Excel Add-In for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


List, add, update and delete details involved in an account.

Table Specific Information


The add-in uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • TransactionType supports the '=' comparison.
  • Amount supports the '=' comparison.
  • Date supports the '=' comparison.
  • ReferenceNumber supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • BankTransactionFilter supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the add-in.

For example:

    SELECT * FROM BankTransactions WHERE Status = 'All'

    SELECT * FROM BankTransactions LIMIT 5


INSERT can be executed by specifying the TransactionType, FromAccountId, ToAccountId, Amount, and CurrencyId columns. The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally. The following is an example of how to insert into this table.

INSERT INTO BankTransactions (TransactionType, FromAccountId, ToAccountId, Amount, CurrencyId) VALUES ('transfer_fund', '3285934000000000361', '3285934000000256009', '500', '3285934000000000099') 


UPDATE can be executed by specifying the TransactionId in the WHERE Clause. The columns that are not read-only can be updated. For example:

UPDATE BankTransactions SET Amount = '300', TransactionType = 'transfer_fund' WHERE TransactionId = '3285934000000269001'


DELETE can be executed by specifying the TransactionId in the WHERE Clause For example:

DELETE FROM BankTransactions WHERE TransactionId = '3285934000000269001'


Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Description
TransactionId [KEY] String True

Id of the Transaction.

TransactionType String False

Transaction Type of the transaction.

The allowed values are deposit, refund, transfer_fund, card_payment, sales_without_invoices, expense_refund, owner_contribution, interest_income, other_income, owner_drawings, sales_return.

AccountId String False


Account id for which transactions are to be listed.

AccountName String False

Name of the account.

AccountType String False

Type of the account.

Amount Decimal False

Start and end amount, to provide a range within which the transaction amount exist.

CurrencyCode String False

Currency code of the customer's currency.

CurrencyId String False


Currency Id of the customer's currency.

CurrencySymbol String True

Currency symbol of the customer's currency.

CustomerId String False


Id of the customer or vendor.

CustomFields String False

Custom fields of the contact.

Date Date True

Start and end date, to provide a range within which the transaction date exist.

DebitOrCredit String False

Indicates if transaction is Credit or Debit.

Description String False

Description of the bank transactions.

Documents String False

List of files to be attached to a particular transaction.

ExcludeDescription String True

Is the description is to be excluded.

ImportedTransactionId Long True

Id of the Imported Transaction.

IsOffsetaccountMatched Boolean True

Check if Offset Account is matched.

IsPaidViaPrintCheck Boolean True

Check if paid via print check.

IsRuleExist Boolean True

Check if rule exists.

OffsetAccountName String True

Name of the offset account.

Payee String True

Information about the payee.

PricePrecision Integer True

The precision for the price.

ReferenceNumber String False

Reference Number of the transaction.

RunningBalance String True

Running balance in bank.

Source String True

Source of the bank transaction.

Status String True

Transaction status wise list view.

The allowed values are All, uncategorized, manually_added, matched, excluded, categorized.

UserId Long False


Id of the User involved in the Transaction.

VendorId String True

Id of the vendor the bank transaction has been made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

VendorName String True

Name of the vendor the bank transaction has been made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

BankCharges Decimal False

Bank charges of bank transactions. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

BcyTotal Decimal True

Total Base Currency This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

CustomerName String True

Name of the customer or vendor. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

ExchangeRate Decimal False

Exchange rate of a bank transaction. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

FromAccountId String False


Account Id from which bank transaction was made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

FromAccountTags String False

From Account Tags.

ImportedTransactions String True

Imported bank transations. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

IsInclusiveTax Boolean False

Check if bank transaction is invlusive tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

IsPreGst Boolean True

Check if bank transaction is pre GST. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

PaymentMode String False

Mode through which payment is made. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

SubTotal Decimal True

Sub total of bank transactions This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

Tags String False

Details of tags related to bank transactions. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

TaxAmount Decimal True

Amount of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

TaxId String False


Id of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

TaxName String True

Name of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

TaxPercentage Integer True

Percentage of tax. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

ToAccountId String False


Account Id the transaction was made to. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

ToAccountName String True

Account name the transaction was made to. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

Total Decimal True

Total of bank transactions. This field will be populated with a value only when the Transaction Id is specified.

ToAccountTags String False

To Account Tags.

RuleId String False



RuleName String False


RuleDetails String False



Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
BankTransactionFilter String

Filters the transactions based on the allowed types.

The allowed values are Status.All, Status.Uncategorized, Status.Categorized, Status.ManuallyAdded, Status.Excluded, Status.Matched.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111