateCertification. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the CandidateCertification. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the CandidateCertification. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the CandidateCertificationEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the CandidateCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationRequirement' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialId | Int | False |
The CandidateCredentialId of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialName | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialName of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialStatus | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialStatus of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
CertificationId | Int | False |
The CertificationId of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False |
The ExpirationDate of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
MatchingCredentialCount | Int | False |
The MatchingCredentialCount of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the CandidateCertificationRequirement. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the CandidateCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateEducation' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateEducation. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateEducation. |
Certification | String | False |
The Certification of the CandidateEducation. |
City | String | False |
The City of the CandidateEducation. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the CandidateEducation. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateEducation. |
Degree | String | False |
The Degree of the CandidateEducation. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate of the CandidateEducation. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False |
The ExpirationDate of the CandidateEducation. |
GPA | Double | False |
The GPA of the CandidateEducation. |
GraduationDate | Datetime | False |
The GraduationDate of the CandidateEducation. |
Major | String | False |
The Major of the CandidateEducation. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateEducation. |
School | String | False |
The School of the CandidateEducation. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the CandidateEducation. |
State | String | False |
The State of the CandidateEducation. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the CandidateEducation. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
ContentSubType | String | False |
The ContentSubType of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
ContentType | String | False |
The ContentType of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Directory | String | False |
The Directory of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Distribution | String | False |
The Distribution of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
FileExtension | String | False |
The FileExtension of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
FileOwnerId | Int | False |
The FileOwnerId of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
FileSize | Int | False |
The FileSize of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
FileType | String | False |
The FileType of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsCopied | Bool | False |
The IsCopied of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsEncrypted | Bool | False |
The IsEncrypted of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsExternal | Bool | False |
The IsExternal of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsSendOut | Bool | False |
The IsSendOut of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Uuid | String | False |
The Uuid of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the CandidateFileAttachment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateHistory. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateHistory. |
CandidateID2 | Int | False |
The CandidateID2 of the CandidateHistory. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the CandidateHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateHistory. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the CandidateHistory. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the CandidateHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateReference' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateReference. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateReference. |
CandidateTitle | String | False |
The CandidateTitle of the CandidateReference. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the CandidateReference. |
CompanyorDepartment | String | False |
The CompanyorDepartment of the CandidateReference. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateReference. |
EmploymentEnd | Datetime | False |
The EmploymentEnd of the CandidateReference. |
EmploymentStart | Datetime | False |
The EmploymentStart of the CandidateReference. |
JobPostingId | Int | False |
The JobPostingId of the CandidateReference. |
ManagerEmail | String | False |
The ManagerEmail of the CandidateReference. |
ManagerPhone | String | False |
The ManagerPhone of the CandidateReference. |
ManagerTitle | String | False |
The ManagerTitle of the CandidateReference. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateReference. |
ReferenceID | Int | False |
The ReferenceID of the CandidateReference. |
ReferenceLastName | String | False |
The ReferenceLastName of the CandidateReference. |
ReferenceName | String | False |
The ReferenceName of the CandidateReference. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the CandidateReference. |
YearsKnown | Int | False |
The YearsKnown of the CandidateReference. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the CandidateReference. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateReferenceQuestion' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateReferenceQuestion. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the CandidateReferenceQuestion. |
Enabled | Int | False |
The Enabled of the CandidateReferenceQuestion. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateReferenceQuestion. |
QuestionText | String | False |
The QuestionText of the CandidateReferenceQuestion. |
SortOrder | Int | False |
The SortOrder of the CandidateReferenceQuestion. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateReferenceResponse' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateReferenceResponse. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateReferenceResponse. |
QuestionId | Int | False |
The QuestionId of the CandidateReferenceResponse. |
ReferenceId | Int | False |
The ReferenceId of the CandidateReferenceResponse. |
ResponseText | String | False |
The ResponseText of the CandidateReferenceResponse. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateSource' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateSource. |
AccountNumber | String | False |
The AccountNumber of the CandidateSource. |
Addressaddress1 | String | False |
The Addressaddress1 of the CandidateSource. |
Addressaddress2 | String | False |
The Addressaddress2 of the CandidateSource. |
Addresscity | String | False |
The Addresscity of the CandidateSource. |
Addressstate | String | False |
The Addressstate of the CandidateSource. |
Addresszip | String | False |
The Addresszip of the CandidateSource. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateSource. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the CandidateSource. |
Fee | String | False |
The Fee of the CandidateSource. |
FeeType | String | False |
The FeeType of the CandidateSource. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateSource. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the CandidateSource. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the CandidateSource. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the CandidateSource. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CandidateWorkHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
Bonus | Double | False |
The Bonus of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
Commission | Double | False |
The Commission of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
IsLastJob | Bool | False |
The IsLastJob of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
JobPostingId | Int | False |
The JobPostingId of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
SalaryHigh | String | False |
The SalaryHigh of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
SalaryLow | String | False |
The SalaryLow of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
SalaryType | String | False |
The SalaryType of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the CandidateWorkHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Category' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Category. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Category. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Category. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the Category. |
ExternalID | Int | False |
The ExternalID of the Category. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Category. |
Occupation | String | False |
The Occupation of the Category. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Category. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Certification' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Certification. |
CategoryID | Int | False |
The CategoryID of the Certification. |
Country | String | False |
The Country of the Certification. |
Country2Id | Int | False |
The Country2Id of the Certification. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Certification. |
ExpirationdateOptional | Bool | False |
The ExpirationdateOptional of the Certification. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Certification. |
SpecialtyID | Int | False |
The SpecialtyID of the Certification. |
State | String | False |
The State of the Certification. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CertificationGroup' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CertificationGroup. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CertificationGroup. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the CertificationGroup. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the CertificationGroup. |
PrivateLabelID | Int | False |
The PrivateLabelID of the CertificationGroup. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CertificationRequirement' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialId | Int | False |
The CandidateCredentialId of the CertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialName | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialName of the CertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialStatus | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialStatus of the CertificationRequirement. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the CertificationRequirement. |
CertificationId | Int | False |
The CertificationId of the CertificationRequirement. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CertificationRequirement. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False |
The ExpirationDate of the CertificationRequirement. |
JobSubmissionId | Int | False |
The JobSubmissionId of the CertificationRequirement. |
MatchingCredentialCount | Int | False |
The MatchingCredentialCount of the CertificationRequirement. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the CertificationRequirement. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the CertificationRequirement. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the CertificationRequirement. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContact. |
AdditionalSkills | String | False |
The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientContact. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientContact. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientContact. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientContact. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientContact. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientContact. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the ClientContact. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the ClientContact. |
ClientContactID | Int | False |
The ClientContactID of the ClientContact. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the ClientContact. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientContact. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName of the ClientContact. |
ContactName2 | String | False |
The ContactName2 of the ClientContact. |
ContactName3 | String | False |
The ContactName3 of the ClientContact. |
ContactName4 | String | False |
The ContactName4 of the ClientContact. |
ContactName5 | String | False |
The ContactName5 of the ClientContact. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContact. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientContact. |
DeleteMe | String | False |
The DeleteMe of the ClientContact. |
Department | String | False |
The Department of the ClientContact. |
DesiredCategories | String | False |
The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact. |
DesiredSkills | String | False |
The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact. |
DesiredspecialtiessubCategory | String | False |
The DesiredspecialtiessubCategory of the ClientContact. |
DirectPhone | String | False |
The DirectPhone of the ClientContact. |
Email1 | String | False |
The Email1 of the ClientContact. |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the ClientContact. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the ClientContact. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContact. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientContact. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the ClientContact. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the ClientContact. |
GeneralContactComments | String | False |
The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact. |
IsDefaultContact | Bool | False |
The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the ClientContact. |
LastVisit | Datetime | False |
The LastVisit of the ClientContact. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the ClientContact. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The MobilePhone of the ClientContact. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContact. |
Nickname | String | False |
The Nickname of the ClientContact. |
NumberofEmployees | Int | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact. |
Office | String | False |
The Office of the ClientContact. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the ClientContact. |
OtherPhone | String | False |
The OtherPhone of the ClientContact. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the ClientContact. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the ClientContact. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the ClientContact. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the ClientContact. |
PreferredContactMethod | String | False |
The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact. |
ProfessionaloverviewResume | String | False |
The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact. |
ReferredbyId | Int | False |
The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact. |
ReportstoId | Int | False |
The ReportstoId of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the ClientContact. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContact. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the ClientContact. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientContact. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContact. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the ClientContact. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the ClientContact. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContact. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact1' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContact1. |
AdditionalSkills | String | False |
The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact1. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientContact1. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact1. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientContact1. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientContact1. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact1. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact1. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientContact1. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientContact1. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientContact1. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the ClientContact1. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the ClientContact1. |
ClientContactID | Int | False |
The ClientContactID of the ClientContact1. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the ClientContact1. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientContact1. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName of the ClientContact1. |
ContactName2 | String | False |
The ContactName2 of the ClientContact1. |
ContactName3 | String | False |
The ContactName3 of the ClientContact1. |
ContactName4 | String | False |
The ContactName4 of the ClientContact1. |
ContactName5 | String | False |
The ContactName5 of the ClientContact1. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContact1. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientContact1. |
DeleteMe | String | False |
The DeleteMe of the ClientContact1. |
Department | String | False |
The Department of the ClientContact1. |
DesiredCategories | String | False |
The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact1. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact1. |
DesiredSkills | String | False |
The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact1. |
DesiredspecialtiessubCategory | String | False |
The DesiredspecialtiessubCategory of the ClientContact1. |
DirectPhone | String | False |
The DirectPhone of the ClientContact1. |
Email1 | String | False |
The Email1 of the ClientContact1. |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the ClientContact1. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the ClientContact1. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContact1. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientContact1. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the ClientContact1. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the ClientContact1. |
GeneralContactComments | String | False |
The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact1. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact1. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact1. |
IsDefaultContact | Bool | False |
The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact1. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact1. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the ClientContact1. |
LastVisit | Datetime | False |
The LastVisit of the ClientContact1. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact1. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the ClientContact1. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact1. |
MobilePhone | String | False |
The MobilePhone of the ClientContact1. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContact1. |
Nickname | String | False |
The Nickname of the ClientContact1. |
NumberofEmployees | Int | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact1. |
Office | String | False |
The Office of the ClientContact1. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the ClientContact1. |
OtherPhone | String | False |
The OtherPhone of the ClientContact1. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the ClientContact1. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the ClientContact1. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the ClientContact1. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact1. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the ClientContact1. |
PreferredContactMethod | String | False |
The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact1. |
ProfessionaloverviewResume | String | False |
The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact1. |
ReferredbyId | Int | False |
The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact1. |
ReportstoId | Int | False |
The ReportstoId of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact1. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact1. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the ClientContact1. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContact1. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact1. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the ClientContact1. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientContact1. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContact1. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact1. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the ClientContact1. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the ClientContact1. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContact1. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact2' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContact2. |
AdditionalSkills | String | False |
The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact2. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientContact2. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact2. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientContact2. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientContact2. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact2. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact2. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientContact2. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientContact2. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientContact2. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the ClientContact2. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the ClientContact2. |
ClientContactID | Int | False |
The ClientContactID of the ClientContact2. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the ClientContact2. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientContact2. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName of the ClientContact2. |
ContactName2 | String | False |
The ContactName2 of the ClientContact2. |
ContactName3 | String | False |
The ContactName3 of the ClientContact2. |
ContactName4 | String | False |
The ContactName4 of the ClientContact2. |
ContactName5 | String | False |
The ContactName5 of the ClientContact2. |
ContactOwnerId | Int | False |
The ContactOwnerId of the ClientContact2. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContact2. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientContact2. |
DeleteMe | String | False |
The DeleteMe of the ClientContact2. |
DesiredCategories | String | False |
The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact2. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact2. |
DesiredSkills | String | False |
The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact2. |
DesiredSpecialties | String | False |
The DesiredSpecialties of the ClientContact2. |
Division | String | False |
The Division of the ClientContact2. |
String | False |
The Email of the ClientContact2. | |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the ClientContact2. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the ClientContact2. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContact2. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientContact2. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the ClientContact2. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the ClientContact2. |
GeneralContactComments | String | False |
The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact2. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact2. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact2. |
IsDefaultContact | Bool | False |
The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact2. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact2. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the ClientContact2. |
LastVisit | Datetime | False |
The LastVisit of the ClientContact2. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact2. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the ClientContact2. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact2. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile of the ClientContact2. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContact2. |
NickName | String | False |
The NickName of the ClientContact2. |
NumberofEmployees | Int | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact2. |
Office | String | False |
The Office of the ClientContact2. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the ClientContact2. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the ClientContact2. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the ClientContact2. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact2. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientContact2. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 of the ClientContact2. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the ClientContact2. |
PreferredContactMethod | String | False |
The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact2. |
ProfessionaloverviewResume | String | False |
The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact2. |
ReferredbyId | Int | False |
The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact2. |
ReportstoId | Int | False |
The ReportstoId of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact2. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact2. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the ClientContact2. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContact2. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact2. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the ClientContact2. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientContact2. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContact2. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact2. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the ClientContact2. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the ClientContact2. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContact2. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact3' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContact3. |
AdditionalSkills | String | False |
The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact3. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientContact3. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact3. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientContact3. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientContact3. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact3. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact3. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientContact3. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientContact3. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientContact3. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the ClientContact3. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the ClientContact3. |
ClientContactID | Int | False |
The ClientContactID of the ClientContact3. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the ClientContact3. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientContact3. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName of the ClientContact3. |
ContactName2 | String | False |
The ContactName2 of the ClientContact3. |
ContactName3 | String | False |
The ContactName3 of the ClientContact3. |
ContactName4 | String | False |
The ContactName4 of the ClientContact3. |
ContactName5 | String | False |
The ContactName5 of the ClientContact3. |
ContactOwnerId | Int | False |
The ContactOwnerId of the ClientContact3. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContact3. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientContact3. |
DeleteMe | String | False |
The DeleteMe of the ClientContact3. |
DesiredCategories | String | False |
The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact3. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact3. |
DesiredSkills | String | False |
The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact3. |
DesiredSpecialties | String | False |
The DesiredSpecialties of the ClientContact3. |
Division | String | False |
The Division of the ClientContact3. |
String | False |
The Email of the ClientContact3. | |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the ClientContact3. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the ClientContact3. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContact3. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientContact3. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the ClientContact3. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the ClientContact3. |
GeneralContactComments | String | False |
The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact3. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact3. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact3. |
IsDefaultContact | Bool | False |
The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact3. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact3. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the ClientContact3. |
LastVisit | Datetime | False |
