Tableau Connector for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


Generated schema file.

Table Specific Information


The connector uses the Zoho Books API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • BillingType supports the '=, !=' comparisons.
  • ProjectId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • CustomerId supports the 'IN, NOT IN' comparisons.
  • Status supports the '=' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the connector

For example:

	SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE Status = 'active'
	SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE CustomerId IN ('3285934000000104002')
	SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE ProjectId IN ('3285934000000312337')
	SELECT * FROM ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport WHERE BillingType != 'based_on_staff_hours'


Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
ActualCostAmount Integer Actual Cost Amount.
ActualRevenueAmountBcy Integer Actual Revenue AmountBcy.
ActualRevenueAmountFcy Integer Actual Revenue AmountFcy.
BudgetedCostAmount Integer Budgeted Cost Amount.
BudgetedRevenueAmount Integer Budgeted Revenue Amount.
CustomerName String Customer Name.
Description String Description.
DifferenceInCostAmount Integer Difference In Cost Amount.
DifferenceInCostPercentage Integer Difference In Cost Percentage.
DifferenceInRevenueAmount Integer Difference In Revenue Amount.
DifferenceInRevenuePercentage Integer Difference In Revenue Percentage.
ProfitAmount Integer Profit Amount.
ProfitMargin String Profit Margin.
ProfitPercentage String Profit Percentage.
ProjectName String Project Name.
Status String = Status.

The allowed values are active, inactive.

ProjectId String IN, NOT IN Project Id.
CustomerId String IN, NOT IN Customer Id.
BillingType String =, != Billing Type.

The allowed values are based_on_staff_hours, based_on_project_hours, fixed_cost_for_project, based_on_task_hours.

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Build 24.0.9111