Tableau Connector for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.9111


Retrieves list of organizations.

Table Specific Information


No filters are supported server-side for this table. All criteria will be handled client-side within the connector.


Name Type References SupportedOperators Description
OrganizationId [KEY] String Id of an organization.
AccountCreatedDate Date Date when the account was created.
CanChangeTimezone Boolean Check if the organization can change the timezone.
CanShowDocumentTab Boolean Check if the organization can show a document tab.
CanSignInvoice Boolean Check if an organization can sign invoice.
ContactName String Display Name of the contact. Max-length [200].
Country String Country of the organization.
CountryCode String Country code of the organization.
CurrencyFormat String Format of the currency used in the organization.
CurrencyCode String Currency code of the customer's currency.
CurrencyId String


Currency Id of the customer's currency.
CurrencySymbol String Symbol of currency used in the organization.
DigitalSignatureMode String Mode of digital signature.
Email String Email address of an organization.
FieldSeparator String Character which is used as a field separator.
FiscalYearStartMonth Integer Start month of the fiscal year in an organization.
IsBillOfSupplyEnabled Boolean Check if the bill of the supply is enabled in an organization.
IsDefaultOrg Boolean Check if this is a default organization.
IsDesignatedZone Boolean Check if there is a designated zone in an organization.
IsDsignRequired Boolean Check if the digital signature is required in the organization.
IsExportWithPaymentEnabled Boolean Check if export with the payment enabled in the organization.
IsGstIndiaVersion Boolean Check if the organization has GST version on India.
IsHsnOrSacEnabled Boolean Check if the organization is enabled with HSN or SAC.
IsInternationalTradeEnabled Boolean Check if international trade is enabled in an organization.
IsInventoryEnabled Boolean Check if inventory is available in an organization.
IsInvoicePmtTdsAllowed Boolean Check if invoice payment TDS allowing in the organization.
IsPoEnabled Boolean Check if probationary officer is enabled in the organization.
IsQuickSetupCompleted Boolean Check if quick setup is completed for the organization.
IsRegisteredForCompositeScheme Boolean Check if the organization is registered for composite scheme.
IsRegisteredForGst Boolean Check if the organization is registered for GST.
IsRegisteredForTax Boolean Check if the organization is registered for tax.
IsSalesInclusiveTaxEnabled Boolean Check if sales inclusive tas is enabled in the organization.
IsSalesReverseChargeEnabled Boolean Check if sales reverse charge is enabled in the organization.
IsScanPreferenceEnabled Boolean Check if scan preference is enabled in the organization.
IsSearch360Enabled Boolean Check if search 360 is enabled in the organization.
IsSkuEnabled Boolean Check if stock keeping unit is enabled in the organization.
IsTaxRegistered Boolean Check if the tax is registered in the organization.
IsTrialExpired Boolean Check if the trial is expired or not for a particular organization.
IsTrialExtended Boolean Check if the trial is extended or not for a particular organization.
IsZiedition Boolean Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.
IsOrgActive Boolean Check if Organization is active.
IsOrgNotSupported Boolean Check if Organization is not supported.
Mode String Mode of an organization.
OrgAction String Action of the organization.
OrgCreatedAppSource Integer Source of the app where organization was created.
OrgSettings Boolean Settings of organization.
PartnersDomain String Domain of partners.
PlanName String Name of the plan.
PlanPeriod String Period of the plan.
PlanType Integer Type of a plan.
SalesTaxType String Type of sales tax.
Source Integer Source of the organizations.
StateCode String Code of state.
TaxGroupEnabled Boolean Check if the tax group is enabled in the organization.
ZiMigrationStatus Integer Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.
ZiZbClient Integer Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.
ZiZbEdition Integer Nodes used for Internal Usage for Zoho Books.

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Build 24.0.9111