The LastVisit of the ClientContact3. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact3. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the ClientContact3. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact3. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile of the ClientContact3. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContact3. |
NickName | String | False |
The NickName of the ClientContact3. |
NumberofEmployees | Int | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact3. |
Office | String | False |
The Office of the ClientContact3. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the ClientContact3. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the ClientContact3. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the ClientContact3. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact3. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientContact3. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 of the ClientContact3. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the ClientContact3. |
PreferredContactMethod | String | False |
The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact3. |
ProfessionaloverviewResume | String | False |
The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact3. |
ReferredbyId | Int | False |
The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact3. |
ReportstoId | Int | False |
The ReportstoId of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact3. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact3. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the ClientContact3. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContact3. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact3. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the ClientContact3. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientContact3. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContact3. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact3. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the ClientContact3. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the ClientContact3. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContact3. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact4' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContact4. |
AdditionalSkills | String | False |
The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact4. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientContact4. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact4. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientContact4. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientContact4. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact4. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact4. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientContact4. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientContact4. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientContact4. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the ClientContact4. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the ClientContact4. |
ClientContactID | Int | False |
The ClientContactID of the ClientContact4. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the ClientContact4. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientContact4. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName of the ClientContact4. |
ContactName2 | String | False |
The ContactName2 of the ClientContact4. |
ContactName3 | String | False |
The ContactName3 of the ClientContact4. |
ContactName4 | String | False |
The ContactName4 of the ClientContact4. |
ContactName5 | String | False |
The ContactName5 of the ClientContact4. |
ContactOwnerId | Int | False |
The ContactOwnerId of the ClientContact4. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContact4. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientContact4. |
DeleteMe | String | False |
The DeleteMe of the ClientContact4. |
DesiredCategories | String | False |
The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact4. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact4. |
DesiredSkills | String | False |
The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact4. |
DesiredSpecialties | String | False |
The DesiredSpecialties of the ClientContact4. |
Division | String | False |
The Division of the ClientContact4. |
String | False |
The Email of the ClientContact4. | |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the ClientContact4. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the ClientContact4. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContact4. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientContact4. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the ClientContact4. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the ClientContact4. |
GeneralContactComments | String | False |
The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact4. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact4. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact4. |
IsDefaultContact | Bool | False |
The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact4. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact4. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the ClientContact4. |
LastVisit | Datetime | False |
The LastVisit of the ClientContact4. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact4. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the ClientContact4. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact4. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile of the ClientContact4. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContact4. |
NickName | String | False |
The NickName of the ClientContact4. |
NumberofEmployees | Int | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact4. |
Office | String | False |
The Office of the ClientContact4. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the ClientContact4. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the ClientContact4. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the ClientContact4. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact4. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientContact4. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 of the ClientContact4. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the ClientContact4. |
PreferredContactMethod | String | False |
The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact4. |
ProfessionaloverviewResume | String | False |
The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact4. |
ReferredbyId | Int | False |
The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact4. |
ReportstoId | Int | False |
The ReportstoId of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact4. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact4. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the ClientContact4. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContact4. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact4. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the ClientContact4. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientContact4. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContact4. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact4. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the ClientContact4. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the ClientContact4. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContact4. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContact5' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContact5. |
AdditionalSkills | String | False |
The AdditionalSkills of the ClientContact5. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientContact5. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientContact5. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientContact5. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientContact5. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientContact5. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientContact5. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientContact5. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientContact5. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientContact5. |
CategoryId | Int | False |
The CategoryId of the ClientContact5. |
Certifications | String | False |
The Certifications of the ClientContact5. |
ClientContactID | Int | False |
The ClientContactID of the ClientContact5. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the ClientContact5. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientContact5. |
ContactName | String | False |
The ContactName of the ClientContact5. |
ContactName2 | String | False |
The ContactName2 of the ClientContact5. |
ContactName3 | String | False |
The ContactName3 of the ClientContact5. |
ContactName4 | String | False |
The ContactName4 of the ClientContact5. |
ContactName5 | String | False |
The ContactName5 of the ClientContact5. |
ContactOwnerId | Int | False |
The ContactOwnerId of the ClientContact5. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContact5. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientContact5. |
DeleteMe | String | False |
The DeleteMe of the ClientContact5. |
DesiredCategories | String | False |
The DesiredCategories of the ClientContact5. |
DesiredLocations | String | False |
The DesiredLocations of the ClientContact5. |
DesiredSkills | String | False |
The DesiredSkills of the ClientContact5. |
DesiredSpecialties | String | False |
The DesiredSpecialties of the ClientContact5. |
Division | String | False |
The Division of the ClientContact5. |
String | False |
The Email of the ClientContact5. | |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the ClientContact5. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the ClientContact5. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContact5. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientContact5. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the ClientContact5. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the ClientContact5. |
GeneralContactComments | String | False |
The GeneralContactComments of the ClientContact5. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the ClientContact5. |
IsDaylightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDaylightSavings of the ClientContact5. |
IsDefaultContact | Bool | False |
The IsDefaultContact of the ClientContact5. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the ClientContact5. |
LastNote | Datetime | False |
The LastNote of the ClientContact5. |
LastVisit | Datetime | False |
The LastVisit of the ClientContact5. |
LinkedPersonId | Int | False |
The LinkedPersonId of the ClientContact5. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the ClientContact5. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContact5. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile of the ClientContact5. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContact5. |
NickName | String | False |
The NickName of the ClientContact5. |
NumberofEmployees | Int | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the ClientContact5. |
Office | String | False |
The Office of the ClientContact5. |
OptedOut | Bool | False |
The OptedOut of the ClientContact5. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the ClientContact5. |
Password | String | False |
The Password of the ClientContact5. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the ClientContact5. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientContact5. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 of the ClientContact5. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the ClientContact5. |
PreferredContactMethod | String | False |
The PreferredContactMethod of the ClientContact5. |
ProfessionaloverviewResume | String | False |
The ProfessionaloverviewResume of the ClientContact5. |
ReferredbyId | Int | False |
The ReferredbyId of the ClientContact5. |
ReportstoId | Int | False |
The ReportstoId of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddressAddress | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressAddress2 of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddressCity | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressCity of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddressCountry | Int | False |
The SecondaryAddressCountry of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryCode of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddresscountryName | String | False |
The SecondaryAddresscountryName of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddressState | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressState of the ClientContact5. |
SecondaryAddressZip | String | False |
The SecondaryAddressZip of the ClientContact5. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the ClientContact5. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContact5. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the ClientContact5. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the ClientContact5. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientContact5. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContact5. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the ClientContact5. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the ClientContact5. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the ClientContact5. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContact5. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContactFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
ContentSubType | String | False |
The ContentSubType of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
ContentType | String | False |
The ContentType of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Directory | String | False |
The Directory of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Distribution | String | False |
The Distribution of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
FileExtension | String | False |
The FileExtension of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
FileOwnerId | Int | False |
The FileOwnerId of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
FileSize | Int | False |
The FileSize of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
FileType | String | False |
The FileType of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsCopied | Bool | False |
The IsCopied of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsEncrypted | Bool | False |
The IsEncrypted of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsExternal | Bool | False |
The IsExternal of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsSendOut | Bool | False |
The IsSendOut of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Uuid | String | False |
The Uuid of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientContactFileAttachment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientContactHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientContactHistory. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the ClientContactHistory. |
ClientContactID2 | Int | False |
The ClientContactID2 of the ClientContactHistory. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientContactHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientContactHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientContactHistory. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the ClientContactHistory. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientContactHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporation. |
Ofemployees | Int | False |
The Ofemployees of the ClientCorporation. |
Ofoffices | Int | False |
The Ofoffices of the ClientCorporation. |
AccountIntelligence | String | False |
The AccountIntelligence of the ClientCorporation. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientCorporation. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientCorporation. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientCorporation. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientCorporation. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientCorporation. |
AnnualrevenueMillions | String | False |
The AnnualrevenueMillions of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The BillingAddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddressBillingAddress | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingAddress of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddressBillingCity | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCity of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddressBillingCountry | Int | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCountry of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddressBillingState | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingState of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddressBillingZip | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingZip of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingAddresscountryName | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingContact | String | False |
The BillingContact of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the ClientCorporation. |
BillingPhone | String | False |
The BillingPhone of the ClientCorporation. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientCorporation. |
BusinessSectors | String | False |
The BusinessSectors of the ClientCorporation. |
CompanyInfo | String | False |
The CompanyInfo of the ClientCorporation. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientCorporation. |
CompanyWebsite | String | False |
The CompanyWebsite of the ClientCorporation. |
Competitors | String | False |
The Competitors of the ClientCorporation. |
CulturePerks | String | False |
The CulturePerks of the ClientCorporation. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporation. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporation. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporation. |
FacebookProfileName | String | False |
The FacebookProfileName of the ClientCorporation. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientCorporation. |
FundingStatus | String | False |
The FundingStatus of the ClientCorporation. |
InvoiceFormat | String | False |
The InvoiceFormat of the ClientCorporation. |
LinkedInProfileName | String | False |
The LinkedInProfileName of the ClientCorporation. |
MainPhone | String | False |
The MainPhone of the ClientCorporation. |
ManagedFromId | Int | False |
The ManagedFromId of the ClientCorporation. |
Ownership | String | False |
The Ownership of the ClientCorporation. |
ParentCompanyId | Int | False |
The ParentCompanyId of the ClientCorporation. |
Revenue | String | False |
The Revenue of the ClientCorporation. |
Sector | String | False |
The Sector of the ClientCorporation. |
Standardpermfee | Double | False |
The Standardpermfee of the ClientCorporation. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporation. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the ClientCorporation. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The TickerSymbol of the ClientCorporation. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientCorporation. |
TwitterHandle | String | False |
The TwitterHandle of the ClientCorporation. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the ClientCorporation. |
YearFounded | Datetime | False |
The YearFounded of the ClientCorporation. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation1' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporation1. |
Ofemployees | Int | False |
The Ofemployees of the ClientCorporation1. |
Ofoffices | Int | False |
The Ofoffices of the ClientCorporation1. |
AccountIntelligence | String | False |
The AccountIntelligence of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientCorporation1. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientCorporation1. |
AnnualrevenueMillions | String | False |
The AnnualrevenueMillions of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The BillingAddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddressBillingAddress | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingAddress of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddressBillingCity | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCity of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddressBillingCountry | Int | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCountry of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddressBillingState | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingState of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddressBillingZip | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingZip of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingAddresscountryName | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingContact | String | False |
The BillingContact of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the ClientCorporation1. |
BillingPhone | String | False |
The BillingPhone of the ClientCorporation1. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientCorporation1. |
BusinessSectors | String | False |
The BusinessSectors of the ClientCorporation1. |
CompanyInfo | String | False |
The CompanyInfo of the ClientCorporation1. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientCorporation1. |
CompanyWebsite | String | False |
The CompanyWebsite of the ClientCorporation1. |
Competitors | String | False |
The Competitors of the ClientCorporation1. |
CulturePerks | String | False |
The CulturePerks of the ClientCorporation1. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporation1. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporation1. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporation1. |
FacebookProfileName | String | False |
The FacebookProfileName of the ClientCorporation1. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientCorporation1. |
FundingStatus | String | False |
The FundingStatus of the ClientCorporation1. |
InvoiceFormat | String | False |
The InvoiceFormat of the ClientCorporation1. |
LinkedInProfileName | String | False |
The LinkedInProfileName of the ClientCorporation1. |
MainPhone | String | False |
The MainPhone of the ClientCorporation1. |
ManagedFromId | Int | False |
The ManagedFromId of the ClientCorporation1. |
Ownership | String | False |
The Ownership of the ClientCorporation1. |
ParentCompanyId | Int | False |
The ParentCompanyId of the ClientCorporation1. |
Revenue | String | False |
The Revenue of the ClientCorporation1. |
Sector | String | False |
The Sector of the ClientCorporation1. |
Standardpermfee | Double | False |
The Standardpermfee of the ClientCorporation1. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporation1. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the ClientCorporation1. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The TickerSymbol of the ClientCorporation1. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientCorporation1. |
TwitterHandle | String | False |
The TwitterHandle of the ClientCorporation1. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the ClientCorporation1. |
YearFounded | Datetime | False |
The YearFounded of the ClientCorporation1. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation2' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporation2. |
Ofemployees | Int | False |
The Ofemployees of the ClientCorporation2. |
Ofoffices | Int | False |
The Ofoffices of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientCorporation2. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientCorporation2. |
AnnualrevenueMillions | String | False |
The AnnualrevenueMillions of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The BillingAddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddressBillingAddress | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingAddress of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddressBillingCity | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCity of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddressBillingCountry | Int | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCountry of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddressBillingState | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingState of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddressBillingZip | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingZip of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingAddresscountryName | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingContact | String | False |
The BillingContact of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the ClientCorporation2. |
BillingPhone | String | False |
The BillingPhone of the ClientCorporation2. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientCorporation2. |
BusinessSectors | String | False |
The BusinessSectors of the ClientCorporation2. |
ClientOverview | String | False |
The ClientOverview of the ClientCorporation2. |
CompanyDescription | String | False |
The CompanyDescription of the ClientCorporation2. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientCorporation2. |
CompanyURL | String | False |
The CompanyURL of the ClientCorporation2. |
Competitors | String | False |
The Competitors of the ClientCorporation2. |
CulturePerks | String | False |
The CulturePerks of the ClientCorporation2. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporation2. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporation2. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporation2. |
FacebookProfileName | String | False |
The FacebookProfileName of the ClientCorporation2. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientCorporation2. |
FundingStatus | String | False |
The FundingStatus of the ClientCorporation2. |
IndustryCategory | String | False |
The IndustryCategory of the ClientCorporation2. |
InvoiceFormat | String | False |
The InvoiceFormat of the ClientCorporation2. |
LinkedInProfileName | String | False |
The LinkedInProfileName of the ClientCorporation2. |
ManagedFromId | Int | False |
The ManagedFromId of the ClientCorporation2. |
Ownership | String | False |
The Ownership of the ClientCorporation2. |
ParentCompanyId | Int | False |
The ParentCompanyId of the ClientCorporation2. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientCorporation2. |
Revenue | String | False |
The Revenue of the ClientCorporation2. |
Standardpermfee | Double | False |
The Standardpermfee of the ClientCorporation2. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporation2. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the ClientCorporation2. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The TickerSymbol of the ClientCorporation2. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientCorporation2. |
TwitterHandle | String | False |
The TwitterHandle of the ClientCorporation2. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the ClientCorporation2. |
YearFounded | Datetime | False |
The YearFounded of the ClientCorporation2. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation3' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporation3. |
Ofemployees | Int | False |
The Ofemployees of the ClientCorporation3. |
Ofoffices | Int | False |
The Ofoffices of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientCorporation3. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientCorporation3. |
AnnualrevenueMillions | String | False |
The AnnualrevenueMillions of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The BillingAddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddressBillingAddress | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingAddress of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddressBillingCity | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCity of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddressBillingCountry | Int | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCountry of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddressBillingState | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingState of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddressBillingZip | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingZip of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingAddresscountryName | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingContact | String | False |
The BillingContact of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the ClientCorporation3. |
BillingPhone | String | False |
The BillingPhone of the ClientCorporation3. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientCorporation3. |
BusinessSectors | String | False |
The BusinessSectors of the ClientCorporation3. |
ClientOverview | String | False |
The ClientOverview of the ClientCorporation3. |
CompanyDescription | String | False |
The CompanyDescription of the ClientCorporation3. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientCorporation3. |
CompanyURL | String | False |
The CompanyURL of the ClientCorporation3. |
Competitors | String | False |
The Competitors of the ClientCorporation3. |
CulturePerks | String | False |
The CulturePerks of the ClientCorporation3. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporation3. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporation3. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporation3. |
FacebookProfileName | String | False |
The FacebookProfileName of the ClientCorporation3. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientCorporation3. |
FundingStatus | String | False |
The FundingStatus of the ClientCorporation3. |
IndustryCategory | String | False |
The IndustryCategory of the ClientCorporation3. |
InvoiceFormat | String | False |
