| |
Date | Build Number | Change Type | Description |
12/03/2024 | 9103 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added region property values to support the following Zoho apps:
- ZohoBooks: China, Canada, Saudi Arabia
- ZohoCreator: Canada, Saudi Arabia
- Zoho Inventory: China, Japan, Canada, Saudi Arabia
- ZohoCRM: Canada
05/31/2024 | 8917 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added support for multiple columns in fourteen tables.
05/09/2024 | 8895 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function previously did not accept negative precision values. That feature has now been restored.
04/08/2024 | 8864 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added SKU column for BillLineItems, CreditNoteLineItems, EstimateLineItems, InvoiceLineItems, Items, PurchaseOrderLineItems, RecurringBillLineItems, RecurringInvoiceLineItems, SalesOrderLineItems, VendorCreditLineItems views.
03/15/2024 | 8840 | General | Added
- Created a new SQL function called STRING_COMPARE that provides java's String.compare() ability to SQL queries. Returns a number representative of the compared value of two strings
11/29/2023 | 8733 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function doesn't accept the negative precision values anymore.
- The returning types of the FDMonth, FDQuarter, FDWeek, LDMonth, LDQuarter, LDWeek functions are changed from Timestamp to Date.
- The return type of the ABS function will be consistent with the parameter value type.
11/28/2023 | 8732 | General | Added
- Added the HMACSHA256 formatter to allow for secrets to be decoded if it is in base64 format
11/02/2023 | 8706 | Zoho Books | Removed
- Removed support for INSERT and UPDATE from the OpeningBalances table to match the current API behavior.
10/27/2023 | 8700 | JDBC | Changed
- Added support for Connection.abort() method.
10/26/2023 | 8699 | Zoho Books | Changed
- Added columns ProjectCode, LastModifiedTime, UsersWorking, CurrencyId, CustomerEmail, BillingRateFrequency columns for Projects table.
10/10/2023 | 8683 | Zoho Books | Changed
- Updated the data type of PaymentNumber column from Integer to String for CustomerPayments, VendorPayments views and CustomerPaymentDetails, VendorPaymentDetails tables.
08/07/2023 | 8619 | Zoho Books | Changed
- Updated the data type of PaymentNumber column from Integer to String.
07/26/2023 | 8607 | Zoho Books | Removed
- Removed duplicate columns FromAccountId and TransactionType from BankTransactions table.
- Removed the duplicate column ContactCompanyName from CommittedStockDetailsReport view.
- Removed the duplicate column TaxType from Taxes table.
- Removed the duplicate column TimerStartedAt from TimeEntries table.
- Added the column ContactStatus in CommittedStockDetailsReport view.
06/20/2023 | 8571 | General | Added
- Added the new sys_lastresultinfo system table.
05/12/2023 | 8532 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added Connection String Property Region.
05/09/2023 | 8529 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added support for CustomModules, CustomModuleFields tables.
- Added support for CustomModuleFieldDropDownOptions view.
- Added stored procedure DeleteCustomModuleField.
04/25/2023 | 8515 | General | Removed
- Removed support for the SELECT INTO CSV statement. The core code doesn't support it anymore.
04/06/2023 | 8496 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added AddAttachment, AddExpenseReceipt, ApproveAnEntity, BillsApplyCredit, ContactEnableOrDisablePaymentReminder, ContactEnablePortalAccess, ContactSendEmail, DeleteAttachment, DeleteImportedStatement, EmailAcreditNote, EmailAnEstimate, EmailAnInvoice, EmailAPurchaseOrder, EmailARetainerInvoice, EmailASalesOrder, EmailMultipleEstimates, EmailMultipleInvoices, ExportReport, ImportCreditCardStatement, InvoiceBulkReminder, InvoiceCancelWriteOFFInvoice,InvoiceDeleteExpenseReceipt, InvoiceEnableOrDisablePaymentReminder, InvoiceWriteOFFInvoice, MaqrkCustomerContactAsPrimary, MarkJournalAsPublished, ModifyBankAccountStatus, ModifyBillStatus, ModifyChartOfAccountStatus, ModifyContactStatus, ModifyCreditNoteStatus, ModifyEstimateStatus, ModifyInvoiceStatus, ModifyItemStatus, ModifyProjectStatus, ModifyPurchaseOrderStatus, ModifyRecurringBillStatus, ModifyRecurringExpenseStatus, ModifyRecurringInvoiceStatus, ModifyRetainerInvoiceStatus, ModifySalesorderStatus, ModifyUserStatus, ModifyVendorCreditStatus, ProjectsInviteAUser, SubmitEntityForApproval, TransactionsUncategorizeACategorizedTransaction, TransactionsUnmatchATransaction, UsersInviteAUser StoredProcedures.
03/27/2023 | 8486 | Zoho Books | Added
03/24/2023 | 8483 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added BillDocuments, ContactDocuments, CreditNoteDocuments, InvoiceDocuments, PurchaseOrderDocuments, RetainerInvoiceDocuments, SalesorderDocuments views.
