Cmdlets for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.8963


Emails an estimate to the customer.


Name Type Required Description
Id String True Id of Estimate
FromContactId String True Id of the contact from which email has to be sent
ToMailIds String True Array of email addresses of the recipients.
CcMailIds String False Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CC ed.
Subject String False Subject of an email that has to be sent.
Body String False Body/content of the email to be sent
MailDocumentsDocumentId String False Id of the Document
EstimateNumber String False The Estimate Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachEstimateAsPdf is true
AttachEstimateAsPdf Boolean False Boolean value denoting if estimate pdf should be attached or not in the mail.
SendAssociatedAttachments Boolean False Boolean denoting if attachments associated with estimate should be attached with email.
Attachments String False Files to be attached to the email
FileName String False Attachment name. This is required when content is not null.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Status String Execution status of the stored procedure

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Build 24.0.8963