The InvoiceFormat of the ClientCorporation3. |
LinkedInProfileName | String | False |
The LinkedInProfileName of the ClientCorporation3. |
ManagedFromId | Int | False |
The ManagedFromId of the ClientCorporation3. |
Ownership | String | False |
The Ownership of the ClientCorporation3. |
ParentCompanyId | Int | False |
The ParentCompanyId of the ClientCorporation3. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientCorporation3. |
Revenue | String | False |
The Revenue of the ClientCorporation3. |
Standardpermfee | Double | False |
The Standardpermfee of the ClientCorporation3. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporation3. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the ClientCorporation3. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The TickerSymbol of the ClientCorporation3. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientCorporation3. |
TwitterHandle | String | False |
The TwitterHandle of the ClientCorporation3. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the ClientCorporation3. |
YearFounded | Datetime | False |
The YearFounded of the ClientCorporation3. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation4' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporation4. |
Ofemployees | Int | False |
The Ofemployees of the ClientCorporation4. |
Ofoffices | Int | False |
The Ofoffices of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientCorporation4. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientCorporation4. |
AnnualrevenueMillions | String | False |
The AnnualrevenueMillions of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The BillingAddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddressBillingAddress | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingAddress of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddressBillingCity | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCity of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddressBillingCountry | Int | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCountry of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddressBillingState | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingState of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddressBillingZip | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingZip of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingAddresscountryName | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingContact | String | False |
The BillingContact of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the ClientCorporation4. |
BillingPhone | String | False |
The BillingPhone of the ClientCorporation4. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientCorporation4. |
BusinessSectors | String | False |
The BusinessSectors of the ClientCorporation4. |
ClientOverview | String | False |
The ClientOverview of the ClientCorporation4. |
CompanyDescription | String | False |
The CompanyDescription of the ClientCorporation4. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientCorporation4. |
CompanyURL | String | False |
The CompanyURL of the ClientCorporation4. |
Competitors | String | False |
The Competitors of the ClientCorporation4. |
CulturePerks | String | False |
The CulturePerks of the ClientCorporation4. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporation4. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporation4. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporation4. |
FacebookProfileName | String | False |
The FacebookProfileName of the ClientCorporation4. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientCorporation4. |
FundingStatus | String | False |
The FundingStatus of the ClientCorporation4. |
IndustryCategory | String | False |
The IndustryCategory of the ClientCorporation4. |
InvoiceFormat | String | False |
The InvoiceFormat of the ClientCorporation4. |
LinkedInProfileName | String | False |
The LinkedInProfileName of the ClientCorporation4. |
ManagedFromId | Int | False |
The ManagedFromId of the ClientCorporation4. |
Ownership | String | False |
The Ownership of the ClientCorporation4. |
ParentCompanyId | Int | False |
The ParentCompanyId of the ClientCorporation4. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientCorporation4. |
Revenue | String | False |
The Revenue of the ClientCorporation4. |
Standardpermfee | Double | False |
The Standardpermfee of the ClientCorporation4. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporation4. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the ClientCorporation4. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The TickerSymbol of the ClientCorporation4. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientCorporation4. |
TwitterHandle | String | False |
The TwitterHandle of the ClientCorporation4. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the ClientCorporation4. |
YearFounded | Datetime | False |
The YearFounded of the ClientCorporation4. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporation5' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporation5. |
Ofemployees | Int | False |
The Ofemployees of the ClientCorporation5. |
Ofoffices | Int | False |
The Ofoffices of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the ClientCorporation5. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the ClientCorporation5. |
AnnualrevenueMillions | String | False |
The AnnualrevenueMillions of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddressAddress2 | String | False |
The BillingAddressAddress2 of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddressBillingAddress | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingAddress of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddressBillingCity | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCity of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddressBillingCountry | Int | False |
The BillingAddressBillingCountry of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddressBillingState | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingState of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddressBillingZip | String | False |
The BillingAddressBillingZip of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddresscountryCode | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryCode of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingAddresscountryName | String | False |
The BillingAddresscountryName of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingContact | String | False |
The BillingContact of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the ClientCorporation5. |
BillingPhone | String | False |
The BillingPhone of the ClientCorporation5. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the ClientCorporation5. |
BusinessSectors | String | False |
The BusinessSectors of the ClientCorporation5. |
ClientOverview | String | False |
The ClientOverview of the ClientCorporation5. |
CompanyDescription | String | False |
The CompanyDescription of the ClientCorporation5. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the ClientCorporation5. |
CompanyURL | String | False |
The CompanyURL of the ClientCorporation5. |
Competitors | String | False |
The Competitors of the ClientCorporation5. |
CulturePerks | String | False |
The CulturePerks of the ClientCorporation5. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporation5. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporation5. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporation5. |
FacebookProfileName | String | False |
The FacebookProfileName of the ClientCorporation5. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the ClientCorporation5. |
FundingStatus | String | False |
The FundingStatus of the ClientCorporation5. |
IndustryCategory | String | False |
The IndustryCategory of the ClientCorporation5. |
InvoiceFormat | String | False |
The InvoiceFormat of the ClientCorporation5. |
LinkedInProfileName | String | False |
The LinkedInProfileName of the ClientCorporation5. |
ManagedFromId | Int | False |
The ManagedFromId of the ClientCorporation5. |
Ownership | String | False |
The Ownership of the ClientCorporation5. |
ParentCompanyId | Int | False |
The ParentCompanyId of the ClientCorporation5. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the ClientCorporation5. |
Revenue | String | False |
The Revenue of the ClientCorporation5. |
Standardpermfee | Double | False |
The Standardpermfee of the ClientCorporation5. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporation5. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the ClientCorporation5. |
TickerSymbol | String | False |
The TickerSymbol of the ClientCorporation5. |
TrackTitle | String | False |
The TrackTitle of the ClientCorporation5. |
TwitterHandle | String | False |
The TwitterHandle of the ClientCorporation5. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the ClientCorporation5. |
YearFounded | Datetime | False |
The YearFounded of the ClientCorporation5. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationAppointment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationAppointment. |
AppointmentId | Int | False |
The AppointmentId of the ClientCorporationAppointment. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the ClientCorporationAppointment. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientCorporationAppointment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationCertification' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
CertificationId | Int | False |
The CertificationId of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
Location | String | False |
The Location of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
OffsetDays | Int | False |
The OffsetDays of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
Quantity | Int | False |
The Quantity of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientCorporationCertification. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the ClientCorporationEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the ClientCorporationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
ContentSubType | String | False |
The ContentSubType of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
ContentType | String | False |
The ContentType of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
Directory | String | False |
The Directory of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
FileExtension | String | False |
The FileExtension of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
FileOwnerId | Int | False |
The FileOwnerId of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
FileSize | Int | False |
The FileSize of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
IsEncrypted | Bool | False |
The IsEncrypted of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
IsExternal | Bool | False |
The IsExternal of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
Uuid | String | False |
The Uuid of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the ClientCorporationFileAttachment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationHistory. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientCorporationHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the ClientCorporationHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the ClientCorporationHistory. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the ClientCorporationHistory. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the ClientCorporationHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationNote' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationNote. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the ClientCorporationNote. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientCorporationNote. |
NoteId | Int | False |
The NoteId of the ClientCorporationNote. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ClientCorporationTask' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the ClientCorporationTask. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the ClientCorporationTask. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the ClientCorporationTask. |
TaskId | Int | False |
The TaskId of the ClientCorporationTask. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CorporateUser' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CorporateUser. |
Addressaddress1 | String | False |
The Addressaddress1 of the CorporateUser. |
Addressaddress2 | String | False |
The Addressaddress2 of the CorporateUser. |
Addresscity | String | False |
The Addresscity of the CorporateUser. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the CorporateUser. |
AddresscountryID | Int | False |
The AddresscountryID of the CorporateUser. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the CorporateUser. |
Addressstate | String | False |
The Addressstate of the CorporateUser. |
Addresszip | String | False |
The Addresszip of the CorporateUser. |
BranchId | Int | False |
The BranchId of the CorporateUser. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the CorporateUser. |
DateLastComment | Datetime | False |
The DateLastComment of the CorporateUser. |
DepartmentIdList | String | False |
The DepartmentIdList of the CorporateUser. |
String | False |
The Email of the CorporateUser. | |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the CorporateUser. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the CorporateUser. |
EmailNotify | Bool | False |
The EmailNotify of the CorporateUser. |
EmailSignature | String | False |
The EmailSignature of the CorporateUser. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the CorporateUser. |
ExternalEmail | String | False |
The ExternalEmail of the CorporateUser. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the CorporateUser. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the CorporateUser. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the CorporateUser. |
FirstName | String | False |
The FirstName of the CorporateUser. |
InboundEmailEnabled | Bool | False |
The InboundEmailEnabled of the CorporateUser. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the CorporateUser. |
IsDayLightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDayLightSavings of the CorporateUser. |
IsHidden | Int | False |
The IsHidden of the CorporateUser. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the CorporateUser. |
IsOutboundFaxEnabled | Bool | False |
The IsOutboundFaxEnabled of the CorporateUser. |
LastName | String | False |
The LastName of the CorporateUser. |
LoginRestrictions | String | False |
The LoginRestrictions of the CorporateUser. |
MassMailOptOut | Bool | False |
The MassMailOptOut of the CorporateUser. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the CorporateUser. |
MiddleName | String | False |
The MiddleName of the CorporateUser. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile of the CorporateUser. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the CorporateUser. |
NamePrefix | String | False |
The NamePrefix of the CorporateUser. |
NameSuffix | String | False |
The NameSuffix of the CorporateUser. |
NickName | String | False |
The NickName of the CorporateUser. |
Occupation | String | False |
The Occupation of the CorporateUser. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the CorporateUser. |
PersonSubtype | String | False |
The PersonSubtype of the CorporateUser. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the CorporateUser. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 of the CorporateUser. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the CorporateUser. |
PrimaryDepartmentId | Int | False |
The PrimaryDepartmentId of the CorporateUser. |
ReportToPersonId | Int | False |
The ReportToPersonId of the CorporateUser. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the CorporateUser. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the CorporateUser. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the CorporateUser. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the CorporateUser. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the CorporateUser. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the CorporateUser. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'CorporationDepartment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the CorporationDepartment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the CorporationDepartment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the CorporationDepartment. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the CorporationDepartment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the CorporationDepartment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Country' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Country. |
Code | String | False |
The Code of the Country. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Country. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Department' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Department. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Department. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the Department. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Department. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'EntityFieldTypeLookup' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the EntityFieldTypeLookup. |
Label | String | False |
The Label of the EntityFieldTypeLookup. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the EntityFieldTypeLookup. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'GoalTarget' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the GoalTarget. |
EndDate | Date | False |
The EndDate of the GoalTarget. |
GoalId | Int | False |
The GoalId of the GoalTarget. |
GoalPeriodId | Int | False |
The GoalPeriodId of the GoalTarget. |
Periodname | String | False |
The Periodname of the GoalTarget. |
StartDate | Date | False |
The StartDate of the GoalTarget. |
Target | Int | False |
The Target of the GoalTarget. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the GoalTarget. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplex' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the HousingComplex. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the HousingComplex. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the HousingComplex. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the HousingComplex. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the HousingComplex. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the HousingComplex. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the HousingComplex. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the HousingComplex. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the HousingComplex. |
BillingContact | Int | False |
The BillingContact of the HousingComplex. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the HousingComplex. |
ComplexManager | Int | False |
The ComplexManager of the HousingComplex. |
ComplexOwner | Int | False |
The ComplexOwner of the HousingComplex. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the HousingComplex. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the HousingComplex. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the HousingComplex. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the HousingComplex. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the HousingComplex. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the HousingComplex. |
PrimaryContact | String | False |
The PrimaryContact of the HousingComplex. |
ZipId | Int | False |
The ZipId of the HousingComplex. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the HousingComplex. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexAmenity' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the HousingComplexAmenity. |
AmenityName | String | False |
The AmenityName of the HousingComplexAmenity. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the HousingComplexAmenity. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the HousingComplexAmenity. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the HousingComplexAmenity. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
BillingContact | Int | False |
The BillingContact of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
DeliveryDate | Datetime | False |
The DeliveryDate of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
OrderDate | Datetime | False |
The OrderDate of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
PickupDate | Datetime | False |
The PickupDate of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
PrimaryContact | String | False |
The PrimaryContact of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
UnitId | Int | False |
The UnitId of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the HousingComplexFurnitureDelivery. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexUnit' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the HousingComplexUnit. |
BillingContact | Int | False |
The BillingContact of the HousingComplexUnit. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the HousingComplexUnit. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the HousingComplexUnit. |
DateofDeposit | Datetime | False |
The DateofDeposit of the HousingComplexUnit. |
DateofRefund | Datetime | False |
The DateofRefund of the HousingComplexUnit. |
DepositisRefundable | Bool | False |
The DepositisRefundable of the HousingComplexUnit. |
FirstMonthProRate | String | False |
The FirstMonthProRate of the HousingComplexUnit. |
HousingComplexId | Int | False |
The HousingComplexId of the HousingComplexUnit. |
LeaseEnd | Datetime | False |
The LeaseEnd of the HousingComplexUnit. |
LeaseOnFile | Bool | False |
The LeaseOnFile of the HousingComplexUnit. |
LeaseStart | Datetime | False |
The LeaseStart of the HousingComplexUnit. |
MaximumOfoccupants | Int | False |
The MaximumOfoccupants of the HousingComplexUnit. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the HousingComplexUnit. |
MonthlyRent | String | False |
The MonthlyRent of the HousingComplexUnit. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the HousingComplexUnit. |
Occupants | Int | False |
The Occupants of the HousingComplexUnit. |
Penalties | String | False |
The Penalties of the HousingComplexUnit. |
SecuriyDeposit | String | False |
The SecuriyDeposit of the HousingComplexUnit. |
UnitManager | Int | False |
The UnitManager of the HousingComplexUnit. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the HousingComplexUnit. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'HousingComplexUtilityAccount' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Account | String | False |
The Account of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
BillingContact | Int | False |
The BillingContact of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
DateConnected | Datetime | False |
The DateConnected of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
DateDisconnected | Datetime | False |
The DateDisconnected of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Deposit | String | False |
The Deposit of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
UnitId | Int | False |
The UnitId of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the HousingComplexUtilityAccount. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobBoardPost' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobBoardPost. |
Addressaddress1 | String | False |
The Addressaddress1 of the JobBoardPost. |
Addresscity | String | False |
The Addresscity of the JobBoardPost. |
AddresscountryID | Int | False |
The AddresscountryID of the JobBoardPost. |
Addressstate | String | False |
The Addressstate of the JobBoardPost. |
Addresszip | String | False |
The Addresszip of the JobBoardPost. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobBoardPost. |
BhTimestamp | String | False |
The BhTimestamp of the JobBoardPost. |
BillRateCategoryID | Int | False |
The BillRateCategoryID of the JobBoardPost. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobBoardPost. |
BranchCode | String | False |
The BranchCode of the JobBoardPost. |
BranchId | Int | False |
The BranchId of the JobBoardPost. |
CertificationList | String | False |
The CertificationList of the JobBoardPost. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobBoardPost. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the JobBoardPost. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the JobBoardPost. |
CompanyDescription | String | False |
The CompanyDescription of the JobBoardPost. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the JobBoardPost. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobBoardPost. |
DateClientInterview | Datetime | False |
The DateClientInterview of the JobBoardPost. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobBoardPost. |
DateEnd | Datetime | False |
The DateEnd of the JobBoardPost. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobBoardPost. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the JobBoardPost. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobBoardPost. |
DegreeList | String | False |
The DegreeList of the JobBoardPost. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the JobBoardPost. |
DurationWeeks | Double | False |
The DurationWeeks of the JobBoardPost. |
EducationDegree | String | False |
The EducationDegree of the JobBoardPost. |
EmploymentType | String | False |
The EmploymentType of the JobBoardPost. |
ExternalCategoryID | Int | False |
The ExternalCategoryID of the JobBoardPost. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobBoardPost. |
FeeArrangement | Double | False |
The FeeArrangement of the JobBoardPost. |
HoursOfOperation | String | False |
The HoursOfOperation of the JobBoardPost. |
HoursPerWeek | Double | False |
The HoursPerWeek of the JobBoardPost. |
IsClientContact | Bool | False |
The IsClientContact of the JobBoardPost. |
IsClientEditable | Bool | False |
The IsClientEditable of the JobBoardPost. |
IsExtendable | Bool | False |
The IsExtendable of the JobBoardPost. |
IsInterviewRequired | Bool | False |
The IsInterviewRequired of the JobBoardPost. |
IsJobcastPublished | Bool | False |
The IsJobcastPublished of the JobBoardPost. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the JobBoardPost. |
IsPublic | Int | False |
The IsPublic of the JobBoardPost. |
JobBoardList | String | False |
The JobBoardList of the JobBoardPost. |
JobOrderUUID | String | False |
The JobOrderUUID of the JobBoardPost. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobBoardPost. |
MarkUpPercentage | Double | False |
The MarkUpPercentage of the JobBoardPost. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobBoardPost. |
NumOpenings | Int | False |
The NumOpenings of the JobBoardPost. |
OnSite | String | False |
The OnSite of the JobBoardPost. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobBoardPost. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobBoardPost. |
ParentJobOrderId | Int | False |
The ParentJobOrderId of the JobBoardPost. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobBoardPost. |
PublicDescription | String | False |
The PublicDescription of the JobBoardPost. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobBoardPost. |
PublishedZip | String | False |
The PublishedZip of the JobBoardPost. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobBoardPost. |
ReportTo | String | False |
The ReportTo of the JobBoardPost. |
ReportToClientContactId | Int | False |
The ReportToClientContactId of the JobBoardPost. |
ResponseUserId | Int | False |
The ResponseUserId of the JobBoardPost. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobBoardPost. |
SalaryRange | String | False |
The SalaryRange of the JobBoardPost. |
SalaryUnit | String | False |
The SalaryUnit of the JobBoardPost. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobBoardPost. |
SkillList | String | False |
The SkillList of the JobBoardPost. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobBoardPost. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobBoardPost. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobBoardPost. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the JobBoardPost. |
TaxStatus | String | False |
The TaxStatus of the JobBoardPost. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the JobBoardPost. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobBoardPost. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type of the JobBoardPost. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobBoardPost. |
WillRelocate | Bool | False |
The WillRelocate of the JobBoardPost. |
WillRelocateInt | Int | False |
The WillRelocateInt of the JobBoardPost. |
WillSponsor | Bool | False |
The WillSponsor of the JobBoardPost. |
WorkersCompRateId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompRateId of the JobBoardPost. |
YearsRequired | Int | False |
The YearsRequired of the JobBoardPost. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobBoardPost. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrder. |
Ofopenings | Int | False |
The Ofopenings of the JobOrder. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the JobOrder. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the JobOrder. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the JobOrder. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | False |
The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrder. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the JobOrder. |
AllowClienttoEditJob | Bool | False |
The AllowClienttoEditJob of the JobOrder. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobOrder. |
BillRateCategory | Int | False |
The BillRateCategory of the JobOrder. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobOrder. |
Branch | String | False |
