Tableau Connector for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves list of all the Expenses.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • AccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerName supports the '=' comparison.
  • LastCreatedDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • NextExpenseDate supports the '=,<,>' comparisons.
  • PaidThroughAccountName supports the '=' comparison.
  • RecurrenceName supports the '=' comparison.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.
  • CustomerId supports the '=' comparison.
  • AccountId supports the '=' comparison.
  • Amount supports the '=,<,<=,>,>=' comparisons.
  • RecurringExpenseFilter supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector.

For example:

    SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenses WHERE Amount = 500 AND PaidThroughAccountName = 'Petty Cash' AND RecurrenceName = 'Vehicle Rent'

    SELECT * FROM RecurringExpenses WHERE LastCreatedDate > '2017-07-16'


Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
RecurringExpenseId [KEY] String Id of recurring expense.
AccountName String Account name of an expense.
CreatedTime Datetime Time at which the recurring expense was created.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String


Currency Id of the customer's currency.
CustomerName String Name of the customer.
Description String Description of the recurring expense.
IsBillable Boolean Check if recurring expense is billable or not.
LastCreatedDate Date =,<,> Recurring expenses date on when last expense was generated.
LastModifiedTime Datetime The time of last modification of the recurring expense.
NextExpenseDate Date =,<,> Recurring expenses date on which next expense will be generated.
PaidThroughAccountName String Name of the account from which expenses was paid.
RecurrenceName String Name of the recurrence.
Status String Status of a recurring expenses.

The allowed values are active, stopped, expired.

Total Decimal Total of recurring expenses.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
CustomerId String Id of a customer.
AccountId String Id of the Bank Account.
Amount Decimal Amount of a recurring expenses.
RecurringExpenseFilter String Filter expenses by expense status.

The allowed values are Status.All, Status.Active, Status.Expired, Status.Stopped.

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Build 24.0.9111