Tableau Connector for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • TransactionDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • ToDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • FromDate supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the 'GROUP BY' comparison.
  • SalesPerson supports the 'GROUP BY' comparison.
  • CustomerID supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • WaresouseID supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • AccountID supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • ItemName supports the 'IN, NOT IN, LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE' comparisons.
  • ItemSku supports the '= , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL' comparisons.
  • Unit supports the '= , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL, IS NOT NULL' comparisons.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE TransactionDate = 'Today'

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE FromDate = '2022-10-10' AND ToDate = '2022-10-31'

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport GROUP BY customername

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport GROUP BY salesperson

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE customerid IN ('3285934000000152001')

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE warehouseid IN ('3285934000000113095')

SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE accountid IN ('3255827000000101306')


SELECT * FROM SalesByItemReport WHERE Unit LIKE 'cm%'


Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
Amount Integer Amount.
AmountWithTax Integer Amount With Tax.
AmountWithoutDiscount Integer Amount Without Discount.
AveragePrice Integer Average Price.
IsComboProduct Boolean Is Combo Product.
ItemCreatedBy String Item Created By.
ItemCreatedTime Datetime Item Created Time.
ItemDescription String Item Description.
ItemItemType String Item Item Type.
ItemLastModifiedTime Datetime Item Last Modified Time.
ItemProductType String Item Product Type.
ItemPurchaseDescription String Item Purchase Description.
ItemPurchaseRate Integer Item Purchase Rate.
ItemRate Integer Item Rate.
ItemStatus String Item Status.
ItemUnit String Item Unit.
ItemId String Item Id.
PreviousValues String Previous Values.
QuantitySold Integer Quantity Sold.
ReportingTag String Reporting Tag.
GroupAmount String Group Amount.
GroupTotalQuantitySold String Group Total Quantity Sold.
Unit String = , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL Unit.
ItemSku String = , != , LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE , IS NULL , IS NOT NULL Item Sku.
ItemName String IN, NOT IN, LIKE , CONTAINS , NOT LIKE Item Name.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
TransactionDate String Filter transaction by any transaction date.

The allowed values are Today, ThisWeek, ThisMonth, ThisQuarter, ThisYear, PreviousDay, PreviousWeek, PreviousMonth, PreviousQuarter, PreviousYear, CustomDate.

ToDate Date To Date.
FromDate Date From Date.
CustomerId String Customer Id.
AccountId String Account Id.
WarehouseId String Warehouse Id.
CustomerName String Customer Name.
SalesPerson String Sales Person.

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Build 24.0.9111