The Branch of the JobOrder. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobOrder. |
CertificationRequirements | String | False |
The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrder. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrder. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrder. |
ClientCostCenter | String | False |
The ClientCostCenter of the JobOrder. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the JobOrder. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrder. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobOrder. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobOrder. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobOrder. |
DegreeRequirements | String | False |
The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrder. |
EducationRequirements | String | False |
The EducationRequirements of the JobOrder. |
EmploymentType | String | False |
The EmploymentType of the JobOrder. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrder. |
HourlyCommitment | Double | False |
The HourlyCommitment of the JobOrder. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the JobOrder. |
Interviewrequired | Bool | False |
The Interviewrequired of the JobOrder. |
JobDescription | String | False |
The JobDescription of the JobOrder. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the JobOrder. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The JobTitle of the JobOrder. |
Keywords | String | False |
The Keywords of the JobOrder. |
LastUpdated | Datetime | False |
The LastUpdated of the JobOrder. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobOrder. |
LocationRequirements | String | False |
The LocationRequirements of the JobOrder. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the JobOrder. |
MinimumExperience | Int | False |
The MinimumExperience of the JobOrder. |
NumberofEmployees | Bool | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the JobOrder. |
OpenClosed | Bool | False |
The OpenClosed of the JobOrder. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobOrder. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobOrder. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrder. |
PayRate2 | String | False |
The PayRate2 of the JobOrder. |
Permfee | Double | False |
The Permfee of the JobOrder. |
PremiumJobBoards | String | False |
The PremiumJobBoards of the JobOrder. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the JobOrder. |
PublicCategory | Int | False |
The PublicCategory of the JobOrder. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobOrder. |
PublishedContactInfoId | Int | False |
The PublishedContactInfoId of the JobOrder. |
PublishedDescription | String | False |
The PublishedDescription of the JobOrder. |
PublishedZipCode | String | False |
The PublishedZipCode of the JobOrder. |
PublishtoCorporateWeb | Int | False |
The PublishtoCorporateWeb of the JobOrder. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobOrder. |
ReportingtoContactId | Int | False |
The ReportingtoContactId of the JobOrder. |
ReportingtoOther | String | False |
The ReportingtoOther of the JobOrder. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrder. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the JobOrder. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobOrder. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobOrder. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrder. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrder. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the JobOrder. |
TaxPreference | String | False |
The TaxPreference of the JobOrder. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobOrder. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobOrder. |
VisaSponsorshipProvided | Bool | False |
The VisaSponsorshipProvided of the JobOrder. |
Willrelocate | Int | False |
The Willrelocate of the JobOrder. |
WillRelocateBoolean | Bool | False |
The WillRelocateBoolean of the JobOrder. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the JobOrder. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrder. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder1' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrder1. |
Ofopenings | Int | False |
The Ofopenings of the JobOrder1. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the JobOrder1. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the JobOrder1. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the JobOrder1. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | False |
The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrder1. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the JobOrder1. |
AllowClienttoEditJob | Bool | False |
The AllowClienttoEditJob of the JobOrder1. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobOrder1. |
BillRateCategory | Int | False |
The BillRateCategory of the JobOrder1. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobOrder1. |
Branch | String | False |
The Branch of the JobOrder1. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobOrder1. |
CertificationRequirements | String | False |
The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrder1. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrder1. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrder1. |
ClientCostCenter | String | False |
The ClientCostCenter of the JobOrder1. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the JobOrder1. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrder1. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobOrder1. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobOrder1. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobOrder1. |
DegreeRequirements | String | False |
The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrder1. |
EducationRequirements | String | False |
The EducationRequirements of the JobOrder1. |
EmploymentType | String | False |
The EmploymentType of the JobOrder1. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrder1. |
HourlyCommitment | Double | False |
The HourlyCommitment of the JobOrder1. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the JobOrder1. |
Interviewrequired | Bool | False |
The Interviewrequired of the JobOrder1. |
JobDescription | String | False |
The JobDescription of the JobOrder1. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the JobOrder1. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The JobTitle of the JobOrder1. |
Keywords | String | False |
The Keywords of the JobOrder1. |
LastUpdated | Datetime | False |
The LastUpdated of the JobOrder1. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobOrder1. |
LocationRequirements | String | False |
The LocationRequirements of the JobOrder1. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the JobOrder1. |
MinimumExperience | Int | False |
The MinimumExperience of the JobOrder1. |
NumberofEmployees | Bool | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the JobOrder1. |
OpenClosed | Bool | False |
The OpenClosed of the JobOrder1. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobOrder1. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobOrder1. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrder1. |
PayRate2 | String | False |
The PayRate2 of the JobOrder1. |
Permfee | Double | False |
The Permfee of the JobOrder1. |
PremiumJobBoards | String | False |
The PremiumJobBoards of the JobOrder1. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the JobOrder1. |
PublicCategory | Int | False |
The PublicCategory of the JobOrder1. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobOrder1. |
PublishedContactInfoId | Int | False |
The PublishedContactInfoId of the JobOrder1. |
PublishedDescription | String | False |
The PublishedDescription of the JobOrder1. |
PublishedZipCode | String | False |
The PublishedZipCode of the JobOrder1. |
PublishtoCorporateWeb | Int | False |
The PublishtoCorporateWeb of the JobOrder1. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobOrder1. |
ReportingtoContactId | Int | False |
The ReportingtoContactId of the JobOrder1. |
ReportingtoOther | String | False |
The ReportingtoOther of the JobOrder1. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrder1. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the JobOrder1. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobOrder1. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobOrder1. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrder1. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrder1. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the JobOrder1. |
TaxPreference | String | False |
The TaxPreference of the JobOrder1. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobOrder1. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobOrder1. |
VisaSponsorshipProvided | Bool | False |
The VisaSponsorshipProvided of the JobOrder1. |
Willrelocate | Int | False |
The Willrelocate of the JobOrder1. |
WillRelocateBoolean | Bool | False |
The WillRelocateBoolean of the JobOrder1. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the JobOrder1. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrder1. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder2' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrder2. |
Ofopenings | Int | False |
The Ofopenings of the JobOrder2. |
AdditionalKeywords | String | False |
The AdditionalKeywords of the JobOrder2. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the JobOrder2. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the JobOrder2. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the JobOrder2. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the JobOrder2. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the JobOrder2. |
AllowClienttoEditJob | Bool | False |
The AllowClienttoEditJob of the JobOrder2. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobOrder2. |
BillRateCategory | Int | False |
The BillRateCategory of the JobOrder2. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobOrder2. |
Branch | String | False |
The Branch of the JobOrder2. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobOrder2. |
CertificationRequirements | String | False |
The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrder2. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrder2. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrder2. |
ClientCostCenter | String | False |
The ClientCostCenter of the JobOrder2. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the JobOrder2. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrder2. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobOrder2. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobOrder2. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobOrder2. |
DegreeRequirements | String | False |
The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrder2. |
EducationRequirements | String | False |
The EducationRequirements of the JobOrder2. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the JobOrder2. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrder2. |
HourlyCommitment | Double | False |
The HourlyCommitment of the JobOrder2. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the JobOrder2. |
Interviewrequired | Bool | False |
The Interviewrequired of the JobOrder2. |
JobBoardList | String | False |
The JobBoardList of the JobOrder2. |
JobBoardPublishing | Int | False |
The JobBoardPublishing of the JobOrder2. |
JobDescription | String | False |
The JobDescription of the JobOrder2. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the JobOrder2. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The JobTitle of the JobOrder2. |
LastUpdated | Datetime | False |
The LastUpdated of the JobOrder2. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobOrder2. |
LocationRequirements | String | False |
The LocationRequirements of the JobOrder2. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the JobOrder2. |
MinimumExperience | Int | False |
The MinimumExperience of the JobOrder2. |
NumberofEmployees | Bool | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the JobOrder2. |
OpenClosed | Bool | False |
The OpenClosed of the JobOrder2. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobOrder2. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobOrder2. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrder2. |
PayRate2 | String | False |
The PayRate2 of the JobOrder2. |
Permfee | Double | False |
The Permfee of the JobOrder2. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the JobOrder2. |
PublicCategory | Int | False |
The PublicCategory of the JobOrder2. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobOrder2. |
PublishedContactInfoId | Int | False |
The PublishedContactInfoId of the JobOrder2. |
PublishedDescription | String | False |
The PublishedDescription of the JobOrder2. |
PublishedZipCode | String | False |
The PublishedZipCode of the JobOrder2. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobOrder2. |
ReportingtoContactId | Int | False |
The ReportingtoContactId of the JobOrder2. |
ReportingtoOther | String | False |
The ReportingtoOther of the JobOrder2. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrder2. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the JobOrder2. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobOrder2. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobOrder2. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrder2. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrder2. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the JobOrder2. |
TaxPreference | String | False |
The TaxPreference of the JobOrder2. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobOrder2. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobOrder2. |
VisaSponsorshipProvided | Bool | False |
The VisaSponsorshipProvided of the JobOrder2. |
Willrelocate | Int | False |
The Willrelocate of the JobOrder2. |
WillRelocateBoolean | Bool | False |
The WillRelocateBoolean of the JobOrder2. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the JobOrder2. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrder2. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder3' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrder3. |
Ofopenings | Int | False |
The Ofopenings of the JobOrder3. |
AdditionalskillsKeywords | String | False |
The AdditionalskillsKeywords of the JobOrder3. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the JobOrder3. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the JobOrder3. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the JobOrder3. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | False |
The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrder3. |
AddresszipPostalcode | String | False |
The AddresszipPostalcode of the JobOrder3. |
AllowClienttoEditJob | Bool | False |
The AllowClienttoEditJob of the JobOrder3. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobOrder3. |
BillRateCategory | Int | False |
The BillRateCategory of the JobOrder3. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobOrder3. |
Branch | String | False |
The Branch of the JobOrder3. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobOrder3. |
CertificationRequirements | String | False |
The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrder3. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrder3. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrder3. |
ClientCostCenter | String | False |
The ClientCostCenter of the JobOrder3. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the JobOrder3. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrder3. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobOrder3. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobOrder3. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobOrder3. |
DegreeRequirements | String | False |
The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrder3. |
EducationRequirements | String | False |
The EducationRequirements of the JobOrder3. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the JobOrder3. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrder3. |
HourlyCommitment | Double | False |
The HourlyCommitment of the JobOrder3. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the JobOrder3. |
Interviewrequired | Bool | False |
The Interviewrequired of the JobOrder3. |
JobBoardList | String | False |
The JobBoardList of the JobOrder3. |
JobBoardPublishing | Int | False |
The JobBoardPublishing of the JobOrder3. |
JobDescription | String | False |
The JobDescription of the JobOrder3. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the JobOrder3. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The JobTitle of the JobOrder3. |
LastUpdated | Datetime | False |
The LastUpdated of the JobOrder3. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobOrder3. |
LocationRequirements | String | False |
The LocationRequirements of the JobOrder3. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the JobOrder3. |
MinimumExperience | Int | False |
The MinimumExperience of the JobOrder3. |
NumberofEmployees | Bool | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the JobOrder3. |
OpenClosed | Bool | False |
The OpenClosed of the JobOrder3. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobOrder3. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobOrder3. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrder3. |
PayRate2 | String | False |
The PayRate2 of the JobOrder3. |
Permfee | Double | False |
The Permfee of the JobOrder3. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the JobOrder3. |
PublicCategory | Int | False |
The PublicCategory of the JobOrder3. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobOrder3. |
PublishedContactInfoId | Int | False |
The PublishedContactInfoId of the JobOrder3. |
PublishedDescription | String | False |
The PublishedDescription of the JobOrder3. |
PublishedZipCode | String | False |
The PublishedZipCode of the JobOrder3. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobOrder3. |
ReportingtoContactId | Int | False |
The ReportingtoContactId of the JobOrder3. |
ReportingtoOther | String | False |
The ReportingtoOther of the JobOrder3. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrder3. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the JobOrder3. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobOrder3. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobOrder3. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrder3. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrder3. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the JobOrder3. |
TaxPreference | String | False |
The TaxPreference of the JobOrder3. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobOrder3. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobOrder3. |
VisaSponsorshipProvided | Bool | False |
The VisaSponsorshipProvided of the JobOrder3. |
Willrelocate | Int | False |
The Willrelocate of the JobOrder3. |
WillRelocateBoolean | Bool | False |
The WillRelocateBoolean of the JobOrder3. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the JobOrder3. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrder3. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder4' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrder4. |
Ofopenings | Int | False |
The Ofopenings of the JobOrder4. |
AdditionalskillsKeywords | String | False |
The AdditionalskillsKeywords of the JobOrder4. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the JobOrder4. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the JobOrder4. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the JobOrder4. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | False |
The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrder4. |
AddresszipPostalcode | String | False |
The AddresszipPostalcode of the JobOrder4. |
AllowClienttoEditJob | Bool | False |
The AllowClienttoEditJob of the JobOrder4. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobOrder4. |
BillRateCategory | Int | False |
The BillRateCategory of the JobOrder4. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobOrder4. |
Branch | String | False |
The Branch of the JobOrder4. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobOrder4. |
CertificationRequirements | String | False |
The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrder4. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrder4. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrder4. |
ClientCostCenter | String | False |
The ClientCostCenter of the JobOrder4. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the JobOrder4. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrder4. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobOrder4. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobOrder4. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobOrder4. |
DegreeRequirements | String | False |
The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrder4. |
EducationRequirements | String | False |
The EducationRequirements of the JobOrder4. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the JobOrder4. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrder4. |
HourlyCommitment | Double | False |
The HourlyCommitment of the JobOrder4. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the JobOrder4. |
Interviewrequired | Bool | False |
The Interviewrequired of the JobOrder4. |
JobBoardList | String | False |
The JobBoardList of the JobOrder4. |
JobBoardPublishing | Int | False |
The JobBoardPublishing of the JobOrder4. |
JobDescription | String | False |
The JobDescription of the JobOrder4. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the JobOrder4. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The JobTitle of the JobOrder4. |
LastUpdated | Datetime | False |
The LastUpdated of the JobOrder4. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobOrder4. |
LocationRequirements | String | False |
The LocationRequirements of the JobOrder4. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the JobOrder4. |
MinimumExperience | Int | False |
The MinimumExperience of the JobOrder4. |
NumberofEmployees | Bool | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the JobOrder4. |
OpenClosed | Bool | False |
The OpenClosed of the JobOrder4. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobOrder4. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobOrder4. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrder4. |
PayRate2 | String | False |
The PayRate2 of the JobOrder4. |
Permfee | Double | False |
The Permfee of the JobOrder4. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the JobOrder4. |
PublicCategory | Int | False |
The PublicCategory of the JobOrder4. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobOrder4. |
PublishedContactInfoId | Int | False |
The PublishedContactInfoId of the JobOrder4. |
PublishedDescription | String | False |
The PublishedDescription of the JobOrder4. |
PublishedZipCode | String | False |
The PublishedZipCode of the JobOrder4. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobOrder4. |
ReportingtoContactId | Int | False |
The ReportingtoContactId of the JobOrder4. |
ReportingtoOther | String | False |
The ReportingtoOther of the JobOrder4. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrder4. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the JobOrder4. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobOrder4. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobOrder4. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrder4. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrder4. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the JobOrder4. |
TaxPreference | String | False |
The TaxPreference of the JobOrder4. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobOrder4. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobOrder4. |
VisaSponsorshipProvided | Bool | False |
The VisaSponsorshipProvided of the JobOrder4. |
Willrelocate | Int | False |
The Willrelocate of the JobOrder4. |
WillRelocateBoolean | Bool | False |
The WillRelocateBoolean of the JobOrder4. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the JobOrder4. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrder4. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrder5' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrder5. |
Ofopenings | Int | False |
The Ofopenings of the JobOrder5. |
AdditionalskillsKeywords | String | False |
The AdditionalskillsKeywords of the JobOrder5. |
AddressAddress | String | False |
The AddressAddress of the JobOrder5. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the JobOrder5. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the JobOrder5. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | False |
The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrder5. |
AddresszipPostalcode | String | False |
The AddresszipPostalcode of the JobOrder5. |
AllowClienttoEditJob | Bool | False |
The AllowClienttoEditJob of the JobOrder5. |
Benefits | String | False |
The Benefits of the JobOrder5. |
BillRateCategory | Int | False |
The BillRateCategory of the JobOrder5. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the JobOrder5. |
Branch | String | False |
The Branch of the JobOrder5. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobOrder5. |
CertificationRequirements | String | False |
The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrder5. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrder5. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrder5. |
ClientCostCenter | String | False |
The ClientCostCenter of the JobOrder5. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the JobOrder5. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrder5. |
DateClosed | Datetime | False |
The DateClosed of the JobOrder5. |
DateLastExported | Datetime | False |
The DateLastExported of the JobOrder5. |
DateLastPublished | Datetime | False |
The DateLastPublished of the JobOrder5. |
DegreeRequirements | String | False |
The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrder5. |
EducationRequirements | String | False |
The EducationRequirements of the JobOrder5. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the JobOrder5. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrder5. |
HourlyCommitment | Double | False |
The HourlyCommitment of the JobOrder5. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the JobOrder5. |
Interviewrequired | Bool | False |
The Interviewrequired of the JobOrder5. |
JobBoardList | String | False |
The JobBoardList of the JobOrder5. |
JobBoardPublishing | Int | False |
The JobBoardPublishing of the JobOrder5. |
JobDescription | String | False |
The JobDescription of the JobOrder5. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the JobOrder5. |
JobTitle | String | False |
The JobTitle of the JobOrder5. |
LastUpdated | Datetime | False |
The LastUpdated of the JobOrder5. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the JobOrder5. |
LocationRequirements | String | False |
The LocationRequirements of the JobOrder5. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the JobOrder5. |
MinimumExperience | Int | False |
The MinimumExperience of the JobOrder5. |
NumberofEmployees | Bool | False |
The NumberofEmployees of the JobOrder5. |
OpenClosed | Bool | False |
The OpenClosed of the JobOrder5. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the JobOrder5. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobOrder5. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrder5. |
PayRate2 | String | False |
The PayRate2 of the JobOrder5. |
Permfee | Double | False |
The Permfee of the JobOrder5. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the JobOrder5. |
PublicCategory | Int | False |
The PublicCategory of the JobOrder5. |
PublishedCategoryId | Int | False |
The PublishedCategoryId of the JobOrder5. |
PublishedContactInfoId | Int | False |
The PublishedContactInfoId of the JobOrder5. |
PublishedDescription | String | False |
The PublishedDescription of the JobOrder5. |
PublishedZipCode | String | False |
The PublishedZipCode of the JobOrder5. |
ReasonClosed | String | False |
The ReasonClosed of the JobOrder5. |
ReportingtoContactId | Int | False |
The ReportingtoContactId of the JobOrder5. |
ReportingtoOther | String | False |
The ReportingtoOther of the JobOrder5. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrder5. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the JobOrder5. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the JobOrder5. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobOrder5. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrder5. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrder5. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the JobOrder5. |
TaxPreference | String | False |
The TaxPreference of the JobOrder5. |
TravelRequirements | String | False |
The TravelRequirements of the JobOrder5. |
UsersAssigned | String | False |
The UsersAssigned of the JobOrder5. |
VisaSponsorshipProvided | Bool | False |
The VisaSponsorshipProvided of the JobOrder5. |
Willrelocate | Int | False |
The Willrelocate of the JobOrder5. |
WillRelocateBoolean | Bool | False |
The WillRelocateBoolean of the JobOrder5. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the JobOrder5. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrder5. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the JobOrderEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the JobOrderEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
ContentSubType | String | False |
The ContentSubType of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
ContentType | String | False |
The ContentType of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Directory | String | False |
The Directory of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Distribution | String | False |