03/22/2023 | 8481 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustmentAccounts, AccountDetailsBaseCurrencyAdjustment, BankAccountLastImportedStatement, BankAccountLastImportedStatementTransactions, BankTransactionImportedTransaction, BillPurchaseOrders, BillVendorCredits, ContactRefunds, CustomerPaymentInvoices, GetContactStatementEmailContent, ItemWarehouses, VendorPaymentBills views.
03/13/2023 | 8472 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added CustomerPaymentsRefund, RecurringBillDetails, TaxGroups, VendorCreditRefund, VendorPaymentsRefund tables.
- Added RecurringBills, RecurringBillLineItems, Budgets views.
03/10/2023 | 8469 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added support for accounttransactionsreport, businessperformanceratiosreport, cashflowreport, committedstockdetailsreport, CustomerBalancesReport, GeneralLedgerReport, VendorBalancesReport, StockSummaryReport, SalesBySalespersonReport, SalesByItemReport, SalesByCustomerReport, PurchaseOrdersByVendorReport, ProjectPerformanceSummaryReport, ProductSalesReport, PaymentReceivedReport, MovementOfEquityReport, JournalReport, InventoryValuationReport, InventorySummaryReport
02/03/2023 | 8434 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added support for Insert, Update and Delete.
- Added AccountNumber, IsPrimaryAccount, IsPaypalAccount, PaypalType, PaypalEmailAddress, RoutingNumber columns in BankAccounts.
- Added Criterion as aggregate columns, TargetAccountId, AccountId, ProductType, VatTreatment columns in BankRules.
- Added CustomFields, Documents, FromAccountTags, ToAccountTags as aggregate columns and FromAccountId, UserId, Date, TransactionType as columns in BankTransactions.
- Added AccountIds column in BaseCurrencyAdjustments.
- Added Approvers, CustomFields, Documents, LineItems, Taxes as aggregate column and IsUpdateCustomer, PurchaseOrderIds, PricebookId, PlaceOfSupply, PermitNumber as columns in BillDetails.
- Added CurrencyId, IncludeInVatReturn, ShowOnDashboard as columns in ChartOfAccounts.
- Added ContactType, ContactPersons, CustomFields, CreditLimit, CurrencyId, Facebook, IsAddedInPortal columns in ContactDetails.
- Added AvataxUseCode, AvataxTaxCode, AvataxExemptNo, ContactPersons, CustomFields, IsDraft, LineItems, IgnoreAutoNumberGeneration columns in CreditNoteDetails.
- Added EnablePortal column in CustomerContacts.
- Added AmountApplied, CustomFields, ContactPersons, InvoiceId, Invoices columns in CustomerPaymentDetails.
- Added AvataxUseCode, AvataxExemptNo, ContactPersons, CustomFields columns in EstimateDetailsInternal.
- Added AcquisitionVatId, CanReclaimVatOnMileage, CustomFields, DestinationOfSupply, Distance, EngineCapacityRange, HSNORSAC, FuelType, GstNo, LineItems, ProductType, PlaceOfSupply, ReverseChargeVatId, ReverseChargeTaxId, SourceOfSupply, VehicleType, VatTreatment, TaxTreatment, Receipt columns in ExpenseDetails.
- Added ContactPersons, CustomFields, ExpenseId, InvoicedEstimateId, LineItems, SalesorderItemId, TaxId, Send columns in InvoiceDetails
- Added AvataxUseCode, AvataxTaxCode, HSNORSAC, InventoryAccountId, VendorId, ReorderLevel, InitialStock, InitialStockRate, ItemTaxPreferences columns in itemdetails.
- Added ExchangeRate, IncludeInVatReturn, IsBasAdjustment, ProductType, VatTreatment, LineItems, TaxExemptionCode, TaxExemptionType columns in Journals.
- Added Accounts in OpeningBalances.
- Added CostBudgetAmount, BudgetAmount, BudgetHours, UserId, Tasks, Users columns in Projects
- Added BillingAddressId, ContactPersons, CustomFields, Documents, DueDate, IsUpdateCustomer, PricebookId, SalesorderId, GstTreatment, VatTreatment, TaxTreatment, GstNo, SourceOfSupply, PlaceOfSupply, DestinationOfSupply, LineItems columns in PurchaseOrderDetails.
- Added GstNo, SourceOfSupply, DestinationOfSupply, PlaceOfSupply, LineItems, VatTreatment, TaxTreatment, ProductType, AcquisitionVatId, ReverseChargeVatId columns in RecurringExpenseDetails
- Added AvataxUseCode, AvataxTaxCode, AvataxExemptNo, ContactPersons, Email, ItemId, LineItems, PlaceOfSupply, TaxId, PaymentOptionsPaymentGateways, VatTreatment, GstNo, GstTreatment, TaxTreatment columns in recurringinvoicedetails.
- Added ContactPersons, PaymentOptionPaymentGateways, LineItems as columns in retainerinvoicedetails.
