Generated schema file.
Table Specific Information
The add-in uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
- TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
- ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
- FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
- CashBased supports the '=' comparison.
- AccountTransactionsTransactionType supports the 'IN', 'NOT IN' comparisons.
- AccountTransactionsAccountId supports the 'IN' comparison.
- AccountTransactionsContactId supports the 'IN', 'NOT IN' comparisons.
- AccountTransactionsProjectIds supports the 'IN', 'IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
- AccountTransactionsAccountAccountType supports the '=', '!=' comparisons.
- AccountTransactionsAccountAccountGroup supports the '=', '!=' comparisons.
The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the add-in.
For example:
SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today' SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31' SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31' SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE CashBased = True SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsTransactionType NOT IN ('Invoices', 'Bills') SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsAccountId IN ('3285934000000000373') SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsProjectIds IS NULL SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsAccountAccountType = 'Asset' SELECT * FROM accounttransactionsreport WHERE AccountTransactionsAccountAccountGroup != 'Liability'
Name | Type | References | SupportedOperators | Description |
AccountTransactionsAccountAccountCode | String | Account Transactions Account Account Code. | ||
AccountTransactionsAccountName | String | Account Transactions Account Name. | ||
AccountTransactionsContactName | String | Account Transactions Contact Name. | ||
AccountTransactionsDescription | String | Account Transactions Description. | ||
AccountTransactionsCredit | Double | Account Transactions Credit. | ||
AccountTransactionsCurrencyCode | String | Account Transactions Currency Code. | ||
AccountTransactionsDate | Date | Account Transactions Date. | ||
AccountTransactionsDebit | Decimal | Account Transactions Debit. | ||
AccountTransactionsEntityNumber | String | Account Transactions Entity Number. | ||
AccountTransactionsNetAmount | String | Account Transactions Net Amount. | ||
AccountTransactionsOffsetAccountId | String | Account Transactions Offset Account Id. | ||
AccountTransactionsOffsetAccountType | String | Account Transactions Offset Account Type. | ||
AccountTransactionsReferenceNumber | String | Account Transactions Reference Number. | ||
AccountTransactionsReferenceTransactionId | String | Account Transactions Reference transaction Id. | ||
AccountTransactionsReportingTag | String | Account Transactions Reporting Tag. | ||
AccountTransactionsTransactionDetails | String | Account Transactions Transaction Details. | ||
AccountTransactionsTransactionId | String | Account Transactions Transaction Id. | ||
AccountTransactionsFCYCredit | String | Account Transactions FCY Credit. | ||
AccountTransactionsFcyDebit | String | Account Transactions Fcy Debit. | ||
AccountTransactionsFcyNetAmount | String | Account Transactions Fcy Net Amount. | ||
OpeningBalanceAccountCreditBalance | Integer | Opening Balance Account Credit Balance. | ||
OpeningBalanceCredit | String | Opening Balance Credit. | ||
OpeningBalanceDate | String | Opening Balance Date. | ||
OpeningBalanceDebit | String | Opening Balance Debit. | ||
OpeningBalanceFCYCredit | String | Opening Balance FCY Credit. | ||
OpeningBalanceFcyDebit | String | Opening Balance Fcy Debit. | ||
OpeningBalanceName | String | Opening Balance Name. | ||
ClosingBalanceCredit | String | Closing Balance Credit. | ||
ClosingBalanceDate | String | Closing Balance Date. | ||
ClosingBalanceDebit | String | Closing Balance Debit. | ||
ClosingBalanceFcyCredit | String | Closing Balance Fcy Credit. | ||
ClosingBalanceFcyDebit | String | Closing Balance Fcy Debit. | ||
ClosingBalanceName | String | Closing Balance Name. | ||
AccountTransactionsAccountAccountGroup | String | =, != | Account Transactions Account Account Group.
The allowed values are Asset, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, Bank, Cash, FixedAsset, Liability, OtherCurrentLiability, CreditCard, LongTermLiablity, OtherLiability, Equity, Income, OtherIncome, Expense, CostOfGoodsSold, OtherExpense, AccountsReceivable, AccountsPayable, Stock, PaymentClearingAccount, PrepaidCard, OverseasTaxPayable, OutputTax, InputTax. | |
AccountTransactionsAccountAccountType | String | =, != | Account Transactions AccountAccount Type.
The allowed values are Asset, OtherAsset, OtherCurrentAsset, Bank, Cash, FixedAsset, Liability, OtherCurrentLiability, CreditCard, LongTermLiablity, OtherLiability, Equity, Income, OtherIncome, Expense, CostOfGoodsSold, OtherExpense, AccountsReceivable, AccountsPayable, Stock, PaymentClearingAccount, PrepaidCard, OverseasTaxPayable, OutputTax, InputTax. | |
AccountTransactionsTransactionType | String | IN, NOT IN | AccountTransactions transaction Type.
The allowed values are Invoices, Bills, PaymentsMade, CreditNote, CreditNotesRefund, VendorCredits, VendorCreditsRefund, Expense, Journal, BaseCurrencyAdjustment, DebitNote, CustomerPayment, VendorPayment, PaymentRefund, RetainerPayment, InventoryAdjustmentByQuantity, InventoryAdjustmentByValue, TransferOrderTo, TransferOrderFrom, SalesWithoutInvoices, ExpenseRefund, EmployeeReimbursement. | |
AccountTransactionsProjectIds | String | IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL | Account Transactions Project Ids. | |
AccountTransactionsContactId | String | IN, NOT IN | Account Transactions Contact Id. | |
AccountTransactionsAccountId | String | IN | Account Transactions Account Id. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description | |
CashBased | Boolean | Cash Based. | |
TransactionDate | String | Filter transaction by any transaction date.
The allowed values are Today, ThisWeek, ThisMonth, ThisQuarter, ThisYear, PreviousDay, PreviousWeek, PreviousMonth, PreviousQuarter, PreviousYear, CustomDate. | |
ToDate | Date | To Date. | |
FromDate | Date | From Date. |