The Distribution of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
FileExtension | String | False |
The FileExtension of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
FileOwnerId | Int | False |
The FileOwnerId of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
FileSize | Int | False |
The FileSize of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
FileType | String | False |
The FileType of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsCopied | Bool | False |
The IsCopied of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsEncrypted | Bool | False |
The IsEncrypted of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsExternal | Bool | False |
The IsExternal of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsSendOut | Bool | False |
The IsSendOut of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
JobOrderId | Int | False |
The JobOrderId of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Uuid | String | False |
The Uuid of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobOrderFileAttachment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrderHistory. |
ClientBillRate | String | False |
The ClientBillRate of the JobOrderHistory. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the JobOrderHistory. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the JobOrderHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrderHistory. |
DateEnd | Datetime | False |
The DateEnd of the JobOrderHistory. |
FeeArrangement | Double | False |
The FeeArrangement of the JobOrderHistory. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the JobOrderHistory. |
IsPublic | Int | False |
The IsPublic of the JobOrderHistory. |
JobBoardPublishing | String | False |
The JobBoardPublishing of the JobOrderHistory. |
JobOrderId | Int | False |
The JobOrderId of the JobOrderHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobOrderHistory. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the JobOrderHistory. |
NumOpenings | Int | False |
The NumOpenings of the JobOrderHistory. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobOrderHistory. |
ReportToClientContactId | Int | False |
The ReportToClientContactId of the JobOrderHistory. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobOrderHistory. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the JobOrderHistory. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobOrderHistory. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the JobOrderHistory. |
Type | Int | False |
The Type of the JobOrderHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobOrderTemplate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobOrderTemplate. |
CorporationID | Int | False |
The CorporationID of the JobOrderTemplate. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobOrderTemplate. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the JobOrderTemplate. |
DisplayType | String | False |
The DisplayType of the JobOrderTemplate. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the JobOrderTemplate. |
EntityList | String | False |
The EntityList of the JobOrderTemplate. |
GroupName | String | False |
The GroupName of the JobOrderTemplate. |
IsSearchable | Bool | False |
The IsSearchable of the JobOrderTemplate. |
MigrateStatus | String | False |
The MigrateStatus of the JobOrderTemplate. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the JobOrderTemplate. |
ObjectEnabled | Bool | False |
The ObjectEnabled of the JobOrderTemplate. |
ObjectNumber | Int | False |
The ObjectNumber of the JobOrderTemplate. |
ReportID | Int | False |
The ReportID of the JobOrderTemplate. |
StaticTemplateName | String | False |
The StaticTemplateName of the JobOrderTemplate. |
TabName | String | False |
The TabName of the JobOrderTemplate. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the JobOrderTemplate. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmission' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmission. |
AddedById | Int | False |
The AddedById of the JobSubmission. |
BillRate | String | False |
The BillRate of the JobSubmission. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the JobSubmission. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the JobSubmission. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the JobSubmission. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobSubmission. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the JobSubmission. |
DateWebResponse | Datetime | False |
The DateWebResponse of the JobSubmission. |
IsHidden | Bool | False |
The IsHidden of the JobSubmission. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the JobSubmission. |
LatestAppointmentId | Int | False |
The LatestAppointmentId of the JobSubmission. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobSubmission. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the JobSubmission. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the JobSubmission. |
Source | String | False |
The Source of the JobSubmission. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobSubmission. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the JobSubmission. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialId | Int | False |
The CandidateCredentialId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialName | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialName of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
CandidateCredentialStatus | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialStatus of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
CertificationId | Int | False |
The CertificationId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False |
The ExpirationDate of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
JobSubmissionId | Int | False |
The JobSubmissionId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
MatchingCredentialCount | Int | False |
The MatchingCredentialCount of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the JobSubmissionCertificationRequirementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the JobSubmissionEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the JobSubmissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'JobSubmissionHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
JobSubmissionId | Int | False |
The JobSubmissionId of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the JobSubmissionHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Location' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Location. |
AddressAddress1 | String | False |
The AddressAddress1 of the Location. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the Location. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the Location. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the Location. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the Location. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the Location. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the Location. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the Location. |
BillTo | Bool | False |
The BillTo of the Location. |
CandidateUserID | Int | False |
The CandidateUserID of the Location. |
ClientCorporationID | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationID of the Location. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Location. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Location. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Location. |
EffectiveDate | Date | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Location. |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | False |
The EffectiveEndDate of the Location. |
LocationCode | String | False |
The LocationCode of the Location. |
LocationVersionID | Int | False |
The LocationVersionID of the Location. |
SoldTo | Bool | False |
The SoldTo of the Location. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Location. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the Location. |
UserID | Int | False |
The UserID of the Location. |
Worksite | Bool | False |
The Worksite of the Location. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Location. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the LocationEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the LocationEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the LocationEditHistory. |
EffectiveDateChangeId | Int | False |
The EffectiveDateChangeId of the LocationEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the LocationEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the LocationEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the LocationEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the LocationEditHistory. |
VersionID | Int | False |
The VersionID of the LocationEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EntityFieldTypeLookupId | Int | False |
The EntityFieldTypeLookupId of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the LocationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationEffectiveDateChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the LocationEffectiveDateChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the LocationEffectiveDateChange. |
NewEffectiveDate | Date | False |
The NewEffectiveDate of the LocationEffectiveDateChange. |
PreviousEffectiveDate | Date | False |
The PreviousEffectiveDate of the LocationEffectiveDateChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'LocationVersion' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the LocationVersion. |
AddressAddress1 | String | False |
The AddressAddress1 of the LocationVersion. |
AddressAddress2 | String | False |
The AddressAddress2 of the LocationVersion. |
AddressCity | String | False |
The AddressCity of the LocationVersion. |
AddressCountry | Int | False |
The AddressCountry of the LocationVersion. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the LocationVersion. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the LocationVersion. |
AddressState | String | False |
The AddressState of the LocationVersion. |
AddressZip | String | False |
The AddressZip of the LocationVersion. |
BillTo | Bool | False |
The BillTo of the LocationVersion. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the LocationVersion. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the LocationVersion. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the LocationVersion. |
EffectiveDate | Date | False |
The EffectiveDate of the LocationVersion. |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | False |
The EffectiveEndDate of the LocationVersion. |
IsFirst | Bool | False |
The IsFirst of the LocationVersion. |
LocationCode | String | False |
The LocationCode of the LocationVersion. |
SoldTo | Bool | False |
The SoldTo of the LocationVersion. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the LocationVersion. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the LocationVersion. |
Worksite | Bool | False |
The Worksite of the LocationVersion. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Note' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Note. |
AboutId | Int | False |
The AboutId of the Note. |
Action | String | False |
The Action of the Note. |
AuthorId | Int | False |
The AuthorId of the Note. |
BhTimeStamp | String | False |
The BhTimeStamp of the Note. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Note. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Note. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Note. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the Note. |
JobOrderId | Int | False |
The JobOrderId of the Note. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Note. |
PrimaryDepartmentName | String | False |
The PrimaryDepartmentName of the Note. |
TimespentMin | Int | False |
The TimespentMin of the Note. |
TruestDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The TruestDateAdded of the Note. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Note. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String |
Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'NoteEntity' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the NoteEntity. |
NoteId | Int | False |
The NoteId of the NoteEntity. |
TargetEntityID | Int | False |
The TargetEntityID of the NoteEntity. |
TargetEntityName | String | False |
The TargetEntityName of the NoteEntity. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'OpportunityEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the OpportunityEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the OpportunityEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the OpportunityEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the OpportunityEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the OpportunityEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the OpportunityEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the OpportunityEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'OpportunityFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
ContentSubType | String | False |
The ContentSubType of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
ContentType | String | False |
The ContentType of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Directory | String | False |
The Directory of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Distribution | String | False |
The Distribution of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
FileExtension | String | False |
The FileExtension of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
FileOwnerId | Int | False |
The FileOwnerId of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
FileSize | Int | False |
The FileSize of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
FileType | String | False |
The FileType of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsCopied | Bool | False |
The IsCopied of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsEncrypted | Bool | False |
The IsEncrypted of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsExternal | Bool | False |
The IsExternal of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsSendOut | Bool | False |
The IsSendOut of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Uuid | String | False |
The Uuid of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the OpportunityFileAttachment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PayableChargeEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PayableChargeEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the PayableChargeEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PayableChargeEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PayableChargeEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the PayableChargeEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the PayableChargeEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the PayableChargeEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Person' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Person. |
Addressaddress1 | String | False |
The Addressaddress1 of the Person. |
Addressaddress2 | String | False |
The Addressaddress2 of the Person. |
Addresscity | String | False |
The Addresscity of the Person. |
AddresscountryCode | String | False |
The AddresscountryCode of the Person. |
AddresscountryID | Int | False |
The AddresscountryID of the Person. |
AddresscountryName | String | False |
The AddresscountryName of the Person. |
Addressstate | String | False |
The Addressstate of the Person. |
Addresszip | String | False |
The Addresszip of the Person. |
BranchId | Int | False |
The BranchId of the Person. |
CompanyName | String | False |
The CompanyName of the Person. |
DateLastContacted | Datetime | False |
The DateLastContacted of the Person. |
String | False |
The Email of the Person. | |
Email2 | String | False |
The Email2 of the Person. |
Email3 | String | False |
The Email3 of the Person. |
Fax | String | False |
The Fax of the Person. |
Fax2 | String | False |
The Fax2 of the Person. |
Fax3 | String | False |
The Fax3 of the Person. |
FirstName | String | False |
The FirstName of the Person. |
IsAnonymized | Bool | False |
The IsAnonymized of the Person. |
IsDayLightSavings | Bool | False |
The IsDayLightSavings of the Person. |
IsLockedOut | Bool | False |
The IsLockedOut of the Person. |
LastName | String | False |
The LastName of the Person. |
MassMailOptOut | Bool | False |
The MassMailOptOut of the Person. |
MasterUserID | Int | False |
The MasterUserID of the Person. |
MiddleName | String | False |
The MiddleName of the Person. |
Mobile | String | False |
The Mobile of the Person. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Person. |
NamePrefix | String | False |
The NamePrefix of the Person. |
NameSuffix | String | False |
The NameSuffix of the Person. |
NickName | String | False |
The NickName of the Person. |
Occupation | String | False |
The Occupation of the Person. |
Pager | String | False |
The Pager of the Person. |
Phone | String | False |
The Phone of the Person. |
Phone2 | String | False |
The Phone2 of the Person. |
Phone3 | String | False |
The Phone3 of the Person. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Person. |
TimeZoneOffsetEST | Int | False |
The TimeZoneOffsetEST of the Person. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Person. |
UserDateAdded | Datetime | False |
The UserDateAdded of the Person. |
Username | String | False |
The Username of the Person. |
UserTypeId | Int | False |
The UserTypeId of the Person. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Person. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Placement. |
Changesapproved | Int | False |
The Changesapproved of the Placement. |
Changeswaitingapproval | Int | False |
The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement. |
Expiringcredentials | Int | False |
The Expiringcredentials of the Placement. |
Incompleterequirements | Int | False |
The Incompleterequirements of the Placement. |
ApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement. |
BackupApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the Placement. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the Placement. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the Placement. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the Placement. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Placement. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Placement. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Placement. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the Placement. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Placement. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the Placement. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the Placement. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Placement. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Placement. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the Placement. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Placement. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the Placement. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Placement. |
EmploymentType | String | False |
The EmploymentType of the Placement. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the Placement. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the Placement. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the Placement. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the Placement. |
InvoiceGrouping | String | False |
The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the Placement. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Placement. |
LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId | Int | False |
The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the Placement. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the Placement. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Placement. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the Placement. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement. |
OtmarkUp | Double | False |
The OtmarkUp of the Placement. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the Placement. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the Placement. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the Placement. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Placement. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the Placement. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the Placement. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the Placement. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement. |
ProjectCodeList | String | False |
The ProjectCodeList of the Placement. |
QuitJob | Bool | False |
The QuitJob of the Placement. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the Placement. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the Placement. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the Placement. |
ReportedMargin | Double | False |
The ReportedMargin of the Placement. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the Placement. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the Placement. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the Placement. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the Placement. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Placement. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the Placement. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Placement. |
SubmissionId | Int | False |
The SubmissionId of the Placement. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the Placement. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Placement. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the Placement. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement1' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Placement1. |
Changesapproved | Int | False |
The Changesapproved of the Placement1. |
Changeswaitingapproval | Int | False |
The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement1. |
Expiringcredentials | Int | False |
The Expiringcredentials of the Placement1. |
Incompleterequirements | Int | False |
The Incompleterequirements of the Placement1. |
ApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement1. |
BackupApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement1. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the Placement1. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the Placement1. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the Placement1. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the Placement1. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Placement1. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Placement1. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Placement1. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the Placement1. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Placement1. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the Placement1. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the Placement1. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Placement1. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Placement1. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement1. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the Placement1. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Placement1. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the Placement1. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Placement1. |
EmploymentType | String | False |
The EmploymentType of the Placement1. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the Placement1. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the Placement1. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the Placement1. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the Placement1. |
InvoiceGrouping | String | False |
The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement1. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Placement1. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the Placement1. |
LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId | Int | False |
The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement1. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the Placement1. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the Placement1. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Placement1. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the Placement1. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement1. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement1. |
OtmarkUp | Double | False |
The OtmarkUp of the Placement1. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the Placement1. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the Placement1. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the Placement1. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Placement1. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the Placement1. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the Placement1. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the Placement1. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement1. |
ProjectCodeList | String | False |
The ProjectCodeList of the Placement1. |
QuitJob | Bool | False |
The QuitJob of the Placement1. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the Placement1. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement1. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the Placement1. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the Placement1. |
ReportedMargin | Double | False |
The ReportedMargin of the Placement1. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the Placement1. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the Placement1. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement1. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the Placement1. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the Placement1. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Placement1. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the Placement1. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Placement1. |
SubmissionId | Int | False |
The SubmissionId of the Placement1. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the Placement1. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Placement1. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the Placement1. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement1. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement1. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement1. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement2' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Placement2. |
Changesapproved | Int | False |
The Changesapproved of the Placement2. |
Changeswaitingapproval | Int | False |
The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement2. |
Expiringcredentials | Int | False |
The Expiringcredentials of the Placement2. |
Incompleterequirements | Int | False |
The Incompleterequirements of the Placement2. |
ApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement2. |
BackupApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement2. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the Placement2. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the Placement2. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the Placement2. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the Placement2. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Placement2. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Placement2. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Placement2. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the Placement2. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Placement2. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the Placement2. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the Placement2. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Placement2. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Placement2. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement2. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the Placement2. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Placement2. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the Placement2. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Placement2. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the Placement2. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the Placement2. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the Placement2. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the Placement2. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the Placement2. |
InvoiceGrouping | String | False |
The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement2. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Placement2. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the Placement2. |
LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId | Int | False |
The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement2. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the Placement2. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the Placement2. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Placement2. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the Placement2. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement2. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement2. |
OtmarkUp | Double | False |
The OtmarkUp of the Placement2. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the Placement2. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the Placement2. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the Placement2. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Placement2. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the Placement2. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the Placement2. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the Placement2. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement2. |
