Attaches a file to salesorder, invoice, purchaseorder etc.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
EntityId | String | True | Id of categories like Invoices, Purchase Orders, Bills, SalesOrders. |
EntityName | String | True | Name of Entity
使用できる値は次のとおりです。invoices, purchaseorders, bills, salesorders, journals |
Attachments | String | False | Allowed Extensions: gif, png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, pdf, xls, xlsx, doc and docx. |
DocumentIds | String | False | Ids of the documents. |
CanSendInMail | Boolean | False | Boolean to decide if the document should be send in mail or not. |
FileName | String | False | Attachment name. This is required when content is not null. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Stored procedure execution status. |