Cmdlets for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.8963


CData Cmdlets ユーザーは、データモジュールをインストールし、接続プロパティを設定してスクリプトを開始できます。このセクションでは、CSV インポートおよびエクスポートcmdlet などのネイティブPowerShell cmdlet でZohoBooks Cmdlets を使用する例を示します。


PSGet がある場合は、PowerShell Gallery から次のコマンドを使ってcmdlet をインストールできます。CData サイトからセットアップを取得することもできます。

Install-Module ZohoBooksCmdlets

プロファイルに以下を追加すると、次のセッションでcmdlet がロードされます。

Import-Module ZohoBooksCmdlets;

Connect-ZohoBooks cmdlet を使って、別のcmdlet に渡すことができる接続オブジェクトを作成します。

$conn = Connect-ZohoBooks -InitiateOAuth "GETANDREFRESH" -OrganizationId "YourOrganizationId"

Connecting to Zoho Books

You can refine the exact Zoho Books data retrieved using the following connection properties:

  • OrganizationId (optional): The Id associated with the specific Zoho Books organization that you wish to connect to.
    • If the value of Organization Id is not specified in the connection string, then the 本製品 automatically retrieves all available organizations and selects the first organization Id as the default.
  • AccountsServer (optional): The full Account Server URL. Most of the time, the value of this property will be, but if your account resides in a different location, then the domain should change accordingly (.eu, .in,, ...).

Authenticating to Zoho Books

Zoho Books uses the OAuth authentication standard. The 本製品 supports OAuth authentication for instances of the 本製品 running on your local machine, a web service, or on a headless machine.

Desktop Applications

CData provides an embedded OAuth application that simplifies OAuth desktop Authentication. Alternatively, you can create a custom OAuth application. See カスタムOAuth アプリの作成 for information about creating custom applications and reasons for doing so.

Get and Refresh the OAuth Access Token

After setting the following, you are ready to connect:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to GETANDREFRESH. You can use InitiateOAuth to avoid repeating the OAuth exchange and manually setting the OAuthAccessToken.
  • OAuthClientId (custom applications only): Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret (custom applications only): Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
  • CallbackURL (custom application only): Set this to the redirect URI defined when you registered your application.
When you connect, the 本製品 opens Zoho Books's OAuth endpoint in your default browser. Log in and grant permissions to the application. The 本製品 then completes the OAuth process:
  1. The 本製品 obtains an access token from Zoho Books and uses it to request data.
  2. The OAuth values are saved in the path specified in OAuthSettingsLocation. These values persist across connections.
The 本製品 refreshes the access token automatically when it expires.

Headless Machines

To configure the driver to use OAuth with a user account on a headless machine, you need to authenticate on another device that has an internet browser.

  1. Choose one of two options:
    • Option 1: Obtain the OAuthVerifier value as described in "Obtain and Exchange a Verifier Code" below.
    • Option 2: Install the 本製品 on a machine with an internet browser and transfer the OAuth authentication values after you authenticate through the usual browser-based flow, as described in "Transfer OAuth Settings" below.
  2. Then configure the 本製品 to automatically refresh the access token on the headless machine.

Option 1: Obtain and Exchange a Verifier Code

To obtain a verifier code, you must authenticate at the OAuth authorization URL.

Follow the steps below to authenticate from the machine with an internet browser and obtain the OAuthVerifier connection property.

  1. Choose one of these options:
    • If you are using the Embedded OAuth Application, call the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL stored procedure. Open the URL returned by the stored procedure in a browser.
    • If you are using a custom OAuth application, set the following properties:
      • InitiateOAuth: Set to OFF.
      • OAuthClientId: Set to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
      • OAuthClientSecret: Set to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
      Then call the GetOAuthAuthorizationURL stored procedure with the appropriate CallbackURL. Open the URL returned by the stored procedure in a browser.
  2. Log in and grant permissions to the 本製品. You are then redirected to the redirect URI. There will be a parameter called code appended to the redirect URI. Note the value of this parameter. Later you will set this in the OAuthVerifier connection property.
Next, you need to exchange the OAuth verifier code for OAuth refresh and access tokens.

