Excel Add-In for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


Get the details of line items of a recurring invoice.

Table Specific Information


The add-in uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:

  • RecurringInvoiceId supports the '=' and IN operators.

NOTE: RecurringInvoiceId is required to query RecurringInvoiceLineItems.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the add-in.

For example:

    SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceLineItems WHERE RecurringInvoiceId = '1895453000000042244'
	SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceLineItems WHERE RecurringInvoiceId IN (SELECT RecurringInvoiceId FROM RecurringInvoices)
	SELECT * FROM RecurringInvoiceLineItems WHERE RecurringInvoiceId IN ('1895453000000042244','1895453000000042245')


Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
LineItemId [KEY] String Id of line item.
RecurringInvoiceId String


Id of recurring invoice.
ItemId String


Id of the item.
ItemOrder Integer Order of the item.
ItemTotal Decimal Total number of item.
Description String Description of the recurring invoice line item.
Discount String Amount of discount applied for items of recurring invoice.
DiscountAmount Decimal Amount of discount.
HeaderId String Id of the header.
HeaderName String Name of the header.
Name String Name of the recurring invoice line item.
ProjectId String


Id of the project.
Quantity String Total number of item.
Rate Decimal Rate for recurring invoice..
TaxId String


Id of tax.
TaxName String Name of the tax.
TaxPercentage Integer Percentage applied for tax.
TaxType String Type of tax.
Unit String Total quantity included in recurring invoice items.
SKU String The SKU of the Line Item.

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Build 24.0.9111