本製品 はZoho Books のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData Python Connector for Zoho Books テーブル
Name | Description |
BankAccounts | To list, add, update and delete bank and credit card accounts for your organization. |
BankRules | To list, add, update and delete specified bank or credit card account Id. |
BankTransactions | To list, add, update and delete details involved in an account. |
BaseCurrencyAdjustments | To list, add, update and delete base currency adjustment. |
BillDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a bill. |
ChartOfAccounts | To list, add, update and delete chart of accounts. |
ContactDetails | To list, add, update and delete a contact. |
CreditNoteDetails | To list, add, update and delete a Credit Note. |
Currencies | To list, add, update and delete currencies configured. Also, get the details of a currency. |
CustomerContacts | Create, Read, Update, Delete contact persons. Also, get the contact person details. |
CustomerPaymentDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a payment. |
CustomerPaymentsRefund | Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds. |
CustomModuleFields | In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements. |
CustomModules | In Zoho Books, you can create a custom module to record other data when the predefined modules are not sufficient to manage all your business requirements. |
EstimateDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of an estimate. |
ExpenseDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of an Expense. |
InvoiceDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of an invoice. |
ItemDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of an existing item. |
Journals | To list, add, update and delete journals. |
OpeningBalances | To list and delete opening balance. |
Projects | To list, add, update and delete projects. |
PurchaseOrderDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a purchase order. |
RecurringBillDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a bill. |
RecurringExpenseDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a recurring expense. |
RecurringInvoiceDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a recurring invoice. |
RetainerInvoiceDetails | To list, add, update and delete of a retainer invoice. |
SalesOrderDetails | To list, add, update and delete a sales order. |
Tasks | To list, add, update and delete tasks added to a project. Also, get the details of a task. |
Taxes | To list, add, update and delete simple and compound taxes. Also, get the details of a simple or compound tax. |
TaxGroups | Read, Insert, Update and Delete Tax Groups. |
TimeEntries | To list, add, update and delete time entries. |
Users | To list, add, update and delete users in the organization. Also, get the details of a user. |
VendorCreditDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a vendor credit. |
VendorCreditRefund | Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds. |
VendorPaymentDetails | To list, add, update and delete details of a Vendor Payment. |
VendorPaymentsRefund | Read, Insert and Update Vendor Credit Refunds. |