ProjectCodeList | String | False |
The ProjectCodeList of the Placement2. |
QuitJob | Bool | False |
The QuitJob of the Placement2. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the Placement2. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement2. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the Placement2. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the Placement2. |
ReportedMargin | Double | False |
The ReportedMargin of the Placement2. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the Placement2. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the Placement2. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement2. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the Placement2. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the Placement2. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Placement2. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the Placement2. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Placement2. |
SubmissionId | Int | False |
The SubmissionId of the Placement2. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the Placement2. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Placement2. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the Placement2. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement2. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement2. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement2. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement3' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Placement3. |
Changesapproved | Int | False |
The Changesapproved of the Placement3. |
Changeswaitingapproval | Int | False |
The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement3. |
Expiringcredentials | Int | False |
The Expiringcredentials of the Placement3. |
Incompleterequirements | Int | False |
The Incompleterequirements of the Placement3. |
ApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement3. |
BackupApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement3. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the Placement3. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the Placement3. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the Placement3. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the Placement3. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Placement3. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Placement3. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Placement3. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the Placement3. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Placement3. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the Placement3. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the Placement3. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Placement3. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Placement3. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement3. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the Placement3. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Placement3. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the Placement3. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Placement3. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the Placement3. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the Placement3. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the Placement3. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the Placement3. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the Placement3. |
InvoiceGrouping | String | False |
The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement3. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Placement3. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the Placement3. |
LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId | Int | False |
The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement3. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the Placement3. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the Placement3. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Placement3. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the Placement3. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement3. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement3. |
OtmarkUp | Double | False |
The OtmarkUp of the Placement3. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the Placement3. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the Placement3. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the Placement3. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Placement3. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the Placement3. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the Placement3. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the Placement3. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement3. |
ProjectCodeList | String | False |
The ProjectCodeList of the Placement3. |
QuitJob | Bool | False |
The QuitJob of the Placement3. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the Placement3. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement3. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the Placement3. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the Placement3. |
ReportedMargin | Double | False |
The ReportedMargin of the Placement3. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the Placement3. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the Placement3. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement3. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the Placement3. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the Placement3. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Placement3. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the Placement3. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Placement3. |
SubmissionId | Int | False |
The SubmissionId of the Placement3. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the Placement3. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Placement3. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the Placement3. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement3. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement3. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement3. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement4' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Placement4. |
Changesapproved | Int | False |
The Changesapproved of the Placement4. |
Changeswaitingapproval | Int | False |
The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement4. |
Expiringcredentials | Int | False |
The Expiringcredentials of the Placement4. |
Incompleterequirements | Int | False |
The Incompleterequirements of the Placement4. |
ApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement4. |
BackupApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement4. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the Placement4. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the Placement4. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the Placement4. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the Placement4. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Placement4. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Placement4. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Placement4. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the Placement4. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Placement4. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the Placement4. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the Placement4. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Placement4. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Placement4. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement4. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the Placement4. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Placement4. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the Placement4. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Placement4. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the Placement4. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the Placement4. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the Placement4. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the Placement4. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the Placement4. |
InvoiceGrouping | String | False |
The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement4. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Placement4. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the Placement4. |
LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId | Int | False |
The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement4. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the Placement4. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the Placement4. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Placement4. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the Placement4. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement4. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement4. |
OtmarkUp | Double | False |
The OtmarkUp of the Placement4. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the Placement4. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the Placement4. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the Placement4. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Placement4. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the Placement4. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the Placement4. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the Placement4. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement4. |
ProjectCodeList | String | False |
The ProjectCodeList of the Placement4. |
QuitJob | Bool | False |
The QuitJob of the Placement4. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the Placement4. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement4. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the Placement4. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the Placement4. |
ReportedMargin | Double | False |
The ReportedMargin of the Placement4. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the Placement4. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the Placement4. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement4. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the Placement4. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the Placement4. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Placement4. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the Placement4. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Placement4. |
SubmissionId | Int | False |
The SubmissionId of the Placement4. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the Placement4. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Placement4. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the Placement4. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement4. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement4. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement4. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Placement5' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Placement5. |
Changesapproved | Int | False |
The Changesapproved of the Placement5. |
Changeswaitingapproval | Int | False |
The Changeswaitingapproval of the Placement5. |
Expiringcredentials | Int | False |
The Expiringcredentials of the Placement5. |
Incompleterequirements | Int | False |
The Incompleterequirements of the Placement5. |
ApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The ApprovingClientContactId of the Placement5. |
BackupApprovingClientContactId | Int | False |
The BackupApprovingClientContactId of the Placement5. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the Placement5. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the Placement5. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the Placement5. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the Placement5. |
BranchID | Int | False |
The BranchID of the Placement5. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Placement5. |
CanEnterTime | Bool | False |
The CanEnterTime of the Placement5. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | False |
The ClientCompanyId of the Placement5. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the Placement5. |
ContactId | Int | False |
The ContactId of the Placement5. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the Placement5. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Placement5. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Placement5. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the Placement5. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the Placement5. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the Placement5. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the Placement5. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the Placement5. |
Employment | String | False |
The Employment of the Placement5. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the Placement5. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the Placement5. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the Placement5. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the Placement5. |
InvoiceGrouping | String | False |
The InvoiceGrouping of the Placement5. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Placement5. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the Placement5. |
LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId | Int | False |
The LastApprovedPlacementChangeRequestId of the Placement5. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the Placement5. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the Placement5. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Placement5. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the Placement5. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the Placement5. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the Placement5. |
OtmarkUp | Double | False |
The OtmarkUp of the Placement5. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the Placement5. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the Placement5. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the Placement5. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Placement5. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the Placement5. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the Placement5. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the Placement5. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the Placement5. |
ProjectCodeList | String | False |
The ProjectCodeList of the Placement5. |
QuitJob | Bool | False |
The QuitJob of the Placement5. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the Placement5. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement5. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the Placement5. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the Placement5. |
ReportedMargin | Double | False |
The ReportedMargin of the Placement5. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the Placement5. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the Placement5. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the Placement5. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the Placement5. |
ShiftId | Int | False |
The ShiftId of the Placement5. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the Placement5. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the Placement5. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the Placement5. |
SubmissionId | Int | False |
The SubmissionId of the Placement5. |
TaxRate | Double | False |
The TaxRate of the Placement5. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the Placement5. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the Placement5. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the Placement5. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the Placement5. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the Placement5. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCertification' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementCertification. |
CandidateCredentialId | Int | False |
The CandidateCredentialId of the PlacementCertification. |
CandidateCredentialName | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialName of the PlacementCertification. |
CandidateCredentialStatus | String | False |
The CandidateCredentialStatus of the PlacementCertification. |
CertificationId | Int | False |
The CertificationId of the PlacementCertification. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementCertification. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the PlacementCertification. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False |
The ExpirationDate of the PlacementCertification. |
MatchingCredentialCount | Int | False |
The MatchingCredentialCount of the PlacementCertification. |
ModifyingUserId | Int | False |
The ModifyingUserId of the PlacementCertification. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the PlacementCertification. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the PlacementCertification. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCertificationEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the PlacementCertificationEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the PlacementCertificationEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementChangeRequest' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
ApprovingUserId | Int | False |
The ApprovingUserId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
BillingContactId | Int | False |
The BillingContactId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
BillingFrequency | String | False |
The BillingFrequency of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
BillRate | Double | False |
The BillRate of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
BonusPackage | String | False |
The BonusPackage of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
CostCenter | String | False |
The CostCenter of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
DateApproved | Datetime | False |
The DateApproved of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
DaysGuaranteed | Int | False |
The DaysGuaranteed of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
DaysproRated | Int | False |
The DaysproRated of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
EffectiveDate | Datetime | False |
The EffectiveDate of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
EffectivedateClient | Datetime | False |
The EffectivedateClient of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
EmployeeType | String | False |
The EmployeeType of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
EmploymentType | String | False |
The EmploymentType of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
HoursofOperation | String | False |
The HoursofOperation of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
HoursPerDay | Double | False |
The HoursPerDay of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
HousingManager | Int | False |
The HousingManager of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
HousingStatus | String | False |
The HousingStatus of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
JobDuration | Double | False |
The JobDuration of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
LocationId | Int | False |
The LocationId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
MarkUp | Double | False |
The MarkUp of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
OptionsPackage | String | False |
The OptionsPackage of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
OtherHourlyFee | Double | False |
The OtherHourlyFee of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
OtherHourlyFeeComments | String | False |
The OtherHourlyFeeComments of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
OverTimebillrate | Double | False |
The OverTimebillrate of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
OverTimepayrate | Double | False |
The OverTimepayrate of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
OvertimeExemption | Int | False |
The OvertimeExemption of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
PayRate | String | False |
The PayRate of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
PayUnit | String | False |
The PayUnit of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Placementfee | Double | False |
The Placementfee of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
PlacementfeeFlat | Double | False |
The PlacementfeeFlat of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
RateEntryType | Bool | False |
The RateEntryType of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The RecruitingmanagercommissionoverRide of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
ReferralFee | String | False |
The ReferralFee of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
ReferralFeeType | String | False |
The ReferralFeeType of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Reportingto | String | False |
The Reportingto of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
RequestedbyId | Int | False |
The RequestedbyId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
RequestStatus | String | False |
The RequestStatus of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
RequestType | String | False |
The RequestType of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Salary | String | False |
The Salary of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
SalesmanagercommissionoverRide | Double | False |
The SalesmanagercommissionoverRide of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False |
The ScheduledEnd of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
StatementContactId | Int | False |
The StatementContactId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Tax | Double | False |
The Tax of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
TaxState | String | False |
The TaxState of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
TerminationReason | String | False |
The TerminationReason of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
UmbrellaCompanyId | Int | False |
The UmbrellaCompanyId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
WorkersCompCodeId | Int | False |
The WorkersCompCodeId of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
WorkWeekBegin | Int | False |
The WorkWeekBegin of the PlacementChangeRequest. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the PlacementChangeRequestEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCommission' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementCommission. |
Ofgrossmargin | Double | False |
The Ofgrossmargin of the PlacementCommission. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the PlacementCommission. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementCommission. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the PlacementCommission. |
ExternalRecipient | String | False |
The ExternalRecipient of the PlacementCommission. |
FeeSplit | Double | False |
The FeeSplit of the PlacementCommission. |
HourlyCommission | Double | False |
The HourlyCommission of the PlacementCommission. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PlacementCommission. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the PlacementCommission. |
RecipientId | Int | False |
The RecipientId of the PlacementCommission. |
Role | String | False |
The Role of the PlacementCommission. |
Split | Double | False |
The Split of the PlacementCommission. |
Status | String | False |
The Status of the PlacementCommission. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCommissionEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the PlacementCommissionEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the PlacementCommissionEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the PlacementEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the PlacementEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the PlacementEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the PlacementEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the PlacementEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the PlacementEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementFileAttachment' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
ContentSubType | String | False |
The ContentSubType of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
ContentType | String | False |
The ContentType of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Directory | String | False |
The Directory of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Distribution | String | False |
The Distribution of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
ExternalID | String | False |
The ExternalID of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
FileExtension | String | False |
The FileExtension of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
FileOwnerId | Int | False |
The FileOwnerId of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
FileSize | Int | False |
The FileSize of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
FileType | String | False |
The FileType of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsCopied | Bool | False |
The IsCopied of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsEncrypted | Bool | False |
The IsEncrypted of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsExternal | Bool | False |
The IsExternal of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsOpen | Bool | False |
The IsOpen of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsSendOut | Bool | False |
The IsSendOut of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
JobOrderId | Int | False |
The JobOrderId of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Uuid | String | False |
The Uuid of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the PlacementFileAttachment. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementRateCard' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
id [KEY] | Int | False | |
DateAdded | Datetime | False | |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False | |
EffectiveDate | Date | False | |
EffectiveEndDate | Date | False | |
IsDeleted | Bool | False | |
OwnerId | Int | False | |
PlacementId | Int | False | |
PlacementRateCardVersion | Int | False | |
RootExternalID | String | False | |
RootMigrateGUID | String | False |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementRateCardLine' entity in BullhornCRM system.
This table comes with the limitations below since it is exposed from its parent entity PlacementRateCardLineGroup endpoint.
SELECT * FROM PlacementRateCardLine ORDER BY PlacementRateCardLineGroupId DESC
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
id [KEY] | Int | False | |
Alias | String | False | |
BillCurrencyUnitId | Int | False | |
BillMultiplier | Decimal | False | |
BillRate | Decimal | False | |
EarnCodeId | Int | False | |
MarkupPercent | Decimal | False | |
MarkupValue | Decimal | False | |
PayCurrencyUnitId | Int | False | |
PayMultiplier | Decimal | False | |
PayRate | Decimal | False | |
PlacementRateCardLineGroupId | Int | False |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'PlacementRateCardLineGroup' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
id [KEY] | Int | False | |
BaseRate | Bool | False | |
earnCodeGroupID | Int | False | |
externalID | String | False | |
migrateGUID | String | False | |
placementRateCardVersionID | Int | False | |
placementRateCardVersionID2Id | Int | False |
Create, delete and query the Id-s of associated records between a PrimaryEntity and an AssociatedEntity entities in BullhornCRM system.
Note: The Associations Tables are not exposed unless the ExpandAssociations connection property is set to 'True'.
The Sync App will use the Bullhorn CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the Sync App.
Due to the Bullhorn CRM REST API limitations, when the PrimaryEntityId is not specified, only the top 15 associated entity record Id-s are returned for every primary entity record. In order to retrieve every associated entity record Id for a certain primary entity record, you will need to specify the PrimaryEntityId. You can specify either one primary entity record Id using the = operator, or you can specify a list of primary entity record Id-s using the IN operator.
The example query below returns all PrimarySkills record Id-s associated to the Candidate with Id '760807'.
SELECT CandidateId, PrimarySkillsId FROM CandidateToPrimarySkillsAssociations WHERE CandidateId = '760807'
The example query below returns all PrimarySkills record Id-s associated to every Candidate specified in the IN list.
SELECT CandidateId, PrimarySkillsId FROM CandidateToPrimarySkillsAssociations WHERE CandidateId IN ('760592', '760807', '761036', '761225')
To create a new association between two entity records, you will need to specify the existing primary entity record Id and the existing associated entity record Id.
INSERT INTO CandidateToPrimarySkillsAssociations (CandidateId, PrimarySkillsId) VALUES('761036', '1000369')
To delete an existing association between two entity records, you will need to specify the existing primary entity record Id and the existing associated entity record Id.
