Stored Procedures
Stored procedures are function-like interfaces that extend the functionality of the add-in beyond simple SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operations with Zoho Books.
Stored procedures accept a list of parameters, perform their intended function, and then return any relevant response data from Zoho Books, along with an indication of whether the procedure succeeded or failed.
CData Excel Add-In for Zoho Books Stored Procedures
Name | Description |
AddAttachment | Attaches a file to salesorder, invoice, purchaseorder etc. |
AddExpenseReceipt | Attaches a receipt to an expense. |
ApproveAnEntity | Approves an estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill or vendorcredit. |
BillsApplyCredit | Applies the vendor credits from excess vendor payments to a bill. |
ContactEnableOrDisablePaymentReminder | Reminds the associated contact if payment date is missed. |
ContactEnablePortalAccess | Enables portal access for a contact. |
ContactSendEmail | Send email to contact. |
DeleteAttachment | Removes attached file from salesorders, invoices, purchaseorders, or bills. |
DeleteCustomModuleField | Deletes a column from a custom module. |
DeleteImportedStatement | Deletes the BankAccounts statement that was previously imported. |
DownloadAttachment | Returns the file attached to the invoice. |
DownloadExpenseReceipt | Returns the receipt attached to the expense. |
DownloadRetainerInvoiceAttachment | Returns the file attached to the retainer invoice. |
EmailACreditNote | Emails a credit note to the customer. |
EmailAnEstimate | Emails an estimate to the customer. |
EmailAnInvoice | Emails an invoice to the customer. |
EmailAPurchaseOrder | Emails a purchase order to the customer. |
EmailARetainerInvoice | Email a retainer invoice to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content. |
EmailASalesOrder | Email a sales order to the customer. Input json string is not mandatory. If input json string is empty, mail will be send with default mail content. |
EmailMultipleEstimates | Email an invoice to the customer. |
EmailMultipleInvoices | Email an invoice to the customer. |
ExportReport | Downloads report as a pdf or xls file |
GetOAuthAccessToken | Gets an authentication token from Zoho Books. |
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL | Gets the authorization URL that must be opened separately by the user to grant access to your application. Only needed when developing Web apps. You will request the OAuthAccessToken from this URL. |
ImportCreditCardStatement | Imports your bank/credit card feeds into your account. |
InvoiceBulkInvoiceReminder | Reminds your customer about unpaid invoices by email. A reminder mail is only sent for invoices in an open or overdue status. You can specify a maximum of ten invoices. |
InvoiceCancelWriteOFFInvoice | Cancels the write-off amount of an invoice. |
InvoiceDeleteExpenseReceipt | Deletes attached receipt. |
InvoiceEnableOrDisablePaymentReminder | Enables or disables automated payment reminders for an invoice. |
InvoiceWriteOFFInvoice | Writes off the invoice balance amount of an invoice. |
MarkCustomerContactAsPrimary | Updates the status as primary for customer contacts. |
MarkJournalAsPublished | Updates the status of a journal as published. |
ModifyBankAccountStatus | Updates the status as active or inactive for a bank account. |
ModifyBillStatus | Updates the status as void or open for a Bill. |
ModifyChartofAccountStatus | Updates the status as active or inactive for a chartofaccount. |
ModifyContactStatus | Updates the status as active or inactive for a contact. |
ModifyCreditNoteStatus | Updates the status as draft, void or open for a CreditNote. |
ModifyEstimateStatus | Updates the status as sent, accepted, or declined for estimates. |
ModifyInvoiceStatus | Updates the status as sent, void, or draft for an invoice. |
ModifyItemStatus | Updates the status as active or inactive for an item. |
ModifyProjectStatus | Updates the status as active or inactive for a project. |
ModifyPurchaseOrderStatus | Updates the status as open, cancelled, or billed for a purchaseorder. |
ModifyRecurringBillStatus | Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring bill. |
ModifyRecurringExpenseStatus | Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring expense. |
ModifyRecurringInvoiceStatus | Updates the status as stop or resume for a recurring invoice. |
ModifyRetainerInvoiceStatus | Updates the status as sent, void, or draft for retainerinvoice. |
ModifySalesorderStatus | Updates the status as void or open for a project. |
ModifyUserStatus | Updates the status as active or inactive for a user. |
ModifyVendorCreditStatus | Changes an existing vendor credit status to void or open. |
ProjectsInviteAUser | Invites a user to the project. |
RefreshOAuthAccessToken | Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with ZohoBooks. |
SubmitAnEntityForApproval | Submits an estimate, salesorder, invoice, creditnote, retainerinvoice, purchaseorder, bill, or vendorcredit for approval. |
TransactionsUnCategorizeACategorizedTransaction | Reverts a categorized transaction to uncategorized. |
TransactionsUnMatchATransaction | Categorizes an uncategorized transaction. |
UsersInviteAUser | Sends invitation email to a user. |