Emails a purchase order to the customer.
Name | Type | Required | Accepts Input Streams | Description |
Id | String | True | False | Id of PurchaseOrder |
SendFromOrgEmailId | Boolean | False | False | Boolean to trigger the email from the organization's email address |
FromAddressId | Long | False | False | Id of From Address of the Email Address |
ToMailIds | String | True | False | Array of email addresses of the recipients. |
CcMailIds | String | False | False | Array of email addresses of the recipients to be CCd. |
BCcMailIds | String | False | False | Array of email address of the recipients to be BCC ed. |
Subject | String | True | False | Subject of an email that has to be sent. |
Body | String | True | False | Body/content of the email to be sent |
MailDocumentsDocumentId | String | False | False | Id of the Documents |
PurchaseOrderNumber | String | False | False | The PurchaseOrder Number associated with the Id. This value is required if AttachPurchaseOrderAsPdf is true |
AttachPurchaseOrderAsPdf | Boolean | False | False | Boolean value denoting if purchase order pdf should be attached or not in the mail. |
Attachments | String | False | False | Files to be attached to the email |
Content | String | False | True | The content as InputStream to be uploaded when LocalFilePath or FolderPath is not specified. |
FileName | String | False | False | Attachment name. This is required when content is not null. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Status | String | Execution status of the stored procedure |