DELETE CandidateToPrimarySkillsAssociations WHERE CandidateId = '761036' AND PrimarySkillsId = '1000369'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
PrimaryEntityId [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the 'PrimaryEntity' associated entity. |
AssociatedEntityId [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the 'AssociatedEntity' associated entity. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
IsPrimaryRecordDeleted | Bool |
Weather or not the record of the 'PrimaryEntity' entity is deleted. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Report' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Report. |
CognosType | String | False |
The CognosType of the Report. |
Dashboard | Bool | False |
The Dashboard of the Report. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Report. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Report. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Report. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Report. |
OldReportID | Int | False |
The OldReportID of the Report. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Report. |
PackageName | String | False |
The PackageName of the Report. |
Path | String | False |
The Path of the Report. |
ReportJar | String | False |
The ReportJar of the Report. |
ReportRTF | String | False |
The ReportRTF of the Report. |
ReportXML | String | False |
The ReportXML of the Report. |
SqlData | String | False |
The SqlData of the Report. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Report. |
Version | Int | False |
The Version of the Report. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesQuota' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the SalesQuota. |
Attained | Int | False |
The Attained of the SalesQuota. |
CorporationDepartmentId | Int | False |
The CorporationDepartmentId of the SalesQuota. |
DealCount | Int | False |
The DealCount of the SalesQuota. |
Department | String | False |
The Department of the SalesQuota. |
EndDate | Date | False |
The EndDate of the SalesQuota. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the SalesQuota. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the SalesQuota. |
PercentAttained | Int | False |
The PercentAttained of the SalesQuota. |
Period | String | False |
The Period of the SalesQuota. |
Quota | Int | False |
The Quota of the SalesQuota. |
StartDate | Date | False |
The StartDate of the SalesQuota. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesTaxRateEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
EffectiveDateChangeId | Int | False |
The EffectiveDateChangeId of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
VersionID | Int | False |
The VersionID of the SalesTaxRateEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EntityFieldTypeLookupId | Int | False |
The EntityFieldTypeLookupId of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the SalesTaxRateEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange. |
NewEffectiveDate | Date | False |
The NewEffectiveDate of the SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange. |
PreviousEffectiveDate | Date | False |
The PreviousEffectiveDate of the SalesTaxRateEffectiveDateChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Sendout' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Sendout. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Sendout. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the Sendout. |
CompanyId | Int | False |
The CompanyId of the Sendout. |
DateSent | Datetime | False |
The DateSent of the Sendout. |
String | False |
The Email of the Sendout. | |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Sendout. |
JobSubmissionId | Int | False |
The JobSubmissionId of the Sendout. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Sendout. |
NumTimesRead | Bool | False |
The NumTimesRead of the Sendout. |
NumTimesRead2 | Int | False |
The NumTimesRead2 of the Sendout. |
SenderId | Int | False |
The SenderId of the Sendout. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Shift' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Shift. |
ClientCorporationId | Int | False |
The ClientCorporationId of the Shift. |
Color | String | False |
The Color of the Shift. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Shift. |
DayofWeek | Int | False |
The DayofWeek of the Shift. |
EndTime | Datetime | False |
The EndTime of the Shift. |
IsDefault | Bool | False |
The IsDefault of the Shift. |
LastModifiedById | Int | False |
The LastModifiedById of the Shift. |
LongName | String | False |
The LongName of the Shift. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Shift. |
ShortName | String | False |
The ShortName of the Shift. |
StartTime | Datetime | False |
The StartTime of the Shift. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Shift. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Skill' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Skill. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the Skill. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Skill. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Specialty' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Specialty. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Specialty. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the Specialty. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Specialty. |
ParentCategoryId | Int | False |
The ParentCategoryId of the Specialty. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'State' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the State. |
Code | String | False |
The Code of the State. |
CountryId | Int | False |
The CountryId of the State. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the State. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Task' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Task. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the Task. |
ClientContactId | Int | False |
The ClientContactId of the Task. |
CommunicationMethod | String | False |
The CommunicationMethod of the Task. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Task. |
DateCompleted | Datetime | False |
The DateCompleted of the Task. |
DateEnd | Datetime | False |
The DateEnd of the Task. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Task. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Task. |
DueDateAndTime | Datetime | False |
The DueDateAndTime of the Task. |
IsCompleted | Bool | False |
The IsCompleted of the Task. |
IsSystemTask | Bool | False |
The IsSystemTask of the Task. |
IsTask | Int | False |
The IsTask of the Task. |
JobId | Int | False |
The JobId of the Task. |
JobMatchId | Int | False |
The JobMatchId of the Task. |
Location | String | False |
The Location of the Task. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the Task. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Task. |
ParentTaskId | Int | False |
The ParentTaskId of the Task. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the Task. |
Priority | Int | False |
The Priority of the Task. |
RecurrenceDayBits | Int | False |
The RecurrenceDayBits of the Task. |
RecurrenceFrequency | Int | False |
The RecurrenceFrequency of the Task. |
RecurrenceMax | Int | False |
The RecurrenceMax of the Task. |
RecurrenceMonthBits | Int | False |
The RecurrenceMonthBits of the Task. |
RecurrenceStyle | String | False |
The RecurrenceStyle of the Task. |
RecurrenceType | String | False |
The RecurrenceType of the Task. |
Reminder | Int | False |
The Reminder of the Task. |
Subject | String | False |
The Subject of the Task. |
TaskUUID | String | False |
The TaskUUID of the Task. |
TimeZoneID | String | False |
The TimeZoneID of the Task. |
Type | String | False |
The Type of the Task. |
Visibility | Bool | False |
The Visibility of the Task. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Task. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'TaskEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the TaskEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the TaskEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the TaskEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the TaskEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the TaskEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the TaskEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the TaskEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'TaskEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the TaskEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the TaskEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the TaskEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the TaskEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the TaskEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the TaskEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'Tearsheet' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the Tearsheet. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the Tearsheet. |
DateLastModified | Datetime | False |
The DateLastModified of the Tearsheet. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Tearsheet. |
IsPrivate | Bool | False |
The IsPrivate of the Tearsheet. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Tearsheet. |
OwnerId | Int | False |
The OwnerId of the Tearsheet. |
Type | Bool | False |
The Type of the Tearsheet. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the Tearsheet. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'TearsheetMember' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the TearsheetMember. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the TearsheetMember. |
PersonId | Int | False |
The PersonId of the TearsheetMember. |
TearsheetId | Int | False |
The TearsheetId of the TearsheetMember. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'TearsheetRecipient' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the TearsheetRecipient. |
CandidateRestrictionBits | Int | False |
The CandidateRestrictionBits of the TearsheetRecipient. |
Comments | String | False |
The Comments of the TearsheetRecipient. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the TearsheetRecipient. |
IsSent | Bool | False |
The IsSent of the TearsheetRecipient. |
JobOrderId | Int | False |
The JobOrderId of the TearsheetRecipient. |
PersonId | Int | False |
The PersonId of the TearsheetRecipient. |
TearsheetId | Int | False |
The TearsheetId of the TearsheetRecipient. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'TimeUnit' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the TimeUnit. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the TimeUnit. |
TimeMarker | Int | False |
The TimeMarker of the TimeUnit. |
WeekDay | Int | False |
The WeekDay of the TimeUnit. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserEditHistory' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the UserEditHistory. |
AuditTrail | String | False |
The AuditTrail of the UserEditHistory. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the UserEditHistory. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the UserEditHistory. |
ModifyingPersonId | Int | False |
The ModifyingPersonId of the UserEditHistory. |
TargetEntityId | Int | False |
The TargetEntityId of the UserEditHistory. |
TransactionID | String | False |
The TransactionID of the UserEditHistory. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserEditHistoryFieldChange' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the UserEditHistoryFieldChange. |
ColumnName | String | False |
The ColumnName of the UserEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Display | String | False |
The Display of the UserEditHistoryFieldChange. |
EditHistoryId | Int | False |
The EditHistoryId of the UserEditHistoryFieldChange. |
NewValue | String | False |
The NewValue of the UserEditHistoryFieldChange. |
OldValue | String | False |
The OldValue of the UserEditHistoryFieldChange. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserHousingComplexUnit' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
CandidateId | Int | False |
The CandidateId of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
DateBegin | Datetime | False |
The DateBegin of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
DateEnd | Datetime | False |
The DateEnd of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
Deduction | String | False |
The Deduction of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
MigrateGUID | String | False |
The MigrateGUID of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
PlacementId | Int | False |
The PlacementId of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
UnitId | Int | False |
The UnitId of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
IsDeleted | Bool | False |
The IsDeleted of the UserHousingComplexUnit. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserPulseCallLog' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the UserPulseCallLog. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the UserPulseCallLog. |
Direction | String | False |
The Direction of the UserPulseCallLog. |
Duration | Int | False |
The Duration of the UserPulseCallLog. |
PhoneNumber | String | False |
The PhoneNumber of the UserPulseCallLog. |
TimeOfCall | Datetime | False |
The TimeOfCall of the UserPulseCallLog. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the UserPulseCallLog. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserPulseCallLogContact' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the UserPulseCallLogContact. |
UserId | Int | False |
The UserId of the UserPulseCallLogContact. |
UserPulseCallLogId | Int | False |
The UserPulseCallLogId of the UserPulseCallLogContact. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'UserType' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the UserType. |
DateAdded | Datetime | False |
The DateAdded of the UserType. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the UserType. |
Enabled | Bool | False |
The Enabled of the UserType. |
IsHidden | Bool | False |
The IsHidden of the UserType. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the UserType. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'WorkersCompensation' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the WorkersCompensation. |
Code | String | False |
The Code of the WorkersCompensation. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the WorkersCompensation. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the WorkersCompensation. |
State | String | False |
The State of the WorkersCompensation. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'WorkersCompensationRate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The Id of the WorkersCompensationRate. |
CompensationId | Int | False |
The CompensationId of the WorkersCompensationRate. |
EndDate | Datetime | False |
The EndDate of the WorkersCompensationRate. |
Rate | Double | False |
The Rate of the WorkersCompensationRate. |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
The StartDate of the WorkersCompensationRate. |
Create, update, delete and query data of 'ZipCodeGis' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The Id of the ZipCodeGis. |
AreaCode | String | False |
The AreaCode of the ZipCodeGis. |
City | String | False |
The City of the ZipCodeGis. |
CountryID | Int | False |
The CountryID of the ZipCodeGis. |
Latitude | Double | False |
The Latitude of the ZipCodeGis. |
LatitudeActual | Double | False |
The LatitudeActual of the ZipCodeGis. |
Longitude | Double | False |
The Longitude of the ZipCodeGis. |
LongitudeActual | Double | False |
The LongitudeActual of the ZipCodeGis. |
State | String | False |
The State of the ZipCodeGis. |
ビューとして公開されるクエリなどの動的ビューや、project_team ワークアイテムの特定の組み合わせを検索するためのビューがサポートされています。
Name | Description |
CandidateCustomSearchLayout | Read data of the 'CustomSearch' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateFasterFindLayout | Read data of the 'FasterFind' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout | Read data of the 'ListExpandedLeft' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateListRowLayout | Read data of the 'ListRow' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateMobileDetailsLayout | Read data of the 'Mobile Details' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateMobileEditLayout | Read data of the 'Mobile Edit' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateOverviewBottomLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewBottom' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateOverviewMiddleLeftLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleLeft' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleRight' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateOverviewTopLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewTop' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateProfileHeaderLayout | Read data of the 'ProfileHeader' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout | Read data of the 'ProfileRightSideBar' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
EntityFiles | List the attached files to an entity. |
Find | Execute a raw text search against the entities, ClientContact, JobOrder, Candidate, ClientCorporation, Lead, Opportunity. |
JobOrderFasterFindLayout | Read data of the 'FasterFind' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderListExpandedCenterLayout | Read data of the 'ListExpandedCenter' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout | Read data of the 'ListExpandedLeft' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderListExpandedRightLayout | Read data of the 'ListExpandedRight' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderListRowLayout | Read data of the 'ListRow' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout | Read data of the 'Mobile Details' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderMobileEditLayout | Read data of the 'Mobile Edit' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderOverviewBottomLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewBottom' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleLeft' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderOverviewMiddleRightLayout | Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleRight' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderProfileHeaderLayout | Read data of the 'ProfileHeader' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout | Read data of the 'ProfileRightSideBar' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system. |
SavedSearches | List the available saved searches. |
SavedSearch_AA_pipeline | Query records of the 'AA - pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search | Query records of the 'AK 06/26/19 NEW DAI search' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls | Query records of the 'AK BROAD Controls' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates | Query records of the 'Alex Bruno Candidates' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline | Query records of the 'Anna Allen- Prospect and Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline | Query records of the 'Anna W Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets | Query records of the 'assembler tearsheets' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline | Query records of the 'Chandlers Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin | Query records of the 'Kroger Recruiter Admin' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe | Query records of the 'mandy pros/pipe' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer | Query records of the 'Mechanical Designer' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_QE_KY_search | Query records of the 'QE KY search' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets | Query records of the 'Scott's targets' saved search on 'CLIENTCONTACT' entity. |
SavedSearch_Sourced | Query records of the 'Sourced' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline | Query records of the 'Taylor Hunt Prospects/ Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Test_favorites | Query records of the 'Test favorites' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield | Query records of the 'Wiring Tech. Fairfield' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity. |
Read data of the 'CustomSearch' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
CurrentCompany | String | The CurrentCompany of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
CurrentPayRate | String | The CurrentPayRate of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
CurrentSalary | String | The CurrentSalary of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
DateAvailable | Datetime | The DateAvailable of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
DesiredLocations | String | The DesiredLocations of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
DesiredPayRate | String | The DesiredPayRate of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
DesiredSalary | String | The DesiredSalary of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
Email2 | String | The Email2 of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
EmployeeType | String | The EmployeeType of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
EmploymentPreference | String | The EmploymentPreference of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
Fax | String | The Fax of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
GeneralCandidateComments | String | The GeneralCandidateComments of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
OtherPhone | String | The OtherPhone of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
ReferredbyOther | String | The ReferredbyOther of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
ReferredById | Int | The ReferredById of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
Source | String | The Source of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateCustomSearchLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'FasterFind' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The Id of the CandidateFasterFindLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateFasterFindLayout. |
OtherPhone | String | The OtherPhone of the CandidateFasterFindLayout. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the CandidateFasterFindLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the CandidateFasterFindLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateFasterFindLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'ListExpandedLeft' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
CandidateName | String | The CandidateName of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
CandidateName2 | String | The CandidateName2 of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
CurrentCompany | String | The CurrentCompany of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateListExpandedLeftLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'ListRow' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The Id of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
DateAvailable | Datetime | The DateAvailable of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
EmploymentPreference | String | The EmploymentPreference of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateListRowLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'Mobile Details' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
CandidateName | String | The CandidateName of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
CandidateName2 | String | The CandidateName2 of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
EmployeeType | String | The EmployeeType of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
EmploymentPreference | String | The EmploymentPreference of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateMobileDetailsLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'Mobile Edit' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
CandidateName | String | The CandidateName of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
CandidateName2 | String | The CandidateName2 of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
EmployeeType | String | The EmployeeType of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
EmploymentPreference | String | The EmploymentPreference of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateMobileEditLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'OverviewBottom' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Resume | String | The Resume of the CandidateOverviewBottomLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleLeft' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
CurrentPayRate | String | The CurrentPayRate of the CandidateOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
DesiredPayRate | String | The DesiredPayRate of the CandidateOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleRight' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
Email2 | String | The Email2 of the CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
OtherPhone | String | The OtherPhone of the CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'OverviewTop' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
GeneralCandidateComments | String | The GeneralCandidateComments of the CandidateOverviewTopLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'ProfileHeader' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The Id of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
CandidateName | String | The CandidateName of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
CandidateName2 | String | The CandidateName2 of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
Nickname | String | The Nickname of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateProfileHeaderLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
Read data of the 'ProfileRightSideBar' layout of the 'Candidate' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
CurrentCompany | String | The CurrentCompany of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
DateAvailable | Datetime | The DateAvailable of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Email2 | String | The Email2 of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
EmploymentPreference | String | The EmploymentPreference of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
OtherPhone | String | The OtherPhone of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Source | String | The Source of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Title | String | The Title of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the CandidateProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
LuceneQuery | String | Enter a Lucene query to send it directly to the BullhornCRM API. Note that other filters won't work if this is specified. |
List the attached files to an entity.
Use this view as a helper in case you need the file unique identifiers, for the DownloadFile.
Except the pseudo columns, no filters are handled server-side on this view. EntityType and EntityId must be specified to query from this view.
SELECT * FROM EntityFiles WHERE EntityType= 'Candidate' AND EntityId = '110011'
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The unique identifier of the file. |
Name | String | The name of the file. |
DateAdded | Datetime | Datetime the file was added. |
FileType | String | The type of the file. |
Type | String | The type of the file. |
FileExtension | String | The type of the file. |
Description | String | A brief description of the file. |
IsDeleted | Boolean | Whether or not the file is deleted. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | Whether or not the file is private. |
IsExternal | Boolean | Whether or not the file is external. |
ContentType | String | The ContentType of the EntityFiles. |
ContentSubType | String | The ContentSubType of the EntityFiles. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
EntityType | String | The entity type you want to list the attached files for. The available values are Candidate, ClientContact, ClientCorporation, JobOrder, Opportunity, Placement.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。Candidate, ClientContact, ClientCorporation, JobOrder, Opportunity, Placement |
EntityId | String | The unique identifier of the entity you want to list attached files from. |
Execute a raw text search against the entities, ClientContact, JobOrder, Candidate, ClientCorporation, Lead, Opportunity.
Except the pseudo columns, no filters are handled server-side on this view. The 'Query' pseudo column must be specified when querying this view.
