Excel Add-In for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information


The add-in uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CashBased supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountType supports the '=' comparison.
  • ProjectId supports the 'IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the add-in.

For example:

    SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

    SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

    SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

    SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE CashBased = True
	SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE AccountType = 'Asset'
	SELECT * FROM GeneralLedgerReport WHERE ProjectId IN ('234457895670')


Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
AccountCode String Account Code.
AccountGroup String Account Group.
AccountId String Account Id.
Balance Integer Balance.
BalanceSubAccount String Balance Sub Account.
ClosingBalance Integer Closing Balance.
ClosingBalanceSubAccount Integer Closing Balance Sub Account.
CreditTotal Integer Credit Total.
CreditTotalSubAccount String Credit TotalSub Account.
DebitTotal Integer Debit Total.
DebitTotalSubAccount String Debit TotalSub Account.
Depth Integer Depth.
IsChildPresent Boolean Is Child Present.
IsCollapsedView Boolean Is Collapsed View.
IsDebit Boolean IsDebit.
Name String Name.
OpeningBalance Integer Opening Balance.
OpeningBalanceSubAccount Integer Opening Balance Sub Account.
PreviousValues String Previous Values.
AccountType String = Account Type.

The allowed values are Asset, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, Bank, Cash, FixedAsset, Liability, OtherCurrentLiability, CreditCard, LongTermLiablity, OtherLiability, Equity, Income, OtherIncome, Expense, CostOfGoodsSold, OtherExpense, AccountsReceivable, AccountsPayable, Stock, PaymentClearingAccount, PrepaidCard, OverseasTaxPayable, OutputTax, InputTax.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CashBased Boolean Cash Based.
TransactionDate String Filter transaction by any transaction date.

The allowed values are Today, ThisWeek, ThisMonth, ThisQuarter, ThisYear, PreviousDay, PreviousWeek, PreviousMonth, PreviousQuarter, PreviousYear, CustomDate.

ToDate Date To Date.
FromDate Date From Date.
ProjectId String

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111