Power BI Connector for Zoho Books

Build 24.0.8963




CData Power BI Connector for Zoho Books ビュー

Name Description
AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustment Retrieves details of Base Currency Adjustment.
AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts Lists Account Details of Base Currency Adjustment.
AccountTransactionsReport Generated schema file.
BalanceSheetsReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
BankAccountLastImportedStatement Get the details of previously imported statement for the account.
BankAccountLastImportedStatementTransactions Retrieves the details of transactions related to previously imported statements for the account.
BankMatchingTransactions Retrieves the list of transactions which includes invoices/bills/credit-notes.
BankRuleCriterions Get criterions of a specific bank rule.
BankTransactionImportedTransaction Retrieves Imported Transactions.
BankTransactionLineItems Get details of bank transaction line items.
BaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts Retrieves lists of base currency adjustment accounts.
BillDocuments Get the attachments associated with bills.
BillLineItems Get the details of a line items of bills.
BillPayments Get the list of payments made for a bill.
BillPurchaseOrders Retrieves bills related to purchase orders.
Bills Retrieves list of bills.
BillVendorCredits Retrieves bills related to vendor credits.
Budgets To get the list of budgets.
BusinessPerformanceRatiosReport Generated schema file.
CashFlowReport Generated schema file.
ChartOfAccountInlineTransactions Retrieves the list of inline transactions.
ChartOfAccountTransactions Retrieves list of all involved transactions for the given account.
committedstockdetailsreport Generated schema file.
ContactAddresses Get addresses of a contact including its Shipping Address, Billing Address.
ContactDocuments Get the attachments associated with contacts.
ContactRefunds Retrieves refund details related to a contact.
Contacts Retrieves list of all contacts.
CreditNoteDocuments Get the attachments associated with credit notes.
CreditNoteInvoices Retrieves details of invoices from an existing Credit Note.
CreditNoteLineItems Retrieves details of line items from existing Credit Notes.
CreditNotes Retrieves list of all the Credit Notes.
CurrencyExchangeRates Retrieves list of exchange rates configured for the currency.
CustomerBalancesReport Generated schema file.
CustomerPaymentInvoices Retrieves invoices related to customer payments.
CustomerPayments Retrieves list of all the payments made by your customer.
CustomModuleFieldDropDownOptions In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements.
Documents Get the list of all the documents associated with any entity.
Employees Retrieves list of employees. Also, get the details of an employee.
EstimateApprovers Get the details of approvers for estimates.
EstimateLineItems Get the details of line items for estimates.
Estimates Retrieves list of all estimates.
Expenses Retrieves list of all the Expenses.
GeneralLedgerReport Generated schema file.
GetContactStatementEmailContent Retrieves the content of the mail sent to a contact.
InventorySummaryReport Generated schema file.
InventoryValuationReport Generated schema file.
InvoiceAppliedCredits Retrieves list of credits applied for an invoice.
InvoiceDocuments Get the attachments associated with invoices.
InvoiceLineItems Get the details of line items from invoices.
InvoicePayments Get the list of payments made for an invoice.
Invoices Retrieves list of all invoices.
Items Retrieves list of all active items.
ItemWarehouses Retrieves warehouse details related to items.
JournalLineItems Retrieves list of line items of a journal.
JournalReport Generated schema file.
MovementOfEquityReport Generated schema file.
OpeningBalanceAccounts Retrieves list of accounts of opening balance.
OpeningBalanceTransactionSummaries Get transaction summaries of opening balance.
Organizations Retrieves list of organizations.
PaymentsReceivedReport Generated schema file.
ProductSalesReport Generated schema file.
ProfitsAndLossesReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
ProjectInvoices Retrieves list of invoices created for a project.
ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport Generated schema file.
ProjectUsers Retrieves list of users associated with a project. Also, get details of a user in project.
PurchaseOrderDocuments Get the attachments associated with Purchase Orders.
PurchaseOrderLineItems Get the details of line items of purchase orders.
PurchaseOrders Retrieves list of all purchase orders.
PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport Generated schema file.
RecurringBillLineItems Get the details of a line items of bills.
RecurringBills To list, add, update and delete details of a bill.
RecurringExpenses Retrieves list of all the Expenses.
RecurringInvoiceLineItems Get the details of line items of a recurring invoice.
RecurringInvoices Retrieves list of all recurring invoices.
RecurringSubExpense Retrieves list of child expenses created from recurring expense.
ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails Retrieves the list of inline transactions.
RetainerInvoiceDocuments Get the attachments associated with retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoiceLineItems Retrieves detail of line items of retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoicePayments Get the list of payments made for a retainer invoices.
RetainerInvoices Retrieves list of all retainer invoices.
SalesByCustomerReport Generated schema file.
SalesByItemReport Generated schema file.
SalesBySalespersonReport Generated schema file.
SalesOrderDocuments Get the attachments associated with salesorders.
SalesOrderLineItems Retrieves list of line items of a sales order.
SalesOrders Retrieves list of all sales orders.
StockSummaryReport Generated schema file.
TaxSummaryReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
TrialBalanceReport This report summarizes your company's assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time
VendorBalancesReport Generated schema file.
VendorCreditBills Retrieves list of bills to which the vendor credit is applied.
VendorCreditLineItems Retrieves list of line items from vendor credits.
VendorCredits Retrieves list of vendor credits.
VendorPaymentBills Retrieves bills related to vendor payments.
VendorPayments Retrieves list of all the payments made to your vendor.

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Build 24.0.8963