- Added AvataxUseCode, AvataxExemptNo, BillingAddressId, ShippingAddressId, ContactPersons, CustomFields, GstNo, GstTreatment, IsUpdateCustomer, LineItems, MerchantId, NotesDefault, PriceBookId, PlaceOfSupply, TaxId, TermsDefault, VatTreatment, TaxTreatment, CanSendInMail, TotalFiles, Doc as columns in SalesOrderDetails.
- Added BudgetHours column in Tasks.
- Added TaxType, IsValueAdded, PurchaseTaxExpenseAccountId, UpdateRecurringInvoice, UpdateRecurringExpense, UpdateDraftInvoice, UpdateRecurringBills, UpdateDraftSo, UpdateSubscription, UpdateProject column in Taxes.
- Added CostRate, TimerStartedAt column in TimeEntries.
- Added CostRate column in Users.
- Added CustomFields, Documents, DestinationOfSupply, IsUpdateCustomer, PricebookId, PlaceOfSupply, LineItems columns in VendorCreditDetails.
- Added Bills, CustomFields columns in VendorPaymentDetails.
12/14/2022 | 8383 | General | Changed
- Added the Default column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
11/09/2022 | 8348 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added BalanceSheetsReport, ProfitsAndLossesReport, ReportsAccountTransactionsDetails, TaxSummaryReport, TrialBalanceReport.
09/30/2022 | 8308 | General | Changed
- Added the IsPath column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
09/20/2022 | 8298 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added the FileStream parameter to support output streamd on the DownloadAttachment, DownloadExpenseReceipt and DownloadRetainerInvoiceAttachment stored procedures.
- Added the FileData output parameter and Encoding input parameter to print the response on the DownloadAttachment, DownloadExpenseReceipt and DownloadRetainerInvoiceAttachment stored procedures.
09/16/2022 | 8294 | Zoho Books | Changed
- Changed DataType of Column CreditAmount of table ChartOfAccountTransactions from Integer to Decimal.
06/11/2022 | 8197 | JDBC | Changed
- The method GetJDBCMinorVersion() and GetJDBCMajorVersion() return 4.2 as the supported JDBC major / minor version.
04/28/2022 | 8153 | JDBC | Changed
- Removed support for JRE 1.6. JRE 1.8 and above is now required.
02/25/2022 | 8091 | JDBC | Changed
- The method DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() now returns all of the data types that the driver supports. Previously, it was returning only a portion of the data types. The types include: tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, float, double, numeric, decimal, bit, date, datetime, time, varchar, binary, uuid.
02/24/2022 | 8090 | JDBC | Changed
- Corrected the return value of method DatabaseMetaData.supportsOuterJoins(), which used to return an incorrect value.
02/01/2022 | 8067 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added column DebitAmount to table ChartOfAccountTransactions.
10/27/2021 | 7970 | JDBC | Changed
09/12/2021 | 7925 | JDBC | Removed
- Removed the IS_READONLY, IS_KEY, NUMERIC_PRECISION, and DECIMAL_DIGITS columns from DatabaseMetadata.GetColumns(), as they are not part of the JDBC Specification. This information is still available via other metadata calls.
09/02/2021 | 7915 | General | Added
- Added support for the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function in the CROSS APPLY clause.
08/07/2021 | 7889 | General | Changed
- Added the KeySeq column to the sys_foreignkeys table.
08/06/2021 | 7888 | General | Changed
- Added the new sys_primarykeys system table.
07/23/2021 | 7874 | General | Changed
- Updated the Literal Function Names for relative date/datetime functions. Previously, relative date/datetime functions resolved to a different value when used in the projection as opposed to the predicate. For example: SELECT LAST_MONTH() AS lm, Col FROM Table WHERE Col > LAST_MONTH(). Formerly, the two LAST_MONTH() methods would resolve to different datetimes. Now, they will match.
- As a replacement for the previous behavior, the relative date/datetime functions in the criteria may have an 'L' appended to them. For example: WHERE col > L_LAST_MONTH(). This will continue to resolve to the same values that were previously calculated in the criteria. Note that the "L_" prefix will only work in the predicate - it not available for the projection.
07/12/2021 | 7863 | Zoho Books | Added
- Added the connection property RowScanDepth. It is the maximum number of rows to scan for the custom fields columns available in the table. The default value is 200.
04/25/2021 | 7785 | General | Added
- Added support for handling client side formulas during insert / update. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1 = CONCAT(Col1, " - ", Col2) WHERE Col2 LIKE 'A%'
04/23/2021 | 7783 | General | Changed
- Updated how display sizes are determined for varchar primary key and foreign key columns so they will match the reported length of the column.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Added
- Non-conditional updates between two columns is now available to all drivers. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1=Col2
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Reduced the length to 255 for varchar primary key and foreign key columns.
- Updated index naming convention to avoid duplicates.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Updated implicit and metadata caching to improve performance and support for multiple connections. Old metadata caches are not compatible - you need to generate new metadata caches if you are currently using CacheMetadata.