TDV Adapter for Bullhorn CRM

Build 22.0.8462

Fine-Tuning Data Access

Fine Tuning Data Access

You can use the following properties to gain greater control over Bullhorn CRM API features and the strategies the adapter uses to surface them:

  • IncludeCustomFields: Whether or not custom fields will be included. When off, performance will be higher, but the custom fields cannot be retrieved or modified.
  • IncludeCustomTables: Whether or not custom tables will be included. When off, performance will be higher, but the custom tables cannot be retrieved.
  • ListLayouts: A list of tables you want to list layouts for. For example: ListLayouts=Candidate,JobOrder;.
  • UseDefaultOrderBy: Indicates if a default order by should be applied when none is specified. This will prevent duplicate results, but will make large tables much more expensive to retrieve.
  • UseDisplayNames: Set this to true to use field labels for column names.
  • MaxThreads: Specifies the number of concurrent requests. Increase it to improve performance, especially when a table has many rows.

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Build 22.0.8462