On the headless machine, set the following connection properties to obtain the OAuth authentication values:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthVerifier: Set this to the noted verifier code (the value of the code parameter in the redirect URI).
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id in your custom OAuth application settings.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret in the custom OAuth application settings.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to persist the encrypted OAuth authentication values to the specified file.

Test the connection to generate the OAuth settings file, then re-set the following properties to connect:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to the file containing the encrypted OAuth authentication values. Make sure this file gives read and write permissions to the 本製品 to enable the automatic refreshing of the access token.

Option 2: Transfer OAuth Settings

Prior to connecting on a headless machine, you need to install and create a connection with the driver on a device that supports an internet browser. Set the connection properties as described in "Desktop Applications" above.

After completing the instructions in "Desktop Applications", the resulting authentication values are encrypted and written to the path specified by OAuthSettingsLocation. The default filename is OAuthSettings.txt.

Test the connection to generate the OAuth settings file, then copy the OAuth settings file to your headless machine.

On the headless machine, set the following connection properties to connect to data:

  • InitiateOAuth: Set this to REFRESH.
  • OAuthClientId: (custom applications only) Set this to the client Id assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthClientSecret: (custom applications only) Set this to the client secret assigned when you registered your application.
  • OAuthSettingsLocation: Set this to the path to the OAuth settings file you copied from the machine with the browser. Make sure this file gives read and write permissions to the 本製品 to enable the automatic refreshing of the access token.


Select-ZohoBooks cmdlet はデータを取得するためのネイティブなPowerShell インターフェースを提供します。

$results = Select-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table "INVOICES" -Columns @("InvoiceId, InvoiceNumber") -Where "CustomerName='NewTech Industries'"
Invoke-ZohoBooks cmdlet はSQL インターフェースを提供します。このcmdlet を使うと、Query パラメータを介してSQL クエリを実行できます。

cmdlet 出力のパイプ処理

cmdlet は行オブジェクトをパイプラインに一度に一行ずつ返します。以下は、結果をCSV ファイルにエクスポートします。

Select-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table INVOICES -Where "CustomerName = 'NewTech Industries'" | Select -Property * -ExcludeProperty Connection,Table,Columns | Export-Csv -Path c:\myINVOICESData.csv -NoTypeInformation

Select-ZohoBooks からの結果をSelect-Object cmdlet にパイプして、Export-CSV cmdlet にパイプする前にいくつかのプロパティを実行していることがわかるでしょう。これをする理由は、CData Cmdlets は接続、テーブル、およびカラムの情報を結果セットの各行オブジェクトに追加しますが、必ずしもその情報がCSV ファイルに必要ではないからです。

ただし、これによってcmdlet の出力を別のcmdlet にパイプすることが容易になります。以下に、結果セットをJSON に変換する例を示します。

PS C:\> $conn  = Connect-ZohoBooks -InitiateOAuth "GETANDREFRESH" -OrganizationId "YourOrganizationId"
PS C:\> $row = Select-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table "INVOICES" -Columns (InvoiceId, InvoiceNumber) -Where "CustomerName = 'NewTech Industries'" | select -first 1
PS C:\> $row | ConvertTo-Json
  "Connection":  {

  "Table":  "INVOICES",
  "Columns":  [

  "InvoiceId":  "MyInvoiceId",
  "InvoiceNumber":  "MyInvoiceNumber"



Select-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table INVOICES -Where "CustomerName = 'NewTech Industries'" | Remove-ZohoBooks


cmdlet はデータクレンジング同様、データの変換を容易にします。次の例は、レコードがすでに存在するかどうか、挿入する前に更新が必要かどうかをチェックしてから、CSV ファイルのデータをZoho Books にロードします。

Import-Csv -Path C:\MyINVOICESUpdates.csv | %{
  $record = Select-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table INVOICES -Where ("Id = `'"+$_.Id+"`'")
    Update-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table INVOICES -Columns @("InvoiceId","InvoiceNumber") -Values @($_.InvoiceId, $_.InvoiceNumber) -Where "Id  = `'$_.Id`'"
    Add-ZohoBooks -Connection $conn -Table INVOICES -Columns @("InvoiceId","InvoiceNumber") -Values @($_.InvoiceId, $_.InvoiceNumber)

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Build 24.0.8963