Get addresses of a contact including its Shipping Address, Billing Address.
Table Specific Information
The add-in uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator:
- ContactId supports the '=' comparison.
The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the add-in.
For example:
SELECT * FROM ContactAddresses WHERE ContactId = '1894952000000071009'
Name | Type | References | SupportedOperators | Description |
AddressId [KEY] | String | Id of an address. | ||
ContactId | String |
Contacts.ContactId | Id of a contact. | |
Attention | String | Name of a person in billing address. | ||
Address | String | Address of a contact. | ||
Street2 | String | Street two of a billing address. | ||
City | String | City of a billing address. | ||
State | String | State of a billing address. | ||
Zip | String | ZIP code of a billing address. | ||
Country | String | Country of a billing address. | ||
Phone | String | Phone number of a billing address. | ||
Fax | String | Fax of a billing address. |