SELECT * FROM Find WHERE query = 'My search'
Name | Type | Description |
EntityId [KEY] | Int | The unique identifier of an entity. |
EntityType | String | The type of the entity. |
ByLine | String | The results by line. |
Location | String | Location of the entity. |
Title | String | The title of the result. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Query | String | A raw text you want to search for. |
Read data of the 'FasterFind' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The Id of the JobOrderFasterFindLayout. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrderFasterFindLayout. |
ContactId | Int | The ContactId of the JobOrderFasterFindLayout. |
JobTitle | String | The JobTitle of the JobOrderFasterFindLayout. |
OwnerId | Int | The OwnerId of the JobOrderFasterFindLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the JobOrderFasterFindLayout. |
Read data of the 'ListExpandedCenter' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
CertificationRequirements | String | The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrderListExpandedCenterLayout. |
DegreeRequirements | String | The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrderListExpandedCenterLayout. |
Read data of the 'ListExpandedLeft' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout. |
ContactId | Int | The ContactId of the JobOrderListExpandedLeftLayout. |
Read data of the 'ListExpandedRight' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Ofopenings | Int | The Ofopenings of the JobOrderListExpandedRightLayout. |
JobDescription | String | The JobDescription of the JobOrderListExpandedRightLayout. |
MinimumExperience | Int | The MinimumExperience of the JobOrderListExpandedRightLayout. |
Read data of the 'ListRow' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The Id of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
ClientBillRate | String | The ClientBillRate of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
EmploymentType | String | The EmploymentType of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
JobTitle | String | The JobTitle of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
OpenClosed | Bool | The OpenClosed of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
OwnerId | Int | The OwnerId of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
PayRate | String | The PayRate of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
Priority | Int | The Priority of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the JobOrderListRowLayout. |
Read data of the 'Mobile Details' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
ContactId | Int | The ContactId of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
EmploymentType | String | The EmploymentType of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
JobDescription | String | The JobDescription of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
JobTitle | String | The JobTitle of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
OwnerId | Int | The OwnerId of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
StartDate | Datetime | The StartDate of the JobOrderMobileDetailsLayout. |
Read data of the 'Mobile Edit' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
ContactId | Int | The ContactId of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
EmploymentType | String | The EmploymentType of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
JobDescription | String | The JobDescription of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
JobTitle | String | The JobTitle of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
OwnerId | Int | The OwnerId of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
StartDate | Datetime | The StartDate of the JobOrderMobileEditLayout. |
Read data of the 'OverviewBottom' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
JobDescription | String | The JobDescription of the JobOrderOverviewBottomLayout. |
Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleLeft' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Ofopenings | Int | The Ofopenings of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
ClientBillRate | String | The ClientBillRate of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
PayRate | String | The PayRate of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
PayRate2 | String | The PayRate2 of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
Permfee | Double | The Permfee of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
Salary | String | The Salary of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleLeftLayout. |
Read data of the 'OverviewMiddleRight' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
CertificationRequirements | String | The CertificationRequirements of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
DegreeRequirements | String | The DegreeRequirements of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
EmploymentType | String | The EmploymentType of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
JobTitle | String | The JobTitle of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
Keywords | String | The Keywords of the JobOrderOverviewMiddleRightLayout. |
Read data of the 'ProfileHeader' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The Id of the JobOrderProfileHeaderLayout. |
JobTitle | String | The JobTitle of the JobOrderProfileHeaderLayout. |
Read data of the 'ProfileRightSideBar' layout of the 'JobOrder' entity in BullhornCRM system.
Name | Type | Description |
Ofopenings | Int | The Ofopenings of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressStateorProvince | String | The AddressStateorProvince of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
ClientBillRate | String | The ClientBillRate of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
ClientCompanyId | Int | The ClientCompanyId of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
ContactId | Int | The ContactId of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
EmploymentType | String | The EmploymentType of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
MinimumExperience | Int | The MinimumExperience of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
OpenClosed | Bool | The OpenClosed of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
OwnerId | Int | The OwnerId of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
PayRate | String | The PayRate of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Permfee | Double | The Permfee of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Priority | Int | The Priority of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Salary | String | The Salary of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
StartDate | Datetime | The StartDate of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
Status | String | The Status of the JobOrderProfileRightSideBarLayout. |
List the available saved searches.
No filters are handled server-side on this view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | The unique identifier of the saved search. |
Name | String | The name of the saved search. |
IndexType | String | The entity type the saved search was ran against. |
Description | String | A brief description of the saved search. |
Query | String | The query of the saved search. |
OwnerId | Int | The unique identifier of the owner. |
OwnerFirstName | String | The unique identifier of the owner. |
OwnerLastName | String | The unique identifier of the owner. |
DateAdded | Date | The date this saves search was added. |
Favorite | Boolean | Whether or not this saved search is favorite. |
Query records of the 'AA - pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the SavedSearch_AA_pipeline. |
Query records of the 'AK 06/26/19 NEW DAI search' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_AK_06_26_19_NEW_DAI_search. |
Query records of the 'AK BROAD Controls' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_AK_BROAD_Controls. |
Query records of the 'Alex Bruno Candidates' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | Int | The Id of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Alex_Bruno_Candidates. |
Query records of the 'Anna Allen- Prospect and Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
CurrentCompany | String | The CurrentCompany of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
OtherPhone | String | The OtherPhone of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
Source | String | The Source of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the SavedSearch_Anna_Allen_Prospect_and_Pipeline. |
Query records of the 'Anna W Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | Int | The Id of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Anna_W_Pipeline. |
Query records of the 'assembler tearsheets' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
CurrentCompany | String | The CurrentCompany of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the SavedSearch_assembler_tearsheets. |
Query records of the 'Chandlers Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
CurrentCompany | String | The CurrentCompany of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Chandlers_Pipeline. |
Query records of the 'Kroger Recruiter Admin' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
CategoryId | Int | The CategoryId of the SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Kroger_Recruiter_Admin. |
Query records of the 'mandy pros/pipe' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the SavedSearch_mandy_pros_pipe. |
Query records of the 'Mechanical Designer' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Mechanical_Designer. |
Query records of the 'QE KY search' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_QE_KY_search. |
Query records of the 'Scott's targets' saved search on 'CLIENTCONTACT' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
CompanyId | Int | The CompanyId of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
DirectPhone | String | The DirectPhone of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
LastVisit | Datetime | The LastVisit of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
OwnerId | Int | The OwnerId of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
Source | String | The Source of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
Type | String | The Type of the SavedSearch_Scott_s_targets. |
Query records of the 'Sourced' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the SavedSearch_Sourced. |
Query records of the 'Taylor Hunt Prospects/ Pipeline' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Taylor_Hunt_Prospects_Pipeline. |
Query records of the 'Test favorites' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | Int | The Id of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
CategoryId | Int | The CategoryId of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
DateAdded | Datetime | The DateAdded of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
DateAvailable | Datetime | The DateAvailable of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
EmploymentPreference | String | The EmploymentPreference of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Test_favorites. |
Query records of the 'Wiring Tech. Fairfield' saved search on 'CANDIDATE' entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AddressAddress | String | The AddressAddress of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddressAddress2 | String | The AddressAddress2 of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddressCity | String | The AddressCity of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddressCountry | Int | The AddressCountry of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddresscountryCode | String | The AddresscountryCode of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddresscountryName | String | The AddresscountryName of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddressState | String | The AddressState of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
AddressZip | String | The AddressZip of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
Email1 | String | The Email1 of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
HomePhone | String | The HomePhone of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
LastNote | Datetime | The LastNote of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
MobilePhone | String | The MobilePhone of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
Name | String | The Name of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
OwnershipId | Int | The OwnershipId of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
Status | String | The Status of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
Title | String | The Title of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
WorkPhone | String | The WorkPhone of the SavedSearch_Wiring_Tech_Fairfield. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
DataCenterCode | The data center code where your account's data is hosted, for example, CLS2, CLS5 etc... |
RestURL | The base URL of the Bullhorn CRM REST API. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
LogModules | ログファイルに含めるコアモジュール。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
ExpandAssociations | Specify whether to expose or not the Associations Tables. |
IncludeCustomFields | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing. |
IncludeCustomTables | Whether to include custom tables or not. When off, performance will be higher, but the custom tables cannot be retrieved. |
ListLayouts | A list of tables you want to list layouts for. Put '*' or 'All' if you want layouts of all tables. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはグループ化を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これにより、設計時にパフォーマンスの問題を回避できます。 |
MaxThreads | Specifies the number of concurrent requests. |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
Pagesize | Bullhorn CRM から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UseDefaultOrderBy | Indicates if a default order by should be applied if none is specified in the query. |
UseDisplayNames | Boolean determining whether or not to use the labels for column names. Defaults to true. |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
VerifyEntitlements | Verify read entitlements for all entity types for the current user before exposing the corresponding tables and associated columns. |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
DataCenterCode | The data center code where your account's data is hosted, for example, CLS2, CLS5 etc... |
RestURL | The base URL of the Bullhorn CRM REST API. |
The data center code where your account's data is hosted, for example, CLS2, CLS5 etc...
The data center code where your account's data is hosted, for example, CLS2, CLS5 etc... Find the list of the data centers here.
The base URL of the Bullhorn CRM REST API.
This is used as the base URL of the Bullhorn CRM REST API. This is retrieved automatically during the OAuth flow in WEB mode. If you execute the OAuth flow manually in APP mode, you must specify this in the connection string, after getting it as an output of the GetOAuthAccessToken. Otherwise if InitiateOAuth is set to GETANDREFRESH, this value will be retrieved and saved for you under the hood.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId 値、およびクライアントシークレットOAuthClientSecret が提供されます。
OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId が提供されます。また、コンシューマーシークレットと呼ばれるクライアントシークレットも提供されます。クライアントシークレットをOAuthClientSecret プロパティに設定します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なFirewall プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
このプロパティは、Sync App がFirewallServer プロキシ経由でトンネルトラフィックを使うためのプロトコルを指定します。デフォルトでは、Sync App はシステムプロキシに接続します。この動作を無効化し次のプロキシタイプのどれかで接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
タイプ | デフォルトポート | 説明 |
TUNNEL | 80 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はBullhorn CRM への接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 4 プロキシ経由で送信し、接続リクエストが許容されるかどうかを決定します。 |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 5 プロキシ経由で送信します。プロキシに認証が必要な場合には、FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword をプロキシが認識する認証情報に設定します。 |
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort ポートを使ってください。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を使ってください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するIP アドレス、DNS 名、もしくはプロキシホスト名を指定するプロパティです。プロトコルはFirewallType で指定されます。このプロパティとFirewallServer を使って、SOCKS 経由での接続、もしくはトンネリングが可能です。HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を使用します。
Sync App はデフォルトでシステムプロキシを使うので注意してください。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定してください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するプロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。名前もしくはIP アドレスを指定するには、FirewallServer を使います。FirewallType でプロトコルを指定します。
FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword プロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証方式に則り、FirewallServer、およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに対しての認証に使われます。
このプロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証メソッドに則り、FirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに渡されます。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なProxy プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を参照してください。SOCKS やトンネリングなどの他のプロキシには、FirewallType を参照してください。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、Sync App はHTTP、Windows(NTLM)、もしくはKerberos 認証タイプを使用することができます。
SOCKS プロキシを経由して接続する、もしくは接続をトンネルするには、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。
HTTP トラフィックをリダイレクトするHTTP プロキシが実行されているポート。ProxyServer でHTTP プロキシを指定します。その他のプロキシタイプについては、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。
この値は、ProxyServer およびProxyPort で指定されるHTTP プロキシに認証するために使われる認証タイプを指定します。
Sync App は、デフォルトでsystem proxy settings を使い、追加での設定が不要です。他のプロキシへの接続をする場合には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort に加え、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
SOCKS 5 認証のような他の認証タイプを使用するには、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。
ProxyUser および ProxyPassword オプションは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシに対して接続および認証するために使用されます。
ProxyAuthScheme で使用可能な認証タイプを選択することができます。HTTP 認証を使う場合、これをHTTP プロキシで識別可能なユーザーのユーザー名に設定します。Windows もしくはKerberos 認証を使用する場合、このプロパティを次の形式のどれかでユーザー名に設定します。
user@domain domain\user
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。
このプロパティは、NTLM(Windows)、Kerberos、もしくはHTTP 認証をサポートするHTTP プロキシサーバーに認証するために使われます。HTTP プロキシを指定するためには、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定します。認証タイプを指定するためにはProxyAuthScheme を設定します。
HTTP 認証を使う場合、さらにHTTP プロキシにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
NTLM 認証を使う場合、Windows パスワードにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。Kerberos 認証には、これらを入力する必要があります。
SOCKS 5 認証もしくは、トンネリングは、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシに接続する場合には、これをfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。
このプロパティは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシへの接続にSSL を使用するかどうかを決定します。この値は、AUTO、ALWAYS、NEVER、TUNNEL のいずれかです。有効な値は次のとおりです。
AUTO | デフォルト設定。URL がHTTPS URL の場合、Sync App は、TUNNEL オプションを使います。URL がHTTP URL の場合、コンポーネントはNEVER オプションを使います。 |
ALWAYS | 接続は、常にSSL 有効となります。 |
NEVER | 接続は、SSL 有効になりません。 |
TUNNEL | 接続は、トンネリングプロキシを経由します。プロキシサーバーがリモートホストへの接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。
ProxyServer は、このプロパティで定義されたアドレスを除くすべてのアドレスに使用されます。セミコロンを使用してエントリを区切ります。
Sync App は、追加設定なしにデフォルトでシステムのプロキシ設定を使います。この接続のプロキシ例外を明示的に構成するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定して、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定する必要があります。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
指定された(';' で区切られた)モジュールのみがログファイルに含まれます。デフォルトではすべてのモジュールが含まれます。
概要はログ ページを参照してください。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
Sync App のスキーマファイル(テーブルとビューの場合は.rsd ファイル、ストアドプロシージャの場合は.rsb ファイル)を含むディレクトリへのパス。このフォルダの場所は、実行ファイルの場所からの相対パスにすることができます。Location プロパティは、定義をカスタマイズしたり(例えば、カラム名を変更する、カラムを無視するなど)、新しいテーブル、ビュー、またはストアドプロシージャでデータモデルを拡張する場合にのみ必要です。
指定しない場合、デフォルトの場所は"%APPDATA%\\CData\\BullhornCRM Data Provider\\Schema" となり、%APPDATA% はユーザーのコンフィギュレーションディレクトリに設定されます:
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。
テーブルを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でテーブルのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいテーブルを指定します。各テーブルは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space` です。
使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。
ビューを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でビューのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいビューを指定します。各ビューは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space` です。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
ExpandAssociations | Specify whether to expose or not the Associations Tables. |
IncludeCustomFields | A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing. |
IncludeCustomTables | Whether to include custom tables or not. When off, performance will be higher, but the custom tables cannot be retrieved. |
ListLayouts | A list of tables you want to list layouts for. Put '*' or 'All' if you want layouts of all tables. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはグループ化を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これにより、設計時にパフォーマンスの問題を回避できます。 |
MaxThreads | Specifies the number of concurrent requests. |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
Pagesize | Bullhorn CRM から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UseDefaultOrderBy | Indicates if a default order by should be applied if none is specified in the query. |
UseDisplayNames | Boolean determining whether or not to use the labels for column names. Defaults to true. |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
VerifyEntitlements | Verify read entitlements for all entity types for the current user before exposing the corresponding tables and associated columns. |
Specify whether to expose or not the Associations Tables.
A boolean indicating if you would like to include custom fields in the column listing.
Setting this to true will cause custom fields to be included in the column listing, but may cause poor performance when listing metadata.
Whether to include custom tables or not. When off, performance will be higher, but the custom tables cannot be retrieved.
If set to TRUE, the custom tables will be retrieved, at the cost of some performance.
A list of tables you want to list layouts for. Put '*' or 'All' if you want layouts of all tables.
A list of tables you want to list layouts for. For example ListLayouts=Candidate,JobOrder; will show the layouts of the Candidate and JobOrder entities as views. The naming of the layout views will be '{EntityName}{LayoutName}Layout'. For example, CandidateFasterFindLayout.
Specifies the number of concurrent requests.
Set this to the maxinum number of concurrent threads that can be opened.
DefaultColumnSize | データソースがメタデータにカラムの長さを提供しない場合に、文字列フィールドのデフォルトの長さを設定します。デフォルト値は2000です。 |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | 日時の値を、マシンのローカルタイムではなくGMT グリニッジ標準時に変換するかどうかを決定します。 |
RecordToFile=filename | 基底のソケットデータ転送を指定のファイルに記録します。 |
Bullhorn CRM から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。
Pagesize プロパティは、Bullhorn CRM から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数に影響を与えます。より大きい値を設定すると、1ページあたりの消費メモリが増える代わりに、パフォーマンスが向上する場合があります。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Sync App は例外をスローします。
Indicates if a default order by should be applied if none is specified in the query.
By default, the CData Sync App applies an order by when none is specified. This ensures that duplicate records do not get output when returning data. However, this will have a significant impact on performance for very large tables. If your use case can handle the possibility of duplicate primary keys, it is recommended to turn this off if you would like to have better performance.
Boolean determining whether or not to use the labels for column names. Defaults to true.
Boolean determining whether or not to use the labels for column names. Defaults to true.
If set to true, the labels of the fields, will serve as column names. Otherwise, the name of the column will be the field name.
カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。
ユーザー定義ビューは、UserDefinedViews.json というJSON 形式のコンフィギュレーションファイルで定義されています。Sync App は、このファイルで指定されたビューを自動的に検出します。
また、複数のビュー定義を持ち、UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して制御することも可能です。このプロパティを使用すると、指定されたビューのみがSync App によって検知されます。
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Candidate WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して、JSON コンフィギュレーションファイルの場所を指定します。次に例を示します。
"UserDefinedViews", "C:\\Users\\yourusername\\Desktop\\tmp\\UserDefinedViews.json"
Verify read entitlements for all entity types for the current user before exposing the corresponding tables and associated columns.
Verify read entitlements for all entity types for the current user before exposing the corresponding tables and associated columns. If this property is set to 'true', any entity type missing any of the following entitlements will not be exposed as a table, 'READ', 'READ_DEPARTMENT', 'READ_CORPORATE' and 'READ